







1993~1997 哈尔滨工业大学机电学院,硕士

1997~1999 哈尔滨工业大学机电学院,硕士

2001~2004 香港理工大学机械工程系,博士


2004~2006 香港理工大学 高级研究助理

2006~2009 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 助理研究员

2009~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员/百人计划


l Renewable Energy》、《Wind Energy Science》副主编

l 科技部国家科技重点研发计划(风力发电)专家组专家

l 中国风能协会理事

l 中国工程热物理学会第七届流体机械分会 副主任委员

l 中科院风能利用重点实验室学术委员会委员

l 北京市分布式能源重点实验室学术委员会委员


l 风电叶片

l 风电场

l 风能热利用


1. 大型风电叶片仿生流动控制机理与优化研究,2018-2022,国家自然科学基金重点基金

2. 风电叶片空气动力学,2013-2105,国家自然科学基金**

3. 电场选址风资源多尺度耦合数值模拟评估方法研究,2019-2023,科技部重点研发计划课题

4. 大厚度、钝尾缘、低噪声翼型设计应用技术,2012-2015,科技部863课题

5. 基于中国复杂风资源特点的风力发电关键技术研究,2011-2013,科技部国际合作项目

6. 复杂地形条件下大型风电叶片先进设计技术研究及示范,2018-2023,中科院先导专项课题

7. 大型风电叶片气动控制机理研究,2010-2013,中科院百人计划项目(终期评估优秀)

8. 热带气旋作用下风电场三维紊流强度分析研究,2011-2013,国家自然科学基金面上基金


1. Zhang M.M.*, Cheng L., Zhou Y. Control of poststall airfoil aerodynamics based on surface perturbation. AIAA Journal, 2008, 46:2510-2519.

2. Zhang M.M., Cheng L.*, Zhou Y. Asynchronous control of vortex-induced acoustic cavity resonance using imbedded piezo-electric actuators. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America2009, 126:36-45.

3. Yu W., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2012 Effects of smart rotor control using a deformable trailing edge flap on load reduction under normal and extreme turbulence. Energies, 5(9):3608-3626.

4. Zhang M.M.*, Wang G.F., Xu J.Z. 2013 Aerodynamic control of low-Reynolds number airfoil with leading edge protuberances. AIAA Journal, 51(8):1960-1971.

5. Zhang M.M.*, Yu W., Xu J.Z. 2014 Aerodynamic physics of smart load control for wind turbine due to extreme wind shear. Renewable Energy, 70:204-210.

6. Zhang M.M.*, Liu M.T. 2014 Investigation of the wind resource assessment over 2D continuous rolling hills due to tropical cyclone in the coastal region of southeastern China. Energies, 7:913-933.

7. Zhang M.M.*, Wang G.F., Xu J.Z. 2014 Experimental study of flow separation control on a low-Re airfoil using leading-edge protuberance method. Experiments in Fluids, 55(4):1710-1722.

8. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Parametric study of sizing and placement of deformable trailing edge flap on the blade fatigue load reduction. Renewable Energy, 77:217-226.

9. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Smart load control on large-scale wind turbine blades due to extreme coherent gust with direction change (ECD). Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7(2):023110.

10. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Smart load control of the large-scale offshore turbine blades subject to wake effect. Science Bulletin, 60(19): 1680-1687.

11. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2016 Smart fatigue load control on the large-scale turbine blades using different sensing signals. Renewable Energy, 87:111-119.

12. Zhao M., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2017 Numerical simulation of flow characteristics behind the aerodynamic performances on an airfoil with leading edge protuberances. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1):193-209.

13. Zhang M.M.*, Yang H.L., Xu J.Z. 2017 Numerical investigation of azimuth dependent smart rotor control on a large-scale offshore wind turbine. Renewable Energy, 105:248-256.

14. Yu Y., Zhang M.M., Li X.S.* 2017 Numerical investigation of v-shaped riblets and an improved model of riblet effects. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 203-210:1989-1996.

15. Zhao M., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2017 Analysis of flow transition effects on the performances of a wind power heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 123:1318-1326.

16. Zhang M.M.*, Li X., Xu J.Z. 2019 Smart control of fatigue loads on a floating wind turbine with a tension-leg-platform. Renewable Energy, 134:745-756.

17. Cheng Y., Zhang M.M.*, Zhang Z.L., Xu J.Z. 2019 A new analytical model for wind turbine wake based on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Applied Energy, 239:96-106.










