





照片 技术职务:教授






~2002/6 华北电力大学热能工程专业,博士

2004/6~2006/2 清华大学BP清洁能源研究与教育中心,访问研究

2010/1~2011/1 美国普林斯顿大学能源与环境研究所,访问研究


1985/12~1990/6 华北电力大学设备处,助工

1990/6~1998/8 华北电力大学保定电力设计研究院,工程师

2002/6~2011/7 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授/教授

2011/7~至今 华北电力大学能动学院教授;国家火力发电工程技术研究中心副主任







1. 燃煤发电机组水分高效低成本回收及处理关键技术研究与应用(2018YFB0604300);国家重点研发计划项目

2. 燃煤机组烟气水分和余热复合膜法高效回收技术(2018YFB0604302);国家重点研发计划课题

3. 太阳光伏/光热(PV/T)综合利用关键技术测控系统研制(2013AA05040202);国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题

4. 聚光式光伏光热一体化三联供系统开发与应用研究(Z151100003515002);北京市科技计划课题

5. 聚光伏组件开发及热电联供系统应用研究(18214318D);河北省重点研发计划项目

6. 环境风影响下直接空冷机组空冷岛的性能分析;大唐集团科技项目

7. 直接空冷机组空冷岛加装防风网EPC工程;国电集团科技项目

8. 太阳辐照强度变化对火电机组热力性能影响规律的研究;国电集团科技项目

9. 碳约束条件下的低碳燃煤发电技术方向研究;中国工程院重大项目

10. 神华电站数字化建设解决方案及实施;神华集团科技项目


1. 热力发电厂,中国电力出版社,2018.2,主编.

2. Heat exchange and water recovery experiments of flue gas with using nanoporous ceramic membranes[J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016.8.30.

3. An experimental study of membranes for capturing water vapor from flue gas [J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 20 February 2017.

4. The performance analysis and evaluation of C-PV/T aided power generation system[J]. International Journal of Energy Research. 2017.06.30.

5. Experimental Investigation of a Novel LCPV/T System with Micro -channel Heat Pipe Array[J]. Renewable Energy. JAN 2018.

6. Experimental study of water recovery from flue gas using hollow micro-nano porous ceramic composite membranes[J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,25 January 2018.

7. Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of an LCPV/T system under real operating conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 29 October 2018.

8. Effect of mass transfer on heat transfer of microporous ceramic membranes for water recovery[J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, SEP 2017.

9. Design and performance study of a low concentration photovoltaic-thermal moduleInternational Journal of Energy Research, MAY 2018.

10. Performance Forecast of Air-Cooled Steam Condenser under Windy Conditions, Journal of Energy Engineering, MAR 2016.

11. Experimental study on differences of heat and mass flux between 10- and 50-nm pore-sized nano-porous ceramic membranes, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society,13 July 2018.







300MW CFB机组运行技术与性能优化关键技术研究,2012年获国家电网公司科技进步三等奖,排名7




照片 技术职务:教授






1997/9~2001/7 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院,学士

2001/9~2004/6 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院,硕士

2004/8~2008/2 新加坡国立大学机械学院,博士








1. 2015~2017 Efficient Numerical Modeling of Moving Contact Line under Non-isothermal Conditions欧盟玛丽居里基金;

2. 2015~2017 微尺度液滴在高太阳辐射强度下耦合换热性能机理研究;国家自然科学基金青年基金;

3. 2016~2018 高热流密度冷凝管的仿生构建及性能研究;北京市自然科学基金面上项目



1. Cheng Y. P., Wang F., Xu J. L.*, Liu D., Sui Y. Numerical Investigation of Droplet Spreading and Heat Transfer on Hot Substrates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121: 402-411, 2018.

2. Zhang B., Liu D, Cheng Y. P.*, Xu J. L.*, Sui Y. Numerical investigation on spontaneous droplet/bubble migration under thermal radiation. Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 129: 115-123, 2018.

3. Cheng Y. P, Xu J. L*, Sui Y. Numerical investigation on coalescence-induced droplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces for condensation heat transfer. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 95: 506-516, 2016.






照片 技术职务:讲师






2006/9~2010/7 北京科技大学热能工程系,学士

2010/9~2016/1 北京科技大学热能工程系,博士


2016/3~2019/1 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院博士后

2017/1~2019/1 香港理工大学材料学香江学者

2019/1~至今 华北电力大学电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,讲师



1. 声子工程

2. /纳米尺度传热传质

3. 源材料设计、热特性与应用


1. 国家自然科学基金2

2. 中国博士后科学基金1

3. 香江学者计划项目1

4. 北京科协青年人才托举工程项目1


[1] Zhao Li, Liu Cui*, Baorang Li, Xiaoze Du*. Enhanced heat conduction in molten salt containing nanoparticles: insights from molecular dynamics. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 153: 119578.

[2] Liu Cui*, Sanqiang Shi, Zhao Li, Gaosheng Wei, Xiaoze Du*. Manipulating thermal conductance of supported graphene via surface hydroxylation of substrates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122: 27689-27695.

[3] Liu Cui*, Sanqiang Shi, Zhao Li, Gaosheng Wei, Xiaoze Du*. Reduction of thermal conductivity in silicene nanomesh: insights from coherent and incoherent phonon transport. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20: 27169-27175.

[4] Liu Cui*, Yidi Zhang, Xiaoze Du*, Gaosheng Wei. Computational study on thermal conductivity of defective carbon nanomaterials: carbon nanotubes versus graphene nanoribbons. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(6): 4242-4251.

[5] Liu Cui, Sanqiang Shi*, Gaosheng Wei, Xiaoze Du*. Shear deformation-induced anisotropic thermal conductivity of graphene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20: 951-957.

[6] Liu Cui, Yanhui Feng*, Jingjing Tang and Xinxin Zhang. Heat conduction in coaxial nanocables of Au nanowire core and carbon nanotube shell: a molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 99: 64-70.

[7] Liu Cui, Xiaoze Du, Gaosheng Wei, Yanhui Feng*. Thermal conductivity of graphene wrinkles: a molecular dynamics simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120(41): 23807-23812.

[8] Liu Cui, Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang. Enhancement of heat conduction in carbon nanotubes with filled fullerene molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17: 27520-27526.

[9] Liu Cui, Yanhui Feng*, Peng Tan, Xinxin Zhang. Heat conduction in double-walled carbon nanotubes with intertube additional carbon atoms. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17: 16476-16482.

[10] Liu Cui, Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang. Dependence of thermal conductivity of carbon nanopeapods on filling ratios of fullerene molecules. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2015, 119 (45): 11226-11232.

姓名: 段立强

照片 技术职务:教授






1992.9-1996.7 太原理工大学热能工程系,学士

1996.9-1999.4 华北电力大学动力工程系,硕士,导师:王加璇教授、杨勇平教授

1999.9-2002.7 中国科学院工程热物理研究所博士,导师:蔡睿贤院士,林汝谋研究员


1999.04- 1999.09 中国原子能科学研究院,工程师;

2003.11- 2005.12 华北电力大学能动学院,讲师;

2004.05- 2006.05 华北电力大学项目博士后,合作导师:徐鸿教授;

2006.01- 2012.12 华北电力大学能动学院,副教授;

2008.03- 2009.07 美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

MIT Energy Initiative,访问学者

2013.01- 至今 华北电力大学能动学院,教授,博士生导师


2004年-至今 中国工程热物理学会会员

2016年-至今 中国电机工程学会燃气轮机发电专业委员会委员

2019年-至今 中国工程热物理学会第八届理事会监事

2017年-2020 全国燃气机组技术交流协会专业技术委员会委员

2017年-至今 中国联合重型燃气轮机技术有限公司专家委员会委员

2017年-至今 《燃气轮机发电技术》编委会委员

2020年-至今 《能源工程》编委会委员



(1) 高参数火力发电系统以及洁净煤发电系统(如整体煤气化联合循环系统)集成优化;

(2) 分布式供能系统研究;

(3) 多能互补动力系统研究(包括太阳能-燃煤互补,太阳能-燃气互补,多能互补分布式系统等);

(4) CO2或近零CO2排放动力系统研究;

(5) 燃料电池复合动力系统优化研究;

(6) 先进储能技术(液化空气储能发电技术、液化CO2储能技术等)











1.Liqiang Duan, Zhen Wang , Yaofei GuoOff-design performance characteristics study on ISCC system with solar direct steam generation systemEnergy 205 (2020) 118044

2.Duan, LiqiangZhu, JingnanYue, LongYang, YongpingStudy on a gas-steam combined cycle system with CO2 capture by integrating molten carbonate fuel cellEnergy2014, 74417~427

3.Jianxing WangLiqiang DuanYongping YangAn improvement crossover operation method in genetic algorithm and spatial optimization of heliostat field, Energy, 2018.7.15, 15515~28,

4.Jianxing WangLiqiang DuanYongping YangZhiping YangStudy on the general system integration optimization method of the solar aided coal-fired power generation system, Energy 169 (2019) 660-673

5.Jianxing WangLiqiang DuanYongping YangYang Laishun. Rapid design of a heliostat field by analytic geometry methods and evaluation of maximum optical efficiency map. Solar Energy, 2019, 180:456-467

6.Jianxing WangLiqiang Duan, Yang Yongping, Pang Liping, Yang Laishun. Multi-objective optimization of the solar aided coal-fired power generation system under off-design work conditions. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7:379-398

7.Liqiang DUANTao FengShilun JIAXiaohui YuStudy on the performance of coal-fired power plant integrated with Ca-looping CO2 capture system with recarbonation processEnergy2016.11.15115(1)942~953

8.Liqiang DuanSiyu SunLong YueWanjun QuJing BianStudy on different zero CO2 emission IGCC systems with CO2 capture by integrating OTMInternational Journal of Energy Research2016.8.0140(10)1410~1427

9.Liqiang DuanLong YueWanjun QuYongping YangStudy on CO2 capture from molten carbonate fuel cell hybrid system integrated with oxygen ion transfer membraneEnergy2015.12.1593(1)20~30

10.Liqiang DuanWanjun QuShi JiaTao FengStudy on the integration characteristics of a novel integrated solar combined cycle systemEnergy2017.05.1130351~364


(1) 2007年获华北电力大学科研先进个人奖及华北电力大学教学优秀奖;

(2) 2012年入选“北京市优秀人才”。






照片 技术职务:教授






1987/9~1991/7 国防科技大学航天技术系,学士

1993/9~1996/2 天津大学热能工程系,硕士

1996/2~2000/1 清华大学热能工程系,博士


2000/2~2002/2 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,博士后,合作导师:姜胜耀

2002/2~2003/12 华北电力大学(北京)动力工程系,副教授

2002/9~2003/8 香港科技大学机械工程系,博士后研究员,合作导师:T. S. Zhao

2004/1~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授

2005/1~2018/12 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室(华北电力大学),副主任

2007/7~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授/博士生导师

2011/7~2015/7 国家火力发电工程技术研究中心,副主任

2012/11~2013/10 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副院长(主持工作)

2013/11~2016/12 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副院长

2016/9~至今 兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院,教授、博士生导师

2017/1~至今 华北电力大学科学技术研究院,院长

2019/1~至今 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室(华北电力大学),主任


2005~至今 北京热物理与能源工程学会理事、常务理事

2006~2012 教育部高等学校热工基础教学指导委员会委员

2014~至今 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室(华北电力大学)学术委员会委员

2012~2016 中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室(天津大学)学术委员会委员

2013~2017 中国电机工程学会电力建设专业委员会委员

2014~至今 中国电机工程学会火力发电委员会委员

2014~至今 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学分会委员

2014~至今 International Journal of Thermodynamics 编委(Editor)

2015~至今 中国电力企业联合会(中电联)节能标准委员会委员

2017~至今 中国电机工程学会副秘书长

2018~至今 中国可再生能源学会储能专委会主任




1. 国家自然科学基金项目,51676069,复合介质能量输运及蓄热性能的微尺度调控,2017/01-2020/12

2. 国家“973计划课题,2015CB251503,燃煤发电系统冷端高效释热,余热梯级利用及多冷源集成,2015/01-2019/12

3. 国家自然科学基金煤炭联合基金项目,U1361108,燃煤发电机组余热梯级释放与海水淡化的过程集成及优化,2014/01-2016/12

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50976031,微重整过程多势差耦合驱动的热质传递2010/01-2012/12

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50576023,多孔支撑微结构中反应气的流动和传热特性,2006/01-2008/12

6. 国家“973计划课题,2009CB219804,大型燃煤机组空冷系统热力特性及过程优化,2009/01-2013/12


1. Yang, Jialin; Yang, Lijun; Xu, Chao; Du, Xiaoze. Experimental study on enhancement of thermal energy storage with phase-change material, Applied Energy, 2016.5.1, 169: 164-176.

2. Luo, Yan; Awad, Afrah; Wen, Dongsheng, Du, Xiaoze. Thermal energy storage enhancement of a binary molten salt via in-situ produced nanoparticles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017.1, 104: 658-664.

3. Yang Jialin; Yang Lijun; Xu Chao, Du Xiaoze. Numerical analysis on thermal behavior of solid-liquid phase change within copper foam with varying porosity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015.05, 84: 1008-1018.

4. Cong Guo; Lijun Yang; Yongping Yang, Xiaoze Du. Performance analysis of organic Rankine cycle based on location of heat transfer pinch point in evaporator, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014.1.10, 62(1): 176-186.

5. Du, Xiaoze; Feng, Lili; Yang, Yongping; Yang, Lijun. Experimental study on heat transfer enhancement of wavy finned flat tube with longitudinal vortex generators, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 50(1): 55-62.






照片 技术职务:教授






1979/9~1983/7 西安交通大学电厂热能动力及自动化,学士

1986/9~1988/1 华北电力大学电厂热能动力,硕士

1994/9~1999/6 华北电力大学热能工程,博士


1983~1984 水电部干部进修学院,教师

1984~1986 北京水利电力经济管理学院,教师

1991~1993 北京能达电力科技开发中心,开发部经理

1993~1995 北京动力经济学院,教研室主任

1995~2003 华北电力大学(北京),教研室主任

2003~2006 华北电力大学 动力工程系,系副主任

2006~2012 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,副院长

2008~2009 美国普渡大学公派访问学者

2013~至今 华北电力大学,电站机组运行优化研究所所长





















1. Wang S, Fu Z. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of solar assisted CCHP-ORC system with DME as fuel [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 186: 535-545.

2. Xi Z, Fu Z, Hu X, et al. An experimental investigation on flame pulsation for a swirl non-premixed combustion [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(7): 1757.

3. Xi Z, Fu Z, Sabir S, et al. An Experimental Study on Flame Puffing of a Swirl Partially Premixed Combustion under Varying Mass Flow Rate of Primary Air [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(7): 1916.

4. Xi Z, Fu Z, Hu X, et al. An Experimental Investigation on the NO and CO Emission Characteristics of a Swirl Convergent-Divergent Nozzle at Elevated Pressure [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(6): 1410.

5. Xi Z, Fu Z, Hu X, et al. An Investigation on Flame Shape and Size for a High-Pressure Turbulent Non-Premixed Swirl Combustion [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(4): 930.

6. Xi Z , Fu Z , Sabir S , et al. Experimental Analysis on Flame Flickering of a Swirl Partially Premixed Combustion [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(9)2430.

7. Li S, Zhongguang F, Yazhou S, et al. LES of swirl angle on combustion dynamic and NOx formation in a hybrid industrial combustor [J]. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2016, 34(2): 197-206.

8. Li S, Zhongguang F, Yazhou S, et al. Large Eddy Simulation of the PVC Behavior in both Non-Reacting and Reacting Flows with Different Reynold Numbers [J]. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2016, 34(3): 429-438.

9. Wang S, Fu Z, Sajid S, et al. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of an integrated solar combined cycle system[J]. Entropy, 2018, 20(5): 313.

10. 石黎, 付忠广, 沈亚洲等. 值班燃料比对环形燃烧室内NOx生成影响的数值研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(22):6156-6163.

11. 付忠广, 石黎, 刘炳含等. 某重型燃机环形燃烧室内NOx生成的数值研究[J]. 热能动力工程, 2016, 31(4):52-58.

12. 席中亚, 付忠广. 反应机理对CFD计算燃气轮机高压燃烧NO排放的影响[J]. 动力工程学报, 2018, 38(5): 360-365.

13. 席中亚, 胡晓天, 付忠广. 燃气轮机燃烧室中快速型NO形成的数值计算[J]. 热能动力工程, 2018, 33(12):83-88.

14. 付忠广,席中亚,胡晓天,. 一种燃烧压力脉动的测量装置[P]. 北京市:CN208313502U2018.10.

15. 付忠广,王树成,张高强,张天清. 一种基于槽式太阳能燃气联合循环分布式发电系统及方法[P]. 北京:CN108953083A, 2018.12.

16. 付忠广,王树成,张天清,张高强. 一种利用塔式太阳能驱动的布雷顿分布式供能系统[P]. 北京:CN108915964A, 2018.11.








照片 技术职务:讲师






2012/9~2017/6 北京化工大学,博士

2008/9~2012/6 西北大学,学士


2019/6~至今 华北电力大学工程热物理研究中心,讲师

2017/6~2019/5 北京化工大学,博士后




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,液滴撞击疏水/超疏水冷表面动力学过程和结冰过程的耦合机制及抑制结冰的原理和方法。编号:52006068,起止时间:2021/01-2023/1224万元、主持。

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,液滴撞击超疏水冷表面的动力学特性和结冰特性的多时间尺度耦合研究。编号:2020MS060;起止时间:2020/04-2022/1220万元、主持。

3. 博士后面上基金项目,离子液体在页岩油脱氮中的理论和实验研究,编号:2018M641164。起止时间:2018/01-2019/068万元、结题、主持。

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(基地),离子液体氧化脱硫新技术的实验和模拟研究。编号:ZY1809;起止时间:2018/01-2019/018万元、结题、主持。

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(面上),离子液体与燃料油互溶度的研究。编号:JD1814;起止时间:2018/01-2019/1212万元、结题、主持。

6. 国家重点研发项目,非扰动界面异味物质长效控制生物降解材料与覆盖封闭技术研发。编号:2019YFC1806103;起止时间:2020/01-2022/1250万元、参与。

7. 国家重点研发项目,化工园区多灾种耦合风险分析与安全规划优化技术研究。编号:2016YFC0801500;起止时间:2016/01-2019/1280万元、结题、参与。

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,磁性离子液体的结构-性质关系及在化工过程强化中应用的基础研究。编号:21878010;起止时间:2019/01-2022/1265万元、参与。

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,离子液体在汽柴油中溶解行为的研究。编号:21276020;起止时间:2013/01-2016/1280万元、结题、参与。

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,离子液体氧化脱硫新技术的计算机模拟和实验研究。编号:21176021;起止时间:2012/01-2015/1260万元、结题、参与。

11. 横向课题,离子液体对真实汽油/柴油脱硫性能的中试研究,起止时间:2013-2016400万元、结题。


1. Gao SR, Fang SF, Song RZ, Chen XC*, Yu GR*. Extractive Denitrogenation of Shale Oil Using Imidazolium Ionic Liquids. Accepted by Green Energy & Environment, 2020, GEE-D-19-00041.

2. Yang Z#, Gao SR#, Cao ZQ, Chen XC*, Yu GR*. Recovery of ionic liquids from methanol by pervaporation with polydimethylsiloxane membrane. Chemical Papers, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-019-00971-y.

3. Gao SR, Chen XC*, Xi XT, Abro M, Afzal W, Abro R, Yu GR*. Coupled oxidation-extraction desulfurization: a novel evaluation for diesel fuel. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7: 5660–5668.

4. Gao SR, Li JY, Chen XC*, Abdeltawab AA, Yakout SM, Yu GR*. A combination desulfurization method for diesel fuel: Oxidation by ionic liquid with extraction by solvent. Fuel, 2018, 224: 545–551.

5. Gao SR, Yu GR*, Abro R, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS, Chen XC. Desulfurization of fuel oils: Mutual solubility of ionic liquids and fuel oil. Fuel, 2016, 173:164–171.

6. Gao SR, Chen XC*, Abro R, Su Z, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS, Yu GR*. Mutual solubility of acidic ionic liquid and model gasoline of n-octane + 1-octene + toluene. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 69:78–84.

7. Gao SR, Chen XC*, Abro R, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS, Yu GR*. Desulfurization of fuel oil: conductor-like screening model for real solvents study on capacity of ionic liquids for thiophene and dibenzothiophene. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54:9421–9430.

8. Abro R, Gao SR, Chen XC*, Yu GR*, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS. Oxidative desulfurization of gasoline by ionic liquids coupled with extraction by organic solvents. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016, 26:998–1006.

9. Ibrahim JJ, Gao SR, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS, Yu L, Yu GR*, Chen XC, Yong XY*. Extractive desulfurization of fuel oils with dicyano(nitroso)methanide-based ionic liquids. Separation science and technology, 2015, 50:1166–1174.

10. Wang YB, Yang YF, Gao SR, Yang YR, Wang XD*, Chen M*. A universal model for the maximum spreading factor of impacting nanodroplets: From hydrophilic to hydrophobic surfaces, Langmuir. 2020, 36:9306-9316.

11. Wang X, Wang YB, Gao SR, Yang YR, Wang XD*. Controllable splitting of impacting droplets by hybrid-wettability surfaces, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2020, 111: 24-33.

12. Wang X, Lin DJ, Wang YB, Gao SR, Yang YR, Wang XD*. Rebound dynamics of two droplets simultaneously impacting a flat superhydrophobic surface, AIChE Journal, 2020, 66: e16647.

13. Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang Y B, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Spreading of a nanodroplet over isothermally heated smooth and nanostructured surfaces: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106649.

14. Yang YF, Wang YB, Xie FF, Liu JY, Wang SL, Yang YR, Gao SR, Xiaodong Wang*. Spreading and retraction kinetics for impact of nanodroplets on hydrophobic surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 10.1063/5.0020675.

15. Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Wang X, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Rebound dynamics of two droplets successively impacting an inclined surface. Coatings, 2020, 10: 592.

16. Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Zheng S F, Wang X D*. Contact Time of Double-Droplet Impacting Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Different Macrotextures. Processes, 2020, 8: 896.

17. Lin D J, Zhang L Z, Yi M C, Gao S R, Yang Y R, Wang X D*. Contact time on inclined superhydrophobic surfaces decorated with parallel macro-ridges. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2020, 599: 124924.

18. Kiran N, Abro R*, Abro M, Abroa R, Shah AA, Jatoi AS, Bhutto AW, Qureshi K, Sabzoi N, Gao SR, Yu GR. Extractive desulfurization of gasoline using binary solvent of bronsted based ionic liquids and non-volatile organic compound. Chemical papers, 2019, 73 2757–2765.

19. Bhutto AW, Abro R, Gao SR, Abbas T, Chen XC*, Yu GR*. Oxidative desulfurization of fuel oils using ionic liquids: A review. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 62:84–97.

20. Abro R, Abroa M, Gao SR, Bhuttob AW, Alic ZM, Shah A, Chen XC*, Yu GR*. Extractive denitrogenation of fuel using ionic liquids: review. RSC Advance, 2016, 6:93932–93946.

21. Abro R, Abdeltawab AA, Al-Deyab SS, Yu GR*, Qazi AB, Gao SR, Chen XC*. A review for extractive desulfurization of fuel oils using ionic liquids. RSC Advance, 2014, 4:35302–35317.

22. 于光认, 田陆平, 高淑蓉, 陈晓春. 一种基于离子液体的氧化-萃取联合脱硫方法. 中国专利: CN201410832905.5.

23. 焦丽丽易孟超,王晓东,高淑蓉*. 液滴撞击疏水/超疏水表面防/除冰技术研究进展. 第四届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议2020.

24. 焦丽丽,王欣,高淑蓉,王晓东*. 液滴撞击楔形化学非均匀表面的定向反弹. 中国工程热物理学会2020.







照片 技术职务:副教授






2000/9~2004/7 清华大学热能工程系热能与动力工程,学士

2007/9~2013/7 中国科学院大学电工研究所电气工程,博

2011/3~2012/3 法国国家科研中心过程材料与太阳能实验室,联合培养博士


2004/8~2007/8 中国飞行试验研究院发动机所,助理工程师

2013/8~2016/12 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师

2016/12~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授

2019/9~2019/11 瑞典麦达拉伦大学,访问学者




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目51876062,纳米流体光谱特性与温度的关联规律及分频光伏光热器件能量转化调控机理研究,2019.01-2022.1260万,负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目51406051,非均匀辐照及温度场下密集阵列聚光光伏系统的光--电耦合机理,2015.01-2017.1225万,负责人

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费HCPVT,系统微通道/歧管复合冷却系统的数值方法研究,2014-20153万,负责人

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费CPV/CSP,系统光--热耦合能量转换与调控机理研究,2016-201810万,负责人


6. 国家重点研发计划专项课题,10MW级先进压缩空气储能技术研究与示范,2015-2017101

7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,极端条件下熔融盐在太阳能吸热管内耦合传热与强化机理,2011-201323

8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,考虑风场空间相关性的聚光结构风荷载和风致响应研究,2014-201623

9. 中央高校基本科研业务费,节能与储能新材料的开发与产业化研究,2014-2016181

10. 中央高校基本科研业务费,高强度超声场及负责环境下的空化效应,2014-201525

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微/纳米双孔分布多孔介质耦合换热关联机制及异质界面热质传递2018-202156

12. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于超声波雾化加湿的太阳能海水淡化中海水雾化蒸发和盐雾分离过程机理研究,2012-201425

13. 中央高校基本科研业务费,相变储热系统动态性能特性及性能调控研究,2015-201740

14. 横向课题,太阳能沼气工程碟式吸热器的研究开发,2014-20156万,负责人

15. 横向课题,换热通道设计仿真分析研究,2017-201839.4

16. 横向课题,高温储热模块及性能模拟2016-201749



1. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Yiting Zhou, Zhirong Liao, Yongping Yang. Numerical investigation of a novel manifold micro-pin-fin heat sink combining chessboard nozzle-jet concept for ultra-high heat flux removal. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 126 (B):1206-1218.

2. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Yangqing Hu, Xue Han, Gaosheng Wei, Xiaoze Du. A review on the development of photovoltaic/concentrated solar power (PV-CSP) hybrid systems. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2017, 161: 305-327. (Scopus 1%论文)

3. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Xue Han, Xiaoze Du, Gaosheng Wei, Yongping Yang. A review of the concentrated photovoltaic/thermal (CPVT) hybrid solar systems based on the spectral beam splitting technology. Applied Energy, 2017, 187: 534-563. ESI高被引论文

4. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Zhirong Liao, Xiaoze Du, Gaosheng Wei, Zhifeng Wang, Yongping Yang. A review of concentrated photovoltaic-thermal (CPVT) hybrid solar systems with waste heat recovery (WHR). Science Bulletin, 2017, 62: 1388–1426.

5. ing Ju, Chao Xu*, Xianglin Li, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Numerical analysis of thermal storage performance with high-temperature phase change materials operated by condensing steam. Solar Energy, 2015, 117: 213-223.

6. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, GaoshengWei, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. A novel hybrid storage system integrating a packed-bed thermocline tank and a two-tank storage system for concentrating solar power (CSP) plants. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 92: 24-31.

7. Xing Ju, Zhifeng Wang*, Gilles Flamant, Peng Li, Wenyu Zhao. Numerical analysis and optimization of a spectrum splitting concentration photovoltaic–thermoelectric hybrid system. Solar Energy, 2012, 86(6): 1941-1954.

8. Xing Ju, Alexis Vossier, Zhifeng Wang*, Alain Dollet, Gilles Flamant. An improved temperature estimation method for solar cells operating at high concentrations. Solar Energy, 2013, 93: 80-89.

9. Xing Ju, Xinyu Pan, Zheyang Zhang, Chao Xu*, Gaosheng Wei, Thermal and electrical performance of the dense-array concentrating photovoltaic (DA-CPV) system under non-uniform illumination. Applied Energy, 250: 904-915.

10. Mostafa M Abd El-Samie, Xing Ju*, Zheyang Zhang, Saadelnour Abdueljabbar Adam, Xinyu Pan, Chao Xu, Three-dimensional numerical investigation of a hybrid low concentrated photovoltaic/thermal system. Energy, 2019, online: 116436. (SCI期刊)

11. Xinyu Pan1, Xing Ju1, Chao Xu⁎, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang, A novel rotational symmetry (RS) connection approach for dense-array concentrator photovoltaic (DA-CPV) modules. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019, 181: 359-371.

12. Saadelnour Abdueljabbar Adam1, Xing Ju1, Zheyang Zhang, Mostafa M Abd El-Samie, Chao Xu*, Theoretical investigation of different CPVT configurations based on liquid absorption spectral beam filter. Energy, 2019, online: 116259.

13. Mostafa M. Abd El-Samie, Xing Ju, Chao Xu⁎, Xiaoze Du, Qunzhi Zhu, Numerical study of a photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system with nanofluid based spectral beam filters, Energy Conversion and Management. 2018, 174:686-704.

14. Xue Han1, Xinyu Pan1, Hao Yang, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Dynamic output characteristics of a photovoltaic-wind-concentrating solar power hybrid system integrating an electric heating device. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 193: 86-98.

15. Xue Han, Chao Xu*, XinYu Pan, Xing Ju, XiaoZe Du, Dynamic analysis of a concentrating photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (CPV/CSP) hybrid system. Science China Technological Sciences. 2019, 23(215): 1-12.

16. Xue Han, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du*, Yongping Yang. Energy analysis of a hybrid solar concentrating photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (CPV/CSP) system. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60: 460-469.

17. Xue Han, Guankun Zhao, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Parametric analysis of a hybrid solar concentrating photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (CPV/CSP) system. Applied Energy, 2016, 189: 520-533.

18. Chao Xu*, Zibo Yu, Yunyun Xie, Yunxiu Ren, Feng Ye, Xing Ju. Study of the hydration behavior of zeolite-MgSO4 composites for long-term heat storage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 129: 250–259.

19. Jiajia Liu, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Bingbin Yang, Yunxiu Ren, Xiaoze Du, Numerical investigation on the heat transfer enhancement of a latent heat thermal energy storage system with bundled tube structures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112: 820-831.

20. Gang Wang, Gaosheng Wei, Chao Xu, Xing Ju, Yanping Yang, Xiaoze Du, Numerical simulation of effective thermal conductivity and pore-scale melting process of PCMs in foam metals. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 464-472.

21. Yunxiu Ren, Chao Xu*, Mengdi Yuan, Feng Ye, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du. Ca(NO3)2-NaNO3/expanded graphite composite as a novel shape-stable phase change material for mid- to high-temperature thermal energy storage. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 163: 50-58.

22. Gaosheng Wei*, Gang Wang, Chao Xu, Xing Ju, Lijing Xing, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Selection principles and thermophysical properties of high temperature phase change materials for thermal energy storage: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 81(2): 1771-1786.

23. Gaosheng Wei*, Pingrui Huang, Chao Xu, Lin Chen, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du. Experimental study on the radiative properties of open-cell porous ceramics. Solar Energy, 2017, 149: 13-19.

24. Gaosheng Wei*, Pingrui Huang, Chao Xu, Dongyu Liu, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Lijing Xing, Yongping Yang, Thermophysical property measurements and thermal energy storage capacity analysis of aluminum alloys. Solar Energy, 2016, 137: 66-72.

25. Zhirong Liao, Chao Xu*, Yunxiu Ren, Feng Gao, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du. A novel effective thermal conductivity correlation of the PCM melting in spherical PCM encapsulation for the packed bed TES system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135:116-122.

26. Zhirong Liao, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Feng Gao, Gaosheng Wei, Cyclic performance analysis of a high temperature flat plate thermal energy storage unit with phase change material. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 114: 1126-1136.

27. Zhirong Liao, Chao Xu, Yunxiu Ren, Feng Gao, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Thermal analysis of a conceptual loop heat pipe for solar central receivers. Energy, 2018, 158:709-718.

28. Zhirong Liao, Guankun Zhao, Chao Xu*, Cenyu Yang, Yi Jin, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du. Efficiency analyses of high temperature thermal energy storage systems of rocks only and rock-PCM capsule combination. Solar Energy, 2018: 162: 153-164.

29. Kaijun Jiang, Xiaoze Du, Yanqiang Kong, Chao Xu, Xing Ju, A comprehensive review on solid particle receivers of concentrated solar power. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 116: 109463.


1.Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Xue Han, Hui Zhang, Gaosheng Wei, Lin Chen, Recent Advances in the PV-CSP Hybrid Solar Power Technology, in: Proceedings of SolarPACES 2016. Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct 11-14, 2016.

2. Xue Han, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Gaosheng Wei, Parameter Optimization of a Hybrid Solar Concentrating Photovoltaic/Concentrating Solar Power (CPV/CSP) System, in: AIP Conference Proceedings 1850, 030024 (2017).

3. Chao Xu*, Ming Wu, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Yaling He, Performance Analysis of the Molten-salt Thermalstorage System Filled By PCM Capsules with Cascaded Melting Temperatures, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC15), Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 10-15, 2014: 8753.

4. Xing Ju, Xinyu Pan, Chao Xu, Multi-physics effects on the performance of Dense-array Concentrator Photovoltaic System. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 388-393.

5. ing Ju, Zhifeng Wang*, Xiangdong Fu. Analysis of Wind Load on Solar Parabolic Trough Concentrator, in Proceeding of 2nd Asia Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ASCHT09), Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-23, 2009, 3: 208-213.

6. 罗尘丁, 王鹏, 巨星. 聚光伏光热溴化锂吸收式热泵电热联产系统热力性能分析. 中国电机工程学会年会, 2016.


1. 巨星*, 李鑫, 张喜良, 徐立. 歧管式微通道热沉在聚光电池冷却中的应用研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2013, 32: 46-53.

2. 王鹏, 李芳义, 罗尘*, 巨星, 非均匀辐照下密集阵列聚光光伏系统的性能研究. 太阳能学报, 2017.


1. 马小琨, 徐超, 于子博, 巨星, 基于水合盐热化学吸附的储热技术. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 3569-3579.


2. 王鹏, 罗尘丁, 巨星. 光热电站熔盐传热储热技术应用. 电力勘测设计, 2017(2):67-71.


1. 巨星,徐超,杜小泽,杨勇平,王志峰. 一种聚光伏光热复合发电系统. 公开号:CN103607166A.(发明专利授权)

2. 巨星, 潘信宇, 徐超, 周逸挺, 袁梦迪, 杜小泽, 杨勇平, 发明专利, 一种减少失配损失的密集聚光光伏电池阵列, 公开号:CN107919406A.(发明专利授权)

3. 巨星,徐超,黄林,杜小泽,杨勇平. 太阳能热电光电复合发电系统. 分类号:30200-4400. 软件登记号:2014SR164603.(软件著作权专利登记)

4. 张哲旸, 徐超, 巨星, 杜小泽, 赵鹏翔, 赵锦, 发明专利, 一种提高风光消纳的可再生能源系统运行方法, 申请, 2018.10.30, 201811277249.1.

5. 徐超,袁梦迪,叶锋,任云秀,巨星, 发明专利, 定型膨胀石墨基赤藓糖醇中温复合相变储热材料的制备, 申请, 2017.9.26, 201710882094.3.

6. 徐超,谢云云,叶锋,巨星,杜小泽, 发明专利, 一种硫酸镁沸石分子筛复合储热材料的制备方法, 申请, 2017.9.26, 201710581889.0.




照片 技术职务:讲师






2008/9~2012/6 东北电力大学,学士;

2014/9~2018/6 华北电力大学,硕士


2020~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师




1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 太阳能粒子吸热器光热耦合动态热输运特性与调控机制, 51906065, 2020/01-2022/12, 26万元

2.博士后创新人才支持计划项目, BX20180098, 2019/01-2021/12, 20万元

3.中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助, 非均匀时变能流下太阳粒子吸热器光热转换机理研究, 2018M640102, 2019/01-2021/12, 8万元

















1.Effects of continuous and alternant rectangular slots on thermo-flow performances of plain finned tube bundles in in-line and staggered configurations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016(93):97-1007.( SCI/Top)

2. Impacts of geometric structures on thermo-flow performances of plate fin-tube bundles. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016(107):161-178. (SCI)

3. Air-side flow and heat transfer characteristics of flat and slotted finned tube bundles with various tube pitches. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016(99):357-371. (SCI/Top)

4. Direct dry cooling system through hybrid ventilation for improving cooling efficiency in power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017(119):254-268. (SCI/Top)

5. Circularly arranged air-cooled condensers to restrain adverse wind effects. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017(124):202-223. (SCI/Top)

6. Annularly arranged air-cooled condensers to improve cooling efficiency of natural draft direct dry cooling system. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018(118):587-601. (SCI/Top)

7. Wind flow leading to improve cooling performance of natural draft air-cooled condenser. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018(136):63-83. (SCI/Top)

8. Thermo-flow performances of natural draft direct dry cooling system at ambient winds. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018(116): 173-184. (SCI/Top)

9. Combined air-cooled condenser layout with in line configured finned tube bundles to improve cooling performance. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019(154): 505-518. (SCI/Top)

10. A novel natural draft dry cooling system with bilaterally arranged air-cooled heat exchanger. International Journal of Thermal Science, 2017(112):318-334. (SCI)

11. Influencing Mechanisms of a Crosswind on the Thermo-Hydraulic Characteristics of a Large-Scale Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger. Energies, 2019(12), 1128. (SCI)

12. Energy efficient strategies for anti-freezing of air-cooled heat exchanger. Applied Energy, 2020(261),114468. (SCI/Top)

13. Full-Reference IPTV image quality assessment by deeply learning structural cues. Signal processing: Image communication. 2020(83),115779. (SCI)

14. Water redistribution among various sectors to avoid freezing of air-cooled heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019(141): 294-309. (SCI/Top)

15. 600MW间接空冷系统散热器传热及防冻性能研究.中国工程热物理学报, 2015(36):1785-1789. EI

16. Unstructured big data analysis algorithm and simulation of Internet of Things based on machine learning. Neural Computing and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04682-z. (SCI)

17. Cooling performance evaluation for double-layer configuration of air-cooled heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020(151):119396. (SCI/Top)

18. Anti-freezing prediction model for different flow patterns of air-cooled heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020(153)119656. (SCI/Top)

19. Anti-freezing performance and application of air-cooled heat exchanger with different water entry patterns. Applied Thermal Engineering, Accepted, 2020. (SCI/Top)




照片 技术职务:副教授






~2012/6 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


2012~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,分级式太阳能-燃气轮机联合循环互补系统全工况研究,2015-2017

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,太阳能-燃气轮机联合循环互补系统中太阳能集热、蓄热与高效热利用研究,2019-2022


1. Yuanyuan Li, Yamin Xiong. Thermo-Economic Analysis of a Novel Cascade Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System, Energy, 2018, 145: 116-127.

2. Yuanyuan Li, Xiankun Xu, Peiwen Li, Qing Hao. Survey and Evaluation of Equations for Thermophysical Properties of Binary/Ternary Eutectic Salts from NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, ZnCl2 for Heat Transfer and Thermal Storage Fluids in CSP, Solar Energy, 2017, 152: 57-79.

3. Guoqiang Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Na Zhang. Performance Analysis of a Novel Low CO2-emission Solar Hybrid Combined Cycle Power System, Energy, 2017, 128: 152-162.

4. Yuanyuan Li, Yongping Yang. Impacts of Solar Multiples on the Performance of Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Systems with Two Direct Steam Generation Fields, Applied Energy, 2015, 160: 673-680 .

5. Yuanyuan Li, Na Zhang, Noam Lior. Performance Comparison of Two Low-CO2 Emission Solar/Methanol Hybrid Combined Cycle Power Systems, Applied Energy, 2015, 155: 740-752.




照片 技术职务:教授






1999/9~2002/7 安徽建筑大学供热通风与空调工程,学士

2004/9~2007/4 西安建筑科技大学供热供燃气通风与空调工程,硕士

2007/3~2010/1 中国科学院广州能源研究所热能工程,博士

2010/1~2013 挪威东南大学微纳系统技术,博士


2002/4~2004/7 江苏精亚集团空气工程研究院,净化工程部技术员

2014/10~2016/12 挪威东南大学微纳能源系统,博士后

2013/07~2017/12 安徽工业大学能源与动力工程系,教授,博导

2017/12~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授,博导


Nano EnergyApplied EnergySolar energyApplied Catalysis B: Environmental 等国际期刊审稿人




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,人工光合作用中的原位协同思想及流型调控增效机理(51576002) 主持2016-2019

2. 安徽省引进高校领军人才项目, 仿生太阳能催化基础研究 主持 2013-2016

3. 挪威国家自然科学基金,Earth-abundant solar energy materials(No:231416) 参与 2014-2016


1. Guohua Liu, Hui Cao, Jinliang Xu. Solar evaporation of a hanging plasmonic droplet, Solar Energy, 170 (2018) 184-191.

2. Guohua Liu, Ting Chen, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang. Blue energy harvesting on nanostructured carbon Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018)18357-18377.

3. Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Kaiying Wang. Solar water evaporation by black photothermal sheets, Nano energy, 41(2017)269-284.

4. Guohua Liu, Nils Hoivik, Kaiying Wang and Henrik Jakobsen.Engineering TiO2 nanomaterials for CO2 conversion/solar fuels, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 105(2012)53-68.

5. Guohua Liu, Jinliang Xu, Yongping Yang, Wei Zhang. Active control of flow and heat transfer in silicon microchannels, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20 (2010) 045006 (16pp).






照片 技术职务:教授






1980/9~1984/7 武汉水利电力学院,学士

1988/9~1991/6 湖南大学,硕士

1991/9~1994/12 北京大学,博士


1995/4~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院工作




















1. Zongde LiuQi WangYuan GaoYongtian WangYoumei SunYan Gong, Preparation and properties of hot-pressed NbMo-matrix composites reinforced with ZrB2 particles, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2017.11 , (68)104~112. (SCIE)

2. Liu, Shunv(#)Liu, Zongde(*)Wang, YongtianTang, Jin, A comparative study on the high temperature corrosion of TP347H stainless steel, C22 alloy and laser-cladding C22 coating in molten chloride salts, Corrosion Science, 2014.6 , 83396~408. (SCIE/EI)

3. Li, Zhisheng(#)Liu, Zongde(*)Wang, YongtianLiu, ShunvJiang, RunsenWang, Yang, Fe-Based Amorphous Composite Coating Prepared by Plasma Remelting, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015 , 2015. (SCIE)












照片 技术职务:副教授









2015~2017 华北电力大学能源动力与机械学院 博士后、讲师、硕导

2018~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械学院 副教授,硕导






1. 中国能源建设集团江苏电力设计院,火电厂余热深度利用、节水及消白综合改造技术研发,2019.7-2021.7,经费:60

2. 中国核动力研究设计院,安注水旁通分析,2019.4-2020.12,经费:47

3. 中国水利水电科学研究院,现有节水指标整理与分析-燃煤机组水能耦合模型构建与分析,2019.3-2019.11,经费:20

4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学项目. 项目名称:电场下含带电Janus 纳米颗粒流体的湿润及相变特性研究, 项目编号:51606064, 2017.1-2019.12,经费:20


迄今出版英文专著1 部,发表论文45 篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文33 篇, SCI 检索论文26 篇,EI检索论文32 篇,已被SCI 他引400 余次(Google citation 490 次)。主持纵向课题5 项,横向课题3 项。获授权专利17 项,其中均流静电除尘技术被专家鉴定为世界先进水平,已在1 个电厂,6 个钢厂得到应用。


Springer Thesis Prize





照片 技术职务:副教授






1997/9~2001/7 华北电力大学热能与动力工程,学士

2001/9~2004/4 华北电力大学热能工程,硕士

2004/9~2007/6 华北电力大学热能工程,博士


2007/10~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院工程热物理教研室


2013~至今 教研室副主任、院长助理、副院长


2018~2022 教育部能源动力类教指委副秘书长

2019~2023 中国电力教育协会能源动力类学科教学委员会委员




1. 燃煤机组水分回收与处理系统运行灵活调控技术(2018YFB0604305-05),国家重点研发计划子课题,2018.05-2021.04

2. 低品位热能驱动的热声发电研究(2017ZZD001),中央高校重大项目,2017.01-2019.12

3. 宁夏煤电公司声波测温系统在600MW级燃煤锅炉炉膛温度测量上的研究及应用,国家能源集团重大科技创新项目,2015.12-2017.12

4. #1机组加装炉膛声波测温系统项目,华能集团科技项目,2016.12-2017.12

5. 相变储能系统控制、集成及测试等关键技术研究,国网智能电网研究院科技项目,2014.12-2016.08


1. Shichong Dong, Guoqing Shen*, Mobei Xu, Shiping Zhang, Liansuo An, The effect of working fluid on the performance of a large-scale thermoacoustic Stirling engineEnergy2019(181), 378-385.

2. Guoqing Shen*, Likang Ma, Shuxiao Zhang, Shiping Zhang, Liansuo An, Effect of ultrasonic waves on heat transfer in Al2O3 nanofluid under natural convection and pool boilingInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2019(138), 516-523.

3. Shiping Zhang*, Guoqing Shen, Liansuo, AnOnline monitoring of furnace exit gas temperature in power plantsApplied Thermal Engineering2019(147)917-926.

4. Boran Yang, Guoqing Shen*, Haiping Chen, Yijun Feng, Lin Wang, Experimental study of condensation heat-transfer and water-recovery process in a micro-porous ceramic membrane tube bundleApplied Thermal Engineering2019(155), 354-364.

5. Liansuo An, Weilong Liu , Yongce Ji, Guoqing Shen* and Shiping Zhang, Detection of Pneumatic Conveying by Acoustic EmissionsApplied Sciences20199(501).

6. Guoqing Shen, Xiaoyu Huang, Chunlong He, Shiping Zhang, Liansuo An, Experimental study of acoustic agglomeration and fragmentation on coal-fired ash with different particle size distributionPowder Technology2018(325), 145-150.

7. Shiping Zhang*, Guoqing Shen, Liansuo An, Gengsheng Li, Ash fouling monitoring based on acoustic pyrometry in boiler furnacesApplied Thermal Engineering2015(84), 74-81.

8. Shiping Zhang*, Guoqing Shen, Liansuo An, Yuguang Niu, Online monitoring of the two-dimensional temperature field in a boiler furnace based on acoustic computed tomographyApplied Thermal Engineering2015(75), 958-966.

9. Shiping Zhang*, Guoqing Shen, Liansuo An, Xianbo Gao, Power station boiler furnace water-cooling wall tube leak locating method based on acoustic theoryApplied Thermal Engineering2015(77), 12-19.

10. Shiping Zhang*, GuoqingShen, LiansuoAn, YuguangNiu, GenshanJiang, Monitoring ash fouling in power station boiler furnaces using acoustic pyrometryChemical Engineering Science2015(126), 216-233.

11. S. P. Zhang, L. S. An*, G. Q. Shen, and Y. G. Niu, Acoustic Pyrometry System for Environmental Protection in Power Plant Boilers, Journal of Environmental Informatics 23(2) 24-35 (2014).







照片 技术职务:讲师






2010~2014 华北电力大学动力工程及工程热物理,博士


2014~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械学院,讲师



国际期刊审稿专家:Nanoscale, PLOS ONE, Canadian Journal of Physics

Advances in Mechanical Engineering Guest EditorSAGE Publications Ltd.SCI收录期刊:IF=0.5002014




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金. 项目名称:基于离子风冷却的LED集成系统耦合建模及性能优化研究, 项目编号:51406053, 起止日期:2015.1-2017.12,负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 项目名称:纳米多孔碳电极/离子液体界面离子输运特性及选择性储能机理, 项目编号:51876059, 起止日期:2019.1-2022.12,负责人


1. Meng J H, Wu H C, Wang T H*. Optimization of two-stage combined thermoelectric device by three-dimensional multiphysics model and multi-objective genetic algorithm. Energies 12 (2019) 2832. (SCI) IF= 2.676

2. Li X Y, Wang S L, Wang X D*, Wang T H*. Selected porous-ribs design for performance improvement in double-layered microchannel heat sinks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 137 (2019) 616-626. (SCI/EI) IF=3.361

3. Wang Y B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Asymmetric heat transfer characteristics of a double droplet impact on a moving liquid film. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 649-59. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

4.Wang T H, Peng M, Wang X D* Yan W M*. Investigation of heat transfer enhancement by electrohydrodynamics in a double-wall-heated channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 113 (2017) 373-383. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

5. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Lu G., Yan W M*. Enhancement of boiling heat transfer of thin water film on an electrified solid surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109 (2017) 410-416. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

6. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Electrocoalescence behavior of two identical droplets with various droplet radii. Applied Thermal Engineering 111 (2017) 1464-1469. (SCI/EI) IF= 3.771

7. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Lu G, Yan W M*. Electro-coalescence of two charged droplets under constant and pulsed DC electric fields. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 98 (2016) 10-16. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

8. Peng M, Wang T H, Wang X D*. Effect of longitudinal electrode arrangement on EHD-induced heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 1072-1081. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

9. Lv H, Wang X D*, Meng J H, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Enhancement of maximum temperature drop across thermoelectric cooler through cascade design and transient supercooling effect. Applied Energy 175 (2016) 285-292. (SCI/EI) IF= 7.900

10. Lv H, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Cheng C H. Improvement of transient supercooling of thermoelectric coolers through variable semiconductor cross-section. Applied Energy 164 (2016) 501-508. (SCI/EI) IF= 7.900

11. Leng C, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Wang T H. Heat transfer enhancement of microchannel heat sink using transcritical carbon dioxide as the coolant. Energy Conversion and Management 110 (2016) 154-164. (SCI/EI) IF=6.377

12. Wang T H, Wang Q H, Leng C, Wang X D*. Parameter analysis and optimal design for two-stage thermoelectric cooler. Applied Energy 154 (2015) 1-12. (SCI/EI) IF= 7.900

13. Wang T H, Xu J L*. Advantage of InGaN-based light-emitting diodes with trapezoidal electron blocking layer. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 29 (2015) 95-101. (SCI/EI) IF=2.593

14. Lv H, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Meng J H. Optimal pulse current shape for transient supercooling of thermoelectric cooler. Energy 83 (2015) 788-796. (SCI/EI) IF=4.968

15. Kim C B, Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Effects of slot-jet length on the cooling performance of hybrid microchannel/slot-jet module. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89 (2015) 838-845. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

16. Si C, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Wang T H. A Comprehensive Review on Measurement and Correlation Development of Capillary Pressure for Two-Phase Modeling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. Journal of Chemistry 2015 (2015) 876821. (SCI) IF=1.726

17. Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Optimization of thermal resistance and bottom wall temperature uniformity for double-layered microchannel heat sink. Energy Conversion and Management 93 (2015) 141-150. (SCI/EI) IF=6.377

18. Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H. An improved design of double-layered microchannel heat sink with truncated top channels. Applied Thermal Engineering 79 (2015) 54-62. (SCI/EI) IF= 3.771

19. Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Multi-parameter optimization of flow and heat transfer for a novel double-layered microchannel heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 84 (2015) 359-369. (SCI/EI) IF=3.891

20. Leng C, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel heat sink based on porous fin design concept. International communications in heat and mass transfer 65 (2015) 52-57. (SCI/EI) IF=4.463

21. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Yan W M*, Wang T H. Molecular dynamics simulations on coalescence and non-coalescence of conducting droplets. Langmuir 31 (2015) 7457-7462. (SCI/EI) IF=3.789

22. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Lee D J. Size control mechanism for bio-nanoparticle fabricated by electrospray deposition. Drying Technology 33 (2015) 406-413. (SCI/EI) IF=2.219

23. Wang X D*, Zhang X, Xu J L, Yan Y Y, Liu D, Wang T H. Special Issue on advances in micro/nanoscale fluid flow and heat transfer. Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Special Issue Editorial), 2015, 7: 1-2. (SCI) IF=0.848

24. Wang B B, Wang X D*, Wang T H. Microscopic mechanism for the effect of adding salt on electrospinning by molecular dynamics simulations. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105: 121906. (SCI/EI) IF=3.495

25. Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. Self-heating-dependent characteristic of GaN-based light-emitting diodes with and without AlGaInN electron blocking layer. Chinese Science Bulletin (known as “Science Bulletin” since 2015), 2014, 59: 2460-2469. (SCI) IF= 4.136

26. Xu J L*, Wang T H. Efficiency droop improvement for InGaN-based light-emitting diodes with gradually increased In-composition across the active region. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2013, 52: 8-13. (SCI/EI) IF= 2.399

27. Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. Efficiency improvement of light-emitting diodes with a developed electron blocking layer structure and its optimization. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2013, 47: 51-58. (SCI/EI) IF= 2.399

28. Wang T H, Xu J L*. Advantage of InGaN-based light-emitting diodes using AlGaInN electron blocking layer coupled with inserting InGaN layer. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124: 5866-5870. (SCI/EI) IF=1.191

29. Wang T H, Xu J L*. Improved performance of InGaN light-emitting diodes with a novel sawtooth shaped electron blocking layer. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22: 088504. (SCI/EI) IF= 1.321

30. Wang T H, Xu J L*. Improved efficiency droop characteristics in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with a novel designed last barrier structure. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21: 128504. (SCI/EI) IF= 1.321

31. Wang T H, Xu J L*, Wang X D*. The effect of multi-quantum barrier structure on light-emitting diodes performance by a non-isothermal model. Chinese Science Bulletin (known as “Science Bulletin” since 2015), 2012, 57: 3937-3942. (SCI) IF= 4.136









照片 技术职务:教授,博导






1990/9~1994/7 内蒙古大学物理系应用物理专业,学士

1996/9~1999/7 华中理工大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,硕士

1999/9~2003/7 清华大学热能工程系工程热物理专业,博士


1994/9~1996/7 呼和浩特市电子设备厂,技术员

2003/8~2005/6 清华大学,动力工程与工程热物理博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师:彭晓峰教授

2005/7~2007/10 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,热能工程系,讲师

2006/1~2006/5 台湾大学,化学工程系,访问学者

2007/11~2008/12 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,热能工程系,副教授

2008/12~2009/3 台湾元智大学,燃料电池中心,高级访问学者

2009/1~2010/12 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,热能工程系,以副教授职称受聘教授岗

2010/4~2010/5 台湾大学,化学工程系,高级访问学者

2011/1~2013/7 华北电力大学,可再生能源学院,教授

2012/2~2012/4 台南大学,机电工程系,高级访问学者

2013/8~2016/9 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,教授

2016.10~至今 华北电力大学,吴仲华学院院长,工程热物理研究中心主任,教授


Canadian Journal of Physics副主编(Associate Editor),SCI收录期刊,2016~至今

PLOS ONE 编委(Member of Editorial Board),SCI收录期刊,2014~至今

Membrane Water Treatment 编委(Member of Editorial Board),SCI收录期刊,2016~至今

Drying Technology客座编辑(Guest Editor),SCI收录期刊,2014

Advances in Mechanical Engineering首席客座编辑(Lead Guest Editor),SCI收录期刊,2014









1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51936004微纳液滴动力学特性及操控液滴强化热质传递的基础研究,2020/01-2024/12300万元,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体,51821004,能量传递转化与高效动力系统,2019/01-2024/121050万元,在,参与(165万元)

3. 国家杰出青年科学基金,51525602,传热传质学,2016/01-2020/12350万元,在,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276060,微型热电系统的多物理场耦合建模与性能优化研究,2013/01-2016/12100万元,已结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51076009,复杂流体在纳米微结构表面上的湿润动力学与相变研究,2011/01-2013/1240万元,已结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50876009,质子交换膜燃料电池液态水传递机理与电池性能研究,2009/01-2011/1236万元,已结题,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,50636020,非平衡和非均匀体系的工质气液表面张力与动力特性,2007/01-2010/12项目经费:120万元,已结题,参与(22万元)

8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,50406001,薄液膜的稳定性和界面传递现象,2005/01-2007/1221万元,已结题,主持

9. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,NCET-11-0635,非牛顿流体在固体表面上的铺展与蒸发,2012/01-2014/1250万元,已结题,主持

10. 国家安全重大基础研究(国防973)子课题,613120010010202×××××××××××对隔热性能的影响规律,2010/01-2013/1290万元,已结题,主持

11. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子课题,2009CB219803-02,大型燃煤发电机组变工况特性及能耗控制方法(子课题),2009/01-2013/1250万元,已结题,主持

12. 国防专项工程基础理论研究项目,360930302××××××××性能影响机制及其控制方法研究,2009/11-2010/1190万元,已结题,主持

13. 中国博士后科学基金,2003034018,薄液膜的维持稳定性与界面传热传质分析,2004/01-2005/062万元,已结题,主持

14. 中央高校基础科研业务费重点项目,13ZX13,电场作用下微纳液滴界面输运特性及强化传热机理,2014/01-2015/1237万元,已结题,主持

15. 中央高校基础科研业务费重点项目,11ZG01,大功率LED多场耦合发光机理及其高效散热技术,2011/07-2012/1230万元,已结题,主持


在国内外学术期刊上发表论文250+篇,国内外学术会议上发表论文85篇,专著章节1章,其中SCI检索论文160+篇,EI检索论文210+篇,已被SCI他引3200余次,Web of ScienceH因子为37

1. Li X Y, Wang X D, Lee D J*, Yan W M. Highly heterogeneous interior structure of biofilm wastewater for enhanced pollutant removals. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 160: 121919. (SCI, EI)

2. Lin L, Zhang Y F, Liu H B, Meng J H, Chen W H, Wang X D*. A new configuration design of thermoelectric cooler driven by thermoelectric generator. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 160: 114087. (SCI, EI)

3. Wang Y B, Wang X D*, Yan Y R, Chen M*. The Maximum Spreading Factor for Polymer Nanodroplets Impacting a Hydrophobic Solid Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123: 12841-12850. (SCI, EI)

4. Wang B B, Zhang H H, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Zhao Q, Yan W M*. Acceleration of aqueous nano-film evaporation by applying parallel electric field: A molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138: 68-74. (SCI, EI)

5. Chen W H*, Lin Y X, Wang X D, Lin Y L. A comprehensive analysis of the performance of thermoelectric generators with constant and variable properties. Applied Energy, 2019, 241: 11-24. (SCI, EI)

6. Wang X, Sun D L, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Dynamics of droplets impacting hydrophilic surfaces decorated with a hydrophobic strip. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 235-246. (SCI, EI)

7. Zhang B X, Wang S L, Wang X D*. Wetting transition from the Cassie-Baxter state to the Wenzel state on regularly nanostructured surfaces induced by an electric field. Langmuir, 2019, 35: 662-670. (SCI, EI)

8. Li X Y, Wang S L, Wang X D*, Wang T H*. Selected porous-ribs design for performance improvement in double-layered microchannel heat sinks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 137: 616-626. (SCI, EI)

9. Wang Y H, Wang S Y, Lu G*, Wang X D*. Effects of wettability on explosive boiling of nanoscale liquid films: Whether the classical nucleation theory fails or not? International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132: 1277-1283. (SCI, EI)

10. Lin D J, Wang L, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Reduction in the contact time of impacting droplets by decorating a rectangular ridge on superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132: 1105-1115. (SCI, EI)

11. Liu H B, Meng J H, Wang X D*, Chen W H. A new design of solar thermoelectric generator with combination of segmented materials and asymmetrical legs. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 175: 11-20. (SCI, EI)

12. Xie F F, Lu G*, Wang X D*, Wang D Q. Enhancement of coalescence-induced nanodroplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces. Langmuir, 2018, 34: 11195-11203. (SCI, EI)

13. Wang L, Zhao W F, Wang X D*. Lattice kinetic scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with convection-diusion equations. Physical Review E, 2018, 98: 033308. (SCI, EI)

14. Chen H X, Sun Y, Huang L B, Wang X D*. Nucleation and sliding growth of boiling bubbles on locally heated silicon surfaces. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 143: 1068-1078. (SCI, EI)

15. Gao Y W, Meng J H, Liu H B, Chen W H, Wang X D*. Transient supercooling behaviors of a novel two-stage Peltier cooler. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 143: 248-256. (SCI, EI)

16. Wang Y B, Wang X D*, Wang T H, Yan W M*. Asymmetric heat transfer characteristics of a double droplet impact on a moving liquid film. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126: 649-659. (SCI, EI)

17. Wang Y H, Wang S Y, Lu G*, Wang X D*. Explosive boiling of nano-liquid argon films on high temperature platinum walls: effects of surface wettability and film thickness. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 132: 610-617. (SCI, EI)

18. Guo H L, Wang X D, Lee D J*. Proteomic researches for lignocellulose-degrading enzymes: A mini-review. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265: 532-541. (SCI, EI)

19. Lee D J*, Cheng Y L, Wong R J, Wang X D. Adsorption removal of natural organic matters in waters using biochar. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 260: 413-416. (SCI, EI)

20. Wang B B, Xu Z M, Wang X D*, Yan W M*. Molecular dynamics investigation on enhancement of heat transfer between electrified solid surface and liquid water. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125: 756-760. (SCI, EI)

21. Xie F F, Lu G*, Wang X D*, Wang B B. Coalescence-induced jumping of two unequal-sized nanodroplets. Langmuir, 2018, 34: 2734-2740. (SCI, EI)

22. Fly A, Chen R*, Wang X D. Equivalent stiffness model of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack including hygrothermal effects and dimensional tolerances. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2018, 15: 031002. (SCI, EI)

23. Wang S L, Li X Y, Wang X D*, Lu G*. Flow and heat transfer characteristics in double-layered microchannel heat sinks with porous fins. International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 93: 41-47. (SCI, EI)

24. Si C, Li L, Lu G, Cao B Y*, Wang X D*, Fan Z, Feng Z H. A comprehensive analysis about thermal conductivity of multi-layer graphene with N-doping, -CH3 group and single vacancy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 123: 135101. (SCI, EI)
















1999~2003 哈尔滨工程大学,学士

2003~2006 航天第三研究院,硕士

2006~2010 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学和华北电力大学联合博士学位,博士


2011~2013 加拿大多伦多大学MITACS博士后








1. 十三五军民融合重点示范项目《国家数值风洞工程》课题《气动问题中不确定性传播的非嵌入式分析方法研究》,2019.5-2021.5,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《风电机组机舱风速多尺度传递机理与前馈控制方法研究》,2019.1-2022.12,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于多轴角运动模型的风轮非定常气动特性与三维流动研究》,2016.1-2019.12,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于嵌入式多项式混沌的不确定性CFD方法研究》,2013.1-2015.12,主持

5. 留学归国人员启动基金项目《不确定性CFD模拟方法研究》,2012.5-2014.5,主持


1. Xiaodong Wang* , Zhaoliang Ye , Shun Kang and Hui Hu. Investigations on the Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine during Dynamic Yaw Processes. Energies, 2019, 12, 3124; doi:10.3390/en12163124.

2. Lu MA (马璐), Xiaodong WANG (王晓东)*, Jian ZHU (祝健) and Shun KANG (康顺), Effect of DBD plasma excitation characteristics on turbulent separation over a hump model. Plasma Sci. Technol. 2018, 20 (10) 105503; doi:10.1088/2058-6272/aacdf0.

3. Shu Yan, Shaoping Shi, Xinming Chen, Xiaodong Wang*, Linzhi Mao, Xiaojie Liu. Numerical simulations of flow interactions between steep hill terrain and large scale wind turbine. Energy, 2018, 151:740-747; doi:10.1016/j.energy.2017.12.075.

4. Wei Zuo, Xiaodong Wang, Shun Kang*. Numerical simulations on the wake effect of H-type vertical axis wind turbines. Energy, 2016, 691-700.

5. Zhiyi Liu, Yongxing Qiu, Xiaodong Wang, Shun Kang, Stochastic performance evaluation of horizontal axis wind turbine blades using non-deterministic CFD simulations. Energy, 2014, 73:126-136.

6. Yongxing Qiu, Xiaodong Wang, Shun Kang. Predictions of unsteady aerodynamic loads on HAWT rotor in yawing and pitching using potential flow method[J], Renewable Energy, 2014, 70:93-106.

7. Xiaodong Wang, Charles Hirsch, Shun Kang, Chris Lacor. Robust optimization by surrogate-based MOGA and probabilistic collocation method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013, 94(2):111-127.

8. XD Wang*, JY Liang, Z Li, S Kang*. Numerical simulation on bifurcation of jet-in-crossflow. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 6(4), pp:595-607, 2012.

9. Xiaodong Wang, Charles Hirsch, Shun Kang*, Chris Lacor, Multi-objective optimization of turbomachinery using improved NSGA-II and approximation model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.200(9~12):883-895, 2011.




照片 技术职务:教授






1995/9~1999/7 东北电力学院热能工程,学士

1999/9~2002/4 东北电力学院热能工程,硕士

2002/9~2006/4 北京科技大学热能工程,博士


2006/4~2009/3 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师

2009/3~2015/4 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授

2016/4~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.51776066)/纳米双孔分布多孔介质耦合换热关联机制及异质界面热质传递01/2018-12/2021,项目负责人

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目(No.2015ZZD09)相变储热系统动态特性及性能调控研究01/2015-12/2017,项目负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.51376060)纳米尺度受限空间内气体分子热质传递规律研究” 01/2013-12/2017,项目负责人


1. GS Wei, G Wang, C Xu, X Ju, LJ Xing, XZ Du, YP Yang. Selection Principles and Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: A Review. Renew Sust Energ Rev, 81: 1771–1786, 2018.

2. GS Wei, PR Huang, C Xu, L Chen, X Ju, XZ Du. Experimental Study on the Radiative Properties of Open-cell Porous Ceramics. Sol Energy, 149: 13 - 19, 2017.

3. GS Wei, YD Zhang, C Xu, XZ Du, YP Yang. A Thermal Conductivity Study of Double-pore Distributed Powdered Silica Aerogels. Int J Heat Mass Transf, 108: 1297 - 1304, 2017.

4. GS Wei, LX Wang, C Xu, XZ Du, YP Yang. Thermal Conductivity Investigations of Granular and Powdered Silica Aerogels at Different Temperatures and Pressures. Energ Buildings, 2016, 118: 226 - 231, 2016.

5. GS Wei, PR Huang, C Xu, DY Liu, X Ju, XZ Du, LJ Xing, YP Yang. Thermophysical Property Measurements and Thermal Energy Storage Capacity Analysis of Aluminum Alloys. Sol Energy, 137: 66 - 72, 2016.

6. GS Wei, LX Wang, L Chen, XZ Du, C Xu, XX Zhang. Analysis of Gas Molecule Mean Free Path and Gaseous Thermal Conductivity in Confined Nanoporous Structures. Int J Thermophys, 36: 2953 - 2966, 2015.

7. GS Wei, YS Liu, XX Zhang, XZ Du. Radiative Heat Transfer Study on Silica Aerogel and its Composite Insulation Materials. J Non-Crystal Solids, 365: 231 - 236, 2013.

8. GS Wei, YS Liu, XZ Du, XX Zhang. Gaseous Conductivity Study on Silica Aerogel and its Composite Insulation Materials. J Heat Transf-T ASME, 134: 041301-6, 2012.

9. GS Wei, YS Liu, XX Zhang, F Yu, XZ Du. Thermal Conductivities Study on Silica Aerogel and its Composite Insulation Materials. Int J Heat Mass Transf, 54: 2355–2366, 2011 (ESI).

10. GS Wei, XZ Du, XX Zhang, F Yu. Theoretical Study on Transient Hot-strip Method by Numerical Analysis. J Heat Transf-T ASME, 132: 1-7, 2010.


1. 2012年,大学生创新性实验计划项目,获评国家级优秀;

2. 2011-2012年,华北电力大学教学优秀奖;

3. 2013-2014年,华北电力大学教学优秀奖;

4. 2010-2011年,获得优秀班主任称号;

5. 2010年,我国大型火电机组空冷设计运行关键技术研究与应用,中华人民共和国教育部技术进步一等奖(排名12










~2006 浙江大学热能工程研究所博士

2012/11~2014/1 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学化学与生物工程系访问学者(参与Prof. Bi团队项目


2006/7~2009/2 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师

2009/3~ 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授




1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,燃煤过程Na2SO4气相生成机理及其对灰熔融性影响,2017

2. 国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金项目,煤粉炉富氧燃烧过程SO3生成机理,项目号:512060472012

3. 校内基金重点项目,2009,介质阻挡放电同时脱除烟气中多种污染物的研究,项目号:09ZG02

4. 校内基金面上项目,煤粉炉富氧燃烧过程SO3生成及影响机理,项目号:12MS092009,金额8

5. 国家自然科学基金项目,铁基载氧体作用下一氧化碳和甲烷化学链式燃烧机理研究,2010.1-2012.12

6. 科技支撑计划项目子课题,燃用准东高碱煤60-100万千瓦等级()临界前后墙对冲燃烧π型锅炉关键技术开发及示范项目编号: 2015BAA04B02

7. 脱硫废水处理中氯盐对系统设备影响分析,横向项目,2018

8. 宽负荷调节供浆技术示范工程研究,横向项目,2019

9. 脱硫氧化空气系统节能技术研究,横向项目,2019

10. 锅炉结焦机理深度研究,横向项目,2019

11. 协同处置过程中氯和氟对锅炉运行的影响,横向项目,2019



1. Xiao Haiping, Chen Yu, Li Li, Yan Dahai, Wang Ning, He Jie, Huang Qifei.Study on the Volatilization Behavior of Heavy Metals (As, Cd) during Co-Processing in Furnaces and Boilers[J]. Environmental Engineering Science,2017,34(5):333-342. SCI收录号:WOS 000400894800004).

2. Xiao Haiping,Chen Yu,Qi Cong.Effect of Na poisoning catalyst (V2O5-WO3/TiO2) on denitration process and SO3 formation[J].APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 20184331):341-348 SCI收录号WOS:000418883800045).

3. Xiao Haiping ; Ru Yu ; Yan Dahai; Li Li ; Sun Xiaowan ; Wang Ning ; He Jie; Huang Qifei. Kinetic Study of Thermal Degradation of Hazardous Organic Compounds in Different Atmospheres[J]. Environmental Engineering Science, MAR 2018,35(3):159-168WOS:000428731500002).

4. Xiao Haiping; Ru Yu; Cheng Qiyong; Zhai Gang; Dou Chaozong; Qi Cong; Chen Yuhui Effect of Sodium Sulfate in Ash on Sulfur Trioxide Formation in the Postflame Region[J] Energy and Fuels, 2018-8-16328):8668-8675 WOS:000442448300067).

5. Haiping Xiao, Cong Qi, Qiyong Cheng, Chaozong Dou, Yu Ru, Zhizhong Kang, and Baomin Sun. Effect of Sodium-Containing Sulfates on Ash Fusibility[J]. Energy Fuels, 2018, 32 (9): 9908–9915(WOS:000445711700096).

6. Haiping Xiao , Chaozong Dou , Hao Shi , Jinlin Ge , Li Cai.Influence of Sulfur-Containing Sodium Salt Poisoned V2O5–WO3/TiO2 Catalysts on SO2–SO3 Conversionand NO Removal[J] catalysts , November 201813WOS:000451150200057).

7. Xiao, Haiping; Ru, Yu; Yan, Dahai. Migration and distributions of arsenic and antimony during co-processing hazardous waste in cement kilns[J]. MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, JUL 2018,70(13): 693-702WOS:000436248400005).

8. Haiping Xiao, Cong Qi, Qiyong Cheng, Chaozong Dou, Xiang Ning, Yu Ru .Experimental and Modeling Studies of SO3 Homogeneous Formation in the Post-Flame Region[J] Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2018,18:2939–2947WOS:000451841400004).

9. Haiping Xiao, Yu Ru, Qiyong Cheng, Chaozong Dou, Cong Qi. Homogeneous and heterogeneous formation of SO3 in flue gases burning high sulfur coal under oxy-fuel combustion conditions[J].International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2018, 78420-428WOS:000447919600038).

10. Haiping Xiao, Yu Ru, Zheng Peng, Dahai Yan, Qifei Huang.Destruction and formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans during pretreatment and co-processing of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in a cement kiln[J].Chemosphere, Nov 2018,210779-788(WOS:000447112600088).






发明专利 6 :一种富氧燃烧再循环烟气催化脱硫系统及方法,肖海平。专利号:ZL201410438591.0,证书号:2341007.







照片 技术职务:讲师






2008/9~2012/7 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院热能与动力工程,学士

2012/9~2017/6 华北电力大学可再生能源学院可再生能源与清洁能源,博士


2017/7~2019/5 华北电力大学动力工程及工程热物理流动站博士后

2018/10~至今 华北电力大学吴仲华学院导师

2019/6~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院讲师


SCI 期刊 Journal of Thermal Science 客座编辑

SCI 期刊 International Journal of heat and mass TransferExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science等审稿人




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51806065,亲疏水异质表面可控滴状冷凝传热机理及实现方法,2019.012021.1226万元,主持

2. 博士后基金面上项目,2017M620712,亲疏水异质表面液滴蒸发特性与机理研究,2018/012019/055万元,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51436004,相变传热装置多尺度协同性及构造,2015/012019/12350万元,参与


1. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu, Feng Xing, Zixuan Wang, Huan Liu. The phase separation concept condensation heat transfer in horizontal tubes for low-grade energy utilization. Energy, 2014, 69: 787-800.

2. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu, Xiaotian He, Qi Liu. Large scale generation of micro-droplet array by vapor condensation on mesh screen piece. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 39932.

3. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu, Yu Cheng, Feng Xing, Xiaotian He. Condensation heat transfer of R245fa in tubes with and without lyophilic porous-membrane-tube insert. International journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 88: 261-275.

4. Jian Xie, Feng Xing, Jinliang Xu, Huan Liu. Significant heat transfer enhancement for R123 condensation by micromembrane cylinder. Chinse Science Bulletin, 2014, 59 (28): 3676-3685.

5. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu*, Cong Liang, Qingting She, Mingjia Li. A comprehensive understanding of enhanced condensation heat transfer using phase separation concept. Energy, 2019, 172: 661–674.

6. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu*, Xiang Li, Huan Liu. Dropwise condensation on superhydrophobic nanostructure surface, Part I: Long-term operation and nanostructure failure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 129: 86–95.

7. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu*, Wei Shang, Kai Zhang. Dropwise condensation on superhydrophobic nanostructure surface, part II: Mathematical model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 1170–1187.

8. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu*, Wei Shang, Kai Zhang. Mode selection between sliding and rolling for droplet on inclined surface: Effect of surface wettability. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 45–58.

9. Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu*, Qi Liu, Xiang Li. Coupling diffusion welding technique and mesh screen creates heterogeneous metal surface for droplets array. Advance Materal Interfaces. 2017, 4(23): 1700684.

10. Bingguo Zhu, Jinliang Xu*, Xinming Wu, Jian Xie*, Mingjia Li. Supercritical “boiling” number, a new parameter to distinguish two regimes of carbon dioxide heat transfer in tubes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 136: 254–266.

11. Jindou Yuan, Yanbo Wang, Jinliang Xu*, Xianbing Ji, Jian Xie*. Convective dropwise condensation heat transfer in mini-channels with biphilic surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 69–84.

12. Jinliang Xu, Jian Xie, Xiaotian He, Yu Cheng, Qi, Liu. Water drop impacts on a single-layer of mesh screen membrane: Effect of water hammer pressure and advancing contact angles. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 82: 83-93.

13. Feng Xing, Jian Xie, Jinliang Xu. Modulated heat transfer tube with mesh cylinder inserted. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 56: 15–24.

14. Feng Xing, Jinliang Xu, Jian Xie, Huan Liu, Zixuan Wang, Xiaolin Ma. Froude number dominates condensation heat transfer of R245fa in tubes: Effect of inclination angles. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015, 71: 98–115.

15. Jinliang Xu*, Yuanyuan Chen, Jian Xie. Non-dimensional numerical study of droplet impacting on heterogeneous hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 1170–1187.

16. Jinliang Xu*, Xin Yan, Guohua Liu, Jian Xie. The critical nanofluid concentration as the crossover between changed and unchanged solar-driven droplet evaporation rates. Nano Energy, 2019, 57: 791–803.

17. 谢剑,程愉,何孝天,刘琪,徐进良. 气体剪切下液滴临界滑动无量纲准则. 工程热物理学报,2017, 38(5): 1033–1038.

18. 谢剑,何孝天,程愉,刘琪,徐进良. 丝网表面液滴撞击行为及气液分离器设计优化.工程热物理学报,2016, 37(6): 1230–1236.

19. 谢剑,徐进良,程愉,何孝天,基于亲憎液表面配合的多尺度高效冷凝管(授权专利),2015102538808.

20. 谢剑,徐进良,程愉,一种固体表面低沸点工质浸润性测试装置及方法(授权专利),2015106180337.

21. 谢剑,徐进良,李享,尚炜,具有图案化浸润性表面的冷凝管制备方法(授权专利), 2017110936825.




IAAM Award 国际学术奖章获得者;

3ed International Symposium of Fluids & Thermal Engineering 2017 国际会议特邀报告人;

International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology 2018 国际会议特邀报告人

6th micro/nanoscale heat & mass Transfer International Conference 国际会议分会场特邀报告人




照片 技术职务:教授






1998~2002 西安交通大学能动学院,学士

2002~2004 西安交通大学能动学院,硕士

2004~2008 香港科技大学机械工程系,博士


2008~2010 美国康涅狄格大学 博士后

2010~2013 中国科学院电工研究生 副研究员

2013~至今 华北电力大学能动学院 教授


Energies》、《IET Renewable Power Generation》编委

全国太阳能光热发电标准化技术委员会 委员




1. 多场耦合热质传输2015-2018,国家自然科学基金**


1. Zhirong Liao, Chao Xu*, Yunxiu Ren, Feng Gao, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, A novel effective thermal conductivity correlation of the PCM melting in spherical PCM encapsulation for the packed bed TES system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135: 116-122.

2. Mostafa M. Abd El-Samie, Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Xiaoze Du, Qunzhi Zhu, Numerical study of a photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system with nanofluid based spectral beam filters, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 174: 686-704.

3. Xing Ju, Chao Xu*, Yiting Zhou, Zhirong Liao, Yongping Yang, Numerical investigation of a novel manifold micro-pin-fin heat sink combining chessboard nozzle-jet concept for ultra-high heat flux removal, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126:1206-1218.

4. Yunxiu Ren, Chao Xu*, Mengdi Yuan, Feng Ye, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Ca(NO3)2-NaNO3 expanded graphite composite as a novel shape-stable phase change material for mid- to high-temperature thermal energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 163: 50-58.

5. Feng Ye, Chao Xu*, Guicheng Liu, Jianling Li, Xindong Wang, Xiaoze Du, Joong Kee Lee, A novel PtRuIr nanoclusters synthesized by selectively electrodepositing Ir on PtRu as highly active bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution and reduction, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 155: 182-187.

6. Xue Han, Guankun Zhao, Chao Xu*, Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang, Parametric analysis of a hybrid solar concentrating photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (CPV/CSP) system, Applied Energy, 2017, 189: 520-533.

7. Ming Wu, Chao Xu*, Yaling He*, Cyclic behavior of the molten salt packed bed thermal energy storage system filled with cascaded phase change material, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 1061-1073.

8. Chao Xu*, Zhifeng Wang, Yaling He, Xin Li, Fengwu Bai, Sensitivity analysis of the numerical study on the thermal performance of a packed-bed molten salt thermocline thermal storage system, Applied Energy, 2012, 92: 65-75.

9. Chao Xu*, Zhifeng Wang, Xin Li, Feihu Sun, Energy and exergy analysis of solar power tower plants, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31: 17-18.

10. Chao Xu, Amir Faghri, Xianglin Li,“Development of a high performance passive vapor-feed DMFC fed with neat methanol”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157 (2010) B1109-B1117.

11. T.S. Zhao, C. Xu, R. Chen, W.W. Yang, “Mass transport phenomena in direct methanol fuel cells”, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 35 (2009) 275-292.

12. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “Modeling of water transport through the membrane electrode assembly for direct methanol fuel cells”, J. Power Sources 178 (2008) 291-308.

13. C. Xu, T.S. Zhao, “In-situ measurements of water crossover through the membranes for direct methanol fuel cells”, J. Power Sources 168 (2007) 143-153.








照片 技术职务:副教授






2006/9~2010/7 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院热能与动力工程,学士

2010/9~2016/3 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院热能工程,博士


2016/4~2019/4 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院讲师(2018/6受聘硕士生导师)

2019/4~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院副教授,院长助理


SCI 期刊 Applied energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy 等审稿人




1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,CO2吸收/吸附全系统集成优化及匹配技术,2017YFB06028002017/06-2021/06108万元,在,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,集成太阳能的低阶煤提质与发电一体化系统节能理论与性能优化研究,517060652017/08-2020/1221万元,在研,主持

3. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(面上项目),集成太阳能的低阶煤气化及联产系统性能研究,2019MS0142019/04-2020/1210万元,在,主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(面上项目),集成太阳能的褐煤预干燥发电系统性能分析,2017MS0132017/05-2018/128万元,已结题,主持

5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题,燃煤发电系统多过程耦合匹配与全工况能耗、污染物协同控制,2015CB251504-022015/05-2019/1284万元,在研,参与

6. 国家重点研发计划子课题,高效灵活二次再热发电机组研制及工程示范,2017YFB06021042017/07-2021/06156万元,在,参与

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,太阳能-燃气轮机联合循环互补系统中太阳能集热、蓄热与高效热利用研究,518760572019.01-2021.1260万元,在,参与

8. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(重大项目),高效灵活二次再热发电机组集成与设计,2017ZZD0032017/01-2019/12100万元,在,参与

9. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(重大项目),基于机炉耦合与主动蓄能的燃煤电站优化集成,2015ZZD102015/11-2018/12100万元,已结题,参与


1. Cheng Xu, Gang Xu, Shifei Zhao, Luyao Zhou, Yongping Yang*, Dongke Zhang. An improved configuration of lignite pre-drying using a supplementary steam cycle in a lignite fired supercritical power plant. Applied Energy, 2015, 160: 882–891.

2. Cheng Xu, Pu Bai, Tuantuan Xin, Yue Hu, Gang Xu*, Yongping Yang*. A novel solar energy integrated low-rank coal fired power generation using coal pre-drying and an absorption heat pump. Applied Energy, 2017, 200: 170–179.

3. Cheng Xu*, Qiang Zhang, Zhiping Yang, Xiaosa Li, Gang Xu, Yongping Yang. An improved supercritical coal-fired power generation system incorporating a supplementary supercritical CO2 cycle. Applied Energy, 2018, 231:1319–1329.

4. Cheng Xu*, Tuantuan Xin, Xin Liu, Xiaosa Li, Yang Sund, Wenyi Liu, Yongping Yang. A thermodynamic analysis of a solar hybrid coal-based direct-fired supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 196: 77–91.

5. Cheng Xu, Gang Xu*, Shifei Zhao, Wei Dong, Luyao Zhou, Yongping Yang*. A theoretical investigation of energy efficiency improvement by coal pre-drying in coal fired power plants. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 122: 580–588.

6. Cheng Xu*, Xiaosa Li, Gang Xu, Tuantuan Xin, Yongping Yang, Wenyi Liu, Min Wang*. Energy, exergy and economic analyses of a novel solar-lignite hybrid power generation process using lignite pre-drying. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 170:19–33.

7. Cheng Xu*, Yachi Gao, Gang Xu, Xiaosa Li, Shifei Zhao, Yongping Yang. A thermodynamic analysis and economic evaluation of an integrated cold-end energy utilization system in a de-carbonization coal-fired power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 180:218-230.

8. Cheng Xu*, Tuantuan Xin, Gang Xu, Xiaosa Li, Wenyi Liu, Yongping Yang. Thermodynamic analysis of a novel solar-hybrid system for low-rank coal upgrading and power generation. Energy, 2017, 141:1737–1749.

9. Cheng Xu*, Xiaosa Li, Tuantuan Xin, Xin Liu, Gang Xu, Min Wang, Yongping Yang. A thermodynamic analysis and economic assessment of a modified de-carbonization coal-fired power plant incorporating a supercritical CO2 power cycle and an absorption heat transformer. Energy, 2019, 179:30–45.

10. Cheng Xu*, Yang Sun, Tuantuan Xin, Gang Xu, Mingming Zhu, Yongping Yang, Dongke Zhang. A thermodynamic analysis and economic evaluation of an integrated lignite upgrading and power generation system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135:356–367.

11. Cheng Xu, Gang Xu*, Yongping Yang*, Shifei Zhao, Kai Zhang, Dongke Zhang. An improved configuration of low-temperature pre-drying using waste heat integrated in an air-cooled lignite fired power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 90:312–321.

12. Cheng Xu, Gang Xu*, Mingming Zhu, Wei Dong, Yang Zhang, Yongping Yang*, Dongke Zhang. Thermodynamic analysis and economic evaluation of a 1000 MW bituminous coal fired power plant incorporating low-temperature pre-drying (LTPD). Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 96:613–622.

13. Gang Xu, Wei Dong, Cheng Xu*, Qi Liu, Yongping Yang*. An integrated lignite pre-drying system using steam bleeds and exhaust flue gas in a 600 MW power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 107:1145–1157.

14. Cheng Xu*, Qiang Zhang, Gang Xu, Yachi Gao, Yongping Yang, Tong Liu, Min Wang*. Thermodynamic analysis of an improved CO2-based enhanced geothermal system integrated with a coal-fired power plant using boiler cold-end heat recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135:10–21. (IF 4.026)

15. Cheng Xu*, Yang Sun, Tuantuan Xin, Gang Xu*, Mingming Zhu, Yongping Yang, Dongke Zhang. A thermodynamic analysis and economic evaluation of an integrated lignite upgrading and power generation system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135:356–367.

16. Yang Sun, Cheng Xu*, Tuantuan Xin, Gang Xu, Yongping Yang. A comprehensive analysis of a thermal energy storage concept based on low-rank coal pre-drying for reducing the minimum load of coal-fired power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 156:77–90.

17. Cheng Xu*, Chunlan Wang, Gang Xu, Yue Hu, Hao Guo, Yongping Yang. Thermodynamic and environmental evaluation of an improved heating system using electric-driven heat pumps: A case study for Jing-Jin-Ji region in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 165:36–47.

18. Cheng Xu*, Chunlan Wang, Gang Xu, Yue Hu, Hao Guo, Yongping Yang. Exergy analysis and economic evaluation of the steam superheat utilization using regenerative turbine in ultra- supercritical power plants under design/off- design conditions. Energy science &engineering, 2017, 5(3): 156–166.








照片 技术职务:教授






1996/9~2000/7 华北电力大学能动学院热能工程专业,学士

2000/9~2003/4 华北电力大学能动学院热能工程专业,硕士

2004/2~2008/2 中国科学院工程热物理研究所工程热物理专业,博士


2003/4~2004/2 北京和利时系统股份有限公司,现场技术人员

2008/2~2017/3 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授

2017/3~至今 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,教授(2018.06受聘博士生导师)

2015/9~至今 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,热电生产过程污染物监测与控制北京市重点实验室,副主任





燃煤电站节能优化;能源战略研究;电站热力系统优化改造;太阳能热发电系统集成与优化;分布式能源系统与区域能源优化系统;热电联产机组深度节能优化;空冷岛流场分析与改造;锅炉尾部低温烟气余热利用、烟气特性分析与尾部受热面耐腐蚀研究 ;电站CO2减排(CO2 capture & storageCCS),中国温室气体减排战略


1. 2014~2018 燃煤发电系统多过程耦合匹配与全工况能耗、污染物协同控制;国家自然科学基金项目面上项目;

2. 2015~2019 燃煤发电系统多过程耦合匹配与全工况能耗、污染物协同控制;国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题;

3. 2015~2018 基于机炉耦合与主动蓄能的燃煤电站优化集成;中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(重大项目);

4. 2016~2020 低热值煤CFB富氧燃烧发电新过程基础研究;国家自然科学基金项目(联合基金项目重点支持项目);

5. 2017~2019 高效灵活二次再热发电机组集成与设计;中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目(重大项目)

6. 2017~2021 CO2吸收/吸附全系统集成优化及匹配技术;国家重点研发计划子课题;

7. 2017~2021 高效灵活二次再热发电机组研制及工程示范;国家重点研发计划子课题;

8. 2017~2021 大规模先进压缩空气储能系统设计技术子课题;国家重点研发计划子课题;






在国内外学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录的国际期刊论文50余篇(其中第一作者论文约20篇,其余多为通讯作者),EI收录和一级学报论文50余篇(其中第一作者论文约20篇),参与编写专著2本,已被SCI他引1388次,Web of ScienceH因子为23

1. Chen H, Wu Y, Qi Z, Chen Q, Xu G*, Yang Y*, et al. Improved combustion air preheating design using multiple heat sources incorporating bypass flue in large-scale coal-fired power unit. ENERGY. 2019; 169:527-541.

2. Chen H, Xiao Y, Xu G*, Xu J, Yao X, Yang Y. Energy-saving mechanism and parametric analysis of the high back-pressure heating process in a 300 MW coal-fired combined heat and power unit. APPL THERM ENG. 2019; 149:829-840.

3. Chen H, Yao X, Li J, Xu G*, Yang Y*, Liu W, et al. Thermodynamic analysis of a novel combined heat and power system incorporating a CO2 heat pump cycle for enhancing flexibility. APPL THERM ENG. 2019; 161:114160.

4. Hu Y, Xu G*, Xu C, Yang Y*. Thermodynamic analysis and techno-economic evaluation of an integrated natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant with post-combustion CO2 capture. APPL THERM ENG. 2017; 111:308-316.

5. Han Y, Xu G*, Zheng Q, Xu C*, Hu Y, Yang Y*, et al. New heat integration system with bypass flue based on the rational utilization of low-grade extraction steam in a coal-fired power plant. APPL THERM ENG. 2017; 113:460-471.

6. Zhou L, Xu G*, Zhao S, Xu C, Yang Y*. Parametric analysis and process optimization of steam cycle in double reheat ultra-supercritical power plants. APPL THERM ENG. 2016; 99:652-660.

7. Xu G, Dong W, Xu C*, Liu Q, Yang Y*. An integrated lignite pre-drying system using steam bleeds and exhaust flue gas in a 600MW power plant. APPL THERM ENG. 2016; 107:1145-1157.

8. Xu G, Zhou L, Zhao S, Liang F, Xu C, Yang Y*. Optimum superheat utilization of extraction steam in double reheat ultra-supercritical power plants. APPL ENERG. 2015; 160:863-872.

9. Xu G, Xu C, Yang Y*, Fang Y, Zhou L, Yang Z. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a partially-underground tower-type boiler design for advanced double reheat power plants. APPL THERM ENG. 2015; 78:565-575.

10. Xu G, Liang F, Wu Y, Yang Y*, Zhang K, Liu W. A new proposed approach for future large-scale de-carbonization coal-fired power plants. APPL THERM ENG. 2015; 87:316-327.

11. Xu G, Xu C, Yang Y*, Fang Y, Zhou L, Zhang K. Novel partial-subsidence tower-type boiler design in an ultra-supercritical power plant. APPL ENERG. 2014; 134:363-373.

12. Xu G, Xu C, Yang Y*, Fang Y, Li Y, Song X. A novel flue gas waste heat recovery system for coal-fired ultra-supercritical power plants. APPL THERM ENG. 2014; 67:240-249.

13. Xu G, Hu Y, Tang B, Yang Y*, Zhang K, Liu W. Integration of the steam cycle and CO 2 capture process in a decarbonization power plant. APPL THERM ENG. 2014; 73:277-286.

14. Xu G, Huang S, Yang Y*, Wu Y, Zhang K, Xu C. Techno-economic analysis and optimization of the heat recovery of utility boiler flue gas. APPL ENERG. 2013; 112:907-917.

15. Xu G, Yang Y*, Ding J, Li S, Liu W, Zhang K. Analysis and optimization of CO2 capture in an existing coal-fired power plant in China. ENERGY. 2013; 58:117-127.

16. Xu G, Wu Y, Yang Y*, Zhang K, Song X. A novel integrated system with power generation, CO2 capture, and heat supply. APPL THERM ENG. 2013; 61:110-120.

17. 宋景慧,冯永新,徐钢,余岳溪. 火力发电厂烟气低温余热利用技术,中国电力出版社,2017.

18. 付忠广,张辉,徐钢等. 电厂燃气轮机概论,机械工业出版社,2014.







照片 技术职务:教授






~1982/01 华北电力学院热能动力工程专业,学士

~1984/12 华北电力学院北京研究生部发电厂工程专业,硕士

~1998/04 毕业于德国斯图加特大学机械工程专业,博士


1982/4~1982/9 在电力部电力建设研究所(现中国电力科学研究院)

1984/12~1993/3 在华北电力学院北京研究生部任副教授

1998/ 4~2000/2 年在斯图加特大学材料检测研究院任项目工程师

2000/ 3~至今 在华北电力大学任教











1. Effect of oxygenated treatment on corrosion of the whole steam–water system in supercritical power plant[J]. Appl.Therm Eng, 2016, 93: 1248-1253.

2. Transport of corrosion products in the steam-water cycle of supercritical power plant[J].Appl.Therm Eng,2017,113:1164-1169.

3. The finite volume method for evaluating the wall temperature profiles of the superheater and reheater tubes in power plant[J]. Appl.Therm Eng, 2017, 112: 362-370.

4. The effect of multiaxial stress state on creep behavior and fracture mechanism of P92 steel[J]. Mater Sci Eng A, 2015, 636: 70-76.




照片 技术职务教授/院长






1985/9~1989/7 西安交通大学,学士

1989/9~1995/7 西安交通大学,博士


1995/9~1997/10 清华大学,博士后

1997/10~2002/5 美国圣母大学等,访问学者

2002/6~2009/4 中科院广州能源所,研究员

2009/4~2014/10 华北电力大学 可再生能源学院,院长

2014/10~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,院长





Energy & Environment等多个国际杂志编辑及特邀编辑








1. Sun EH, Xu JL*, Hu H, Li MJ, Miao Z, Yang YP, Liu JZ. Overlap energy utilization reaches maximum efficiency for S-CO2 coal fired power plant: A new principle, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195:99-113.

2. Yuan JD, Wang YB, Xu JL, Ji XB, Xie J. Convective dropwise condensation heat transfer in mini-channels with biphilic surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 69–84.

3. Xu JL*, Yan X, Liu GH, Xie J. The critical nanofluid concentration as the crossover between changed and unchanged solar-driven droplet evaporation rates, Nano Energy, 2019, 57:791-803.

4. Cao S, Xu JL*, Mao Z, Liu XL, Zhang M, Xie XW, Li Z, Zhao XL, Tang GH. Steady and transient operation of an organic Rankine cycle power system, Renewable Energy, 2019, 133:284-294.

5. Zhu BG, Xu JL*, Wu XM, Xie J, Li MJ. Supercritical “boiling” number, a new parameter to distinguish two regimes of carbon dioxide heat transfer in tubes, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 136:254–266.

6. Zhang LY, Xu JL*, Chen QC, Wang S. Switchable heat transfer in nano Janus-interface-system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127:761–771.

7. Yan X, Liu, GH, Xu JL*, Wang S. Plasmon heating of one-dimensional gold nanoparticle chains, Solar Energy, 2018, 173:665-674.

8. Xu JL*, Sun EH, Li MJ, Liu H, Zhu BG. Key issues and solution strategies for supercritical carbon dioxide coal fired power plant, Energy, 2018, 157: 227-246.

9. Sun EH, Xu JL*, Li MJ, Liu GL, Zhu BG. Connected-top-bottom-cycle to cascade utilize flue gas heat for supercritical carbon dioxide coal fired power plant, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 172 :138–154.

10. Xu JL*, Chen YY, Xie J. Non-dimensional numerical study of droplet impacting on heterogeneous hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,116:951–968.

11. Yu XJ, Xu JL*, Yuan JD, Zhang W. Microscale phase separation condensers with varied cross sections of each fluid phase: Heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop reduction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 118:439–454.

12. Xu JL*, Zheng YW, Wang YJ, et al. An actual thermal efficiency expression for heat engines: Effect of heat transfer roadmaps, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 113:556-568.









对微纳尺度/多尺度传热;太阳能热利用;先进动力循环(S-CO2 发电系统研究)等方向感兴趣且动手能力强。网站:http://bjmfht.ncepu.edu.cn/

姓名: 杨立军



办公电话: 010-61773373




1989/9~1993/7 山东工业大学(现山东大学)动力工程系热能工程专业

1993/9~1996/3 天津大学热能工程系工程热物理专业硕士

2000/3~2004/1 清华大学工程力学系工程热物理专业博士


2004/3~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院









[1] Huang Y, Yang LJ, Du XZ, Yang YP. Finite element analysis of thermal behavior of metal powder during selective laser melting, Int J Therm Sci, 2016, 104: 146-157.

[2] Chen L, Yang LJ, Du XZ, Yang YP. A novel layout of air-cooled condensers to improve thermo-flow performances, Applied Energy, 2016, 165: 244-259.

[3] Chen L, Yang LJ, Du XZ, Yang YP. Performance improvement of natural draft dry cooling system by interior and exterior windbreaker configurations, Int J Heat Mass Transf, 2016, 96:42-63.

[4] Kong YQ, Wang WJ, Zuo ZTYang LJ, Du XZ, Yang YP. Combined air-cooled condenser layout with in line configured finned tube bundles to improve cooling performance, Appl Therm Eng, 2019,154:505-518.

[5] Chu FM, Yang LJ, Du XZ, Yang YP. Mass transfer and energy consumption for CO2 absorption by ammonia solution in bubble column, Applied Energy, 2017, 190:1068-1080.










照片 技术职务:教授






1985/9~1989/6 北京理工大学固体火箭发动机专业,学士

1989/9~1992/3 华北电力大学热能工程专业,硕士

1992/9~1995/1 中国科学院工程热物理专业,博士


1995/10~2000/11 华北电力大学(北京)动力工程系,副主任

2000/11~2001/4 华北电力大学工商管理学院,副书记兼副院长

2001/4~2002/3 华北电力大学(北京)国际合作处,副处长(主持工作)

2002/3~2003/9 华北电力大学国际合作处处长兼国际教育学院,副院长

2003/9~2006/2 华北电力大学能源与动力工程学院副院长兼北京校区动力工程系,主任

2006/2~2016/11 华北电力大学,副校长

2016/11~至今 华北电力大学,校长











1. 主持国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目1

2. 国家自然科学重点基金1

3. 先后完成国家973计划项目1

4. 国家自然科学基金项目2

5. 教育部科学技术重大项目1项以及企业委托项目十余项


















2017/4~至今 华北电力大学 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,副教授

2010/7~2017.4 中国科学院过程工程研究所,多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,助理研究员,副研究员


电解水制氢(Hydrogen production from electrolyzed water

太阳能热化学制燃料(Solar thermochemical fuel

储能材料(Energy storage material


1. 主持国家自然科学基金2

2. 主持中国科学院青年创新促进会项目1

3. 参与中国科学院重点部署项目1

4. 参与国家科技支撑计划项目2

5. 参与国家重点研发计划1项和主持横向课题等多项


1.Ye F.; Wang, Z.; Xu, C. Liu, G.; Du, X. Mechanism and kinetic study of pulse electrodeposition process of Pt/C catalysts for fuel cells. Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 514-520

2.Ye, F.; Xu, C.;* Liu, G.;* Yuan, M.; Wang, Z.; Du, X.; Lee, J. K. Effect of pulse electrodeposition parameters on electrocatalytic the activity of methanol oxidation and morphology of Pt/C catalyst for direct methanol fuel cells. Energy Convers. Manage., 2018, 160, 85-92.

3.Ye, F.; Xu, C.*; Liu, G.*; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Du, X.; Lee, J. K. A novel PtRuIr nanoclusters synthesized by selectively electrodepositing Ir on PtRu as highly active bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution and reduction. Energy Convers. Manage., 2018, 155, 182-187.

4.Qu, J.; Ye, F.; Chen, D.; Feng, Y.; Yao, Q.; Liu, H.; Xie J.*; J. Yang*, Platinum-based heterogeneous nanomaterials via wet-chemistry approaches toward electrocatalytic applications, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., 2016, 230, 29-53.

5.Feng, Y.; Ye, F.; Liu, H.; Yang, J.* Enhancing the methanol tolerance of platinum nanoparticles for the cathode reaction of direct methanol fuel cells through a geometric design. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16219/1-11.

6.Ye, F.; Liu, H.; Huang, W.; Yang, J.* Morphology tuning of noble metal nanoparticles by diffusion–reaction control. CrystEngComm. 2014, 16, 8910-8916.

7.Ye, F.; Liu, H.; Feng, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Yang, J.* A solvent approach to the size-controllable synthesis of ultrafine Pt catalysts for methanol oxidation in direct methanol fuel cells. Electrochim. Acta, 2014, 117, 480-485.

8.Ye, F.; Ge, Z.; Ding, Y.; Yang, J.* Multi-walled carbon nanotubes added to Na2CO3/MgO composites for thermal energy storage. Particuology, 2014, 15, 56-60.

9.Ye, F.; Liu, H.; Yang, J.; Cao, H.; Yang, J.* Morphology and structure controlled synthesis of ruthenium nanoparticles in oleylamine. Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 12309-12316.

10.Ye, F.; Hu, W.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Li, J.; Wang, X.; Yang, J.* Pt-IrO2 nanorod array electrode for oxygen evolution in PEM water electrolysis cell. Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 2013, 8, 271-277.

11.王新东,叶锋,王同涛等, 一种双效氧电极催化剂的制备方法, 发明专利. 授权号:ZL200810239896.3.


13.叶锋,王志明,刘鹏等,一种双功能电催化剂Pt-IrO2制备方法, 发明专利. 申请号:201910559444.1.


照片 技术职务:副教授




电子邮件: zhairongrong01@163.com


2002/9~2006/7 华北电力大学建筑环境与设备工程,学士2006/9~2010/6 华北电力大学热能工程,博士


2019/7-至今 华北电力大学,副教授,博士生导师

2017/5~2018/5 澳大利亚CSIRO,访问学者

2014/3~至今 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授

2010/7~2014/2 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师

2006/9~2010/7 华北电力大学热能工程,博士

2008/11~2009/10 英国Cranfield Unversity,联合培养




1. 了解使用CCS技术降低燃煤和燃气发电厂用水量的成本,CSIRO(澳洲联邦研究机构),2019-07-05

2. Advanced aqueous ammonia based project(先进溶液基础项目),CSIRO(澳洲联邦研究机构),2019-01-01

3. Further Assessment of Emerging Capture TechnologiesCSIRO(澳洲联邦研究机构),2018-02-02

4. 槽塔结合的太阳能辅助燃煤发电系统时空协同集成机理与调控机制研究,国家基金委,2017-10-01-2021-12-31

5. 太阳能光热发电及热利用关键技术标准研究项目太阳能高温热发电站关键技术标准研究课题,国家科技部,2017-06-30-2020-12-31

6. 光伏光热互补系统时空协同集成机理与调控机制研究,本校,2016-04-01-2016-12-01

7. 《大唐集团太阳能发电技术路线图》之子课题《国家太阳能发电产业发展趋势研究》技术服务合同,校企合作,2015-09-10-2015-11-30

8. 光伏发电产业发展形势及发展原则专题报告,校企合作,2014-10-02-2015-01-17


1. Zhai R, Feng L, Yu H, et al. Optimization of Dispatching Electricity Market with Consideration of a Solar-Assisted Coal-Fired Power Generation System[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(7): 1284.

2. Zhai R, Feng L, Yu H, et al. Integration of power plants with different capacities with aqueous ammonia-based CO2 capture[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(9): 9040-9054.

3. Zhai R, Yu H, Chen Y, et al. Integration of the 660 MW supercritical steam cycle with the NH3-based CO2 capture process: System integration mechanism and general correlation of energy penalty[J]. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2018, 72: 117-129.

4. Zhai R, Liu H, Chen Y, et al. The daily and annual technical-economic analysis of the thermal storage PV-CSP system in two dispatch strategies[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 154: 56-67.

5. Zhai R, Liu H, Li C, et al. Analysis of a solar-aided coal-fired power generation system based on thermo-economic structural theory[J]. Energy, 2016, 102: 375-387.

6. Zhai R, Zhao M, Li C, et al. Improved optimization study of integration strategies in solar aided coal-fired power generation system[J]. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2015, 2015.

7. Zhai R, Li C, Chen Y, et al. Life cycle assessment of solar aided coal-fired power system with and without heat storage[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2016, 111: 453-465.

8. Zhai R, Qi J, Zhu Y, et al. Novel system integrations of 1000 MW coal-fired power plant retrofitted with solar energy and CO2 capture system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125: 1133-1145.

9. Zhai R, Zhao M, Tan K, et al. Optimizing operation of a solar-aided coal-fired power system based on the solar contribution evaluation method[J]. Applied energy, 2015, 146: 328-334.

10. Zhai R, Li C, Qi J, et al. Thermodynamic analysis of CO2 capture by calcium looping process driven by coal and concentrated solar power[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 117: 251-263.


照片 技术职务:教授






1985/9~1989/7 南京化工学院(现南京工业大学)化工系,学士

1989/9~1992/4 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,硕士

1993/9~1996/12 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,博士


1996/11~2000/5 中科院山西煤化所,助研/副研究员

2000/5~2001/5 剑桥大学,Royal Society Royal Fellowship

2001/6~2003/9 英国伦敦大学学院,Senior Research Fellow

2003/10~2009/7 中国石油大学(北京),教授,博士生导师

2009/8~至今 华北电力大学,教授,博士生导师


英国皇家学会Chinese Fellow、中国颗粒学会理事、中国化工学会过程模拟及仿真专业委员会委员、西澳大学**(Adjunct professor)、爱丁堡大学访问教授(Visiting professor)、The Society of Chemical Industry会员、IChemE(Institution of Chemical Engineers)学会Particle Technology专业组会员等




1. 浆态床醇醚燃料合成多相催化反应与反应/分离一体化的强化和控制规律(05.9-10.8,国家973课题,280万元,负责人)

2. 燃煤烟气中多种重金属污染物的联合控制技术与示范(13.01-15.12,国家863课题,1037万元,负责人)

3. 一种模拟流化床内时空流体动力学的新方法(05.1-07.12,国家自然科学基金2047605723万元,负责人)

4. 流化床内二元颗粒体系流动特性的CFD模拟与观尺度固体黏性作用机制研究(10.01-12.12, 国家自然科学基金, 33万元,负责人)

5. 射流调控的生物质与煤共燃流化床内流动和反应机理研究(11.01-13.12, 国家自然科学基金51076043, 38万元,负责人)

6. 二氧化碳新型固相吸附捕获的应用基础研究 (11.01-13.12, 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目, 56.6万元,负责人)

7. 流化床内B类颗粒尺度流动特征及其对煤气化过程影响(15.01-17.12, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,80万元,负责人)

8. 燃煤电厂低成本高效烟气污染物脱除技术及示范工程(15.11-17.12, 山西省科技重大专项,3820万元,学术负责人)

9. 低热值煤循环流化床清洁燃烧技术研究(14.11-17.05, 山西省煤基重点科技攻关项目,18300万元,学术负责人)


1. Y Liu, YJ Guan, K Zhang*, Toward understanding the reactivity and catalytic mechanism of coal pyrolysis with metal chloride modification, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 138: 196-202, 2019.

2. ZC Di, Y Cao, FL Yang, FQ Cheng*, K Zhang*, Studies on steel slag as an oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion, Fuel, 226: 618-626, 2018.

3. GY Wu, QC Wang, K Zhang*, XM Wu, CFD simulation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer for scale-up of the jetting fluidized beds, Powder Technology, 304: 120-133, 2016.

4. YJ Guan, J Chang, K Zhang*, BD Wang, Q Sun, DS Wen, Three-dimensional full loop simulation of solids circulation in an interconnected fluidized bed, Powder Technology, 289: 118-125, 2016.

5. K Zhang*, J Chang, YJ Guan, HG Chen, YP Yang, JC Jiang, Lignocellulosic biomass gasification technology in China, Renewable Energy, 49: 175-184, 2013.

6. K Zhang*, BT Yu, J Chang, GY Wu, TD Wang, DS Wen, Hydrodynamics of a fluidized bed co-combustor for tobacco waste and coal, Bioresource Technology, 119: 339-348, 2012.









照片 技术职务:教授/博士生导师/副院长






1998/9~2002/7 华北电力大学热能工程专业,学士

2002/9~2005/4 华北电力大学热能工程专业,硕士

2007/9~2012/3 华北电力大学热能工程专业,博士

2013/5~2014/8 美国麻省理工学院(MIT)核工系,访问学者


2005/7~2012/12 华北电力大学动力工程系,讲师

2013/1~2017/12 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授

2016/6~2019/1 电站设备状态监测与控制教育部重点实验室,副主任

2018/1~现在 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授

2018/7~现在 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,博士生导师

2018/9~现在 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副院长

2019/1~现在 国家火力发电工程技术研究中心,副主任








1. 北京市科技计划项目:超临界锅炉管镍基合金优化及验证(Z181100005218006,420万,起止时间:2018.01-2020.06,项目负责人;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:溶氧超临界水环境镍基合金应力腐蚀开裂裂尖扩展的微观机理研究(51471069)85万,起止时间:2015.01-2019.12,项目负责人;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于氧化膜多孔性的超临界水环境金属氧化动力学模型(51201064),25万,起止时间:2013.01-2015.12,项目负责人;

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:超()临界机组锅炉受热面安全与寿命管理(51134016),215万,起止时间:2012.01-2015.12,研究骨干;

5. 国家重点研发计划子课题:高温S-CO2透平候选材料碳化腐蚀试验研究(2017YFB0601804),64万,起止时间:2017.07-2021.06,项目负责人;

6. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:高温水蒸汽环境镍基合金应力腐蚀开裂裂尖扩展的原位环境透射电镜研究(2152029),18万,起止时间:2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人;

7. 教育部能源动力类教指委重点项目:实现优秀本科生在科研实验室创新能力培养的UROP平台(NDJZW2016Z-13),5万,起止时间:2016.12-2018.12,项目负责人;

8. 重点实验室开放课题:新型核电结构用钢SIMP钢的超临界水腐蚀机理研究(2018NMSAKF03),8万元,起止时间:2017.12-2019.12,项目负责人;

9. 哈尔滨锅炉厂有限公司:高效超临界参数火力发电锅炉用奥氏体不锈钢集箱模拟件模拟服役状态时的应力/应变测试与高温疲劳数值模拟分析,50万,起止时间:2018.08-2019.12,项目负责人;

10. 太原钢铁厂有限责任公司:电站锅炉用钢C-HRA-5超临界水环境氧化性能研究(),28.7万,起止时间:201807-201903,项目负责人


1. Nai-qiang Zhang, Zhong-liang Zhu, Hong Xu*, Xue-ping Mao, Ju Li*. Oxidation of ferritic and ferritic martensitic steels in flowing and static supercritical water, Corrosion Science 103 (2016) 124-131.

2. Zhongliang Zhu, Hong Xu, Dongfang Jiang, Xueping Mao, Naiqiang Zhang*. Influence of temperature on the oxidation behaviour of aferritic-martensitic steel in supercritical water. Corrosion Science 113 (2016)172-179.

3. Nai-qiang ZHANG, Hong XU, Bao-rang LI, Yang BAI, Dong-yu Liu. Influence of the Dissolved Oxygen Content on Corrosion of the Ferritic-martensitic Steel P92 in Supercritical Water. Corrosion science, 2012, 56:123-128.

4. Zhongliang Zhu, Yi Cheng, Bo Xiao, Hasan Izhar Khan, Hong Xu, Naiqiang Zhang*. Corrosion behavior of ferritic and ferritic-martensitic steels in supercritical carbon dioxide. Energy, 175(2019)1075-1084.

5. Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang*, Weiqiao Xu1, Zhongliang Zhu1, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu.Effect of maximum stress intensity factor, loading mode, and temperature on corrosion fatigue cracking behavior of Inconel 617 in supercritical water. International Journal of Fatigue 118(2019)22-34.

6. Hong Xu, Bo Deng, Dongfang Jiang, Yongzhong Ni, Naiqiang Zhang*.The finite volume method for evaluating the wall temperature profiles of the superheater and reheater tubes in power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 112(2016) 362-370.

7. Zhongliang Zhu, Hong Xu, Dongfang Jiang, Guoqiang Yue, Baorang Li, Naiqiang Zhang*.The role of dissolved oxygen in supercritical water in the oxidation of ferritic-martensitic steel. Journal of Supercritical Fluids 108 (2016)56-60.

8. Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Bo Deng, Mengyuan Li, Zhuonan Xiao, Naiqiang Zhang*(通讯作者).Effect of oxygenated treatment on corrosion of the whole steam-water system in supercritical power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 93 (2016) 1248-1253.

9. Naiqiang Zhang, Zhongliang Zhu, Guoqiang Yue, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu*. The oxidation behaviour of an austenitic steel in deaerated supercritical water at 600-700. Materials Characterization 132(2017)119-125.

10. Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Hasan Izhar Khan, Zhongliang Zhu, Bo Deng, Naiqiang Zhang*. Transport of corrosion products in the steam-water cycle of supercritical power plant. Applied Thermal Engineering 113(2017)1164-1169.

11. Hasan Izhar Khan, Naiqiang Zhang*, Guoqiang Yue, Dongfang Jiang, Tahir Asif, Hong Xu. Environmentally assisted crack growth rate of an austenitic steel TP347HFG in high-temperature medium. Materials and Corrosion 69(2018)1064-1076.

12. Naiqiang Zhang, Qi Cao , Jiajia Gui , Mengyuan Li, Yongzhong Ni, Hong Xu*.Oxidation and chromia evaporation of austenitic steel TP347HFG in supercritical water. Materials at High Temperatures 35(2018)461-468.

13. Naiqiang Zhang, Zhongliang Zhu, Qi Cao, Jiajia Gui, Hong Xu*.Influence of temperature on the oxidation behavior of an austenitic steel in deaerated supercritical water. Materials and Corrosion 69(2017) 319-327.

14. Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu, Zhongliang Zhu, Bo Deng, Naiqiang Zhang*. Influence of Exposure Environment on the Corrosion Resistance of 2–9% Cr Steels. Oxidation of Metals 87(2017)189-197.

15. Naiqiang ZhangZhongliang Zhu, Fabin Lv, Dongfang Jiang, Hong Xu*. Influence of Exposure Pressure on Oxidation Behavior of the Ferritic-martensitic Steel in Steam and Supercritical Water. Oxidation of Metals 86(2016)113-124.

16. Naiqiang Zhang, Guoqiang Yue, Fabin Lv, Zhongliang Zhu, Hasan Izhar Khan, Hong Xu*.Oxidation of low-alloy steel in high temperature steam and supercritical water. Materials at High Temperatures 34(2017)222-228.

17. Dan Gao, Dongfang Jiang, Naiqiang Zhang. Chapter 26 : An Integrated Energy Storage System Based on Hydrogen Storage in An Integrated Energy Storage System Based on Hydrogen Storage》(Georgios M. KopanosPei LiuMichael C. Georgiadis) [M] Switzerland, Springer Nature, 2017, 771-801.

18. Hong Xu, Zhong-liang Zhu, Nai-qiang Zhang*. Oxidation of Ferritic Steel T24 in Supercritical Water. Oxidation of Metals 2014, 82(1-2):21-3.

19. 东方, 白杨, 朱忠亮, 张乃强*, 肖卓楠, 徐鸿. 超临界机组汽水系统腐蚀产物迁徙过程研究. 中国腐蚀与防护学报 3604(2016) 343-348.

20. 张乃强, 岳国强, 吕法彬, 曹琦, 李梦源, 徐鸿*. Inconel625 在高温水蒸气环境中应力腐蚀开裂裂纹扩展速率研究. 中国腐蚀与防护学报 (2017)

21. 张乃强,徐鸿,白杨,李宝让. 溶解氧浓度对低合金钢T24在超临界水中氧化的影响. 中国电机工程学报,201131(35):123-128.

22. 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让,袁晓娜,白杨。发明专利授权:一种火力发电机组给水处理方法,专利号:ZL201110299982.5,中国,授权日期:2013.07.31

23. 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让。发明专利授权:超声波测量锅炉管内壁氧化层厚度的校准方法,专利号:ZL201110136264.6,中国,授权日期:2013.03.06

24. 张乃强(第一发明人),东方,韦丁萍,岳国强,曹琦,徐鸿。发明专利授权:超临界水煤粉直接氧化复合工质循环发电系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510997651.7,中国,授权日期:2018.05.25

25. 张乃强(第一发明人),岳国强,许尧,曹琦,东方,朱忠亮,吕法彬,徐鸿。发明专利授权:一种锅炉汽包排污水的浓缩结晶处理系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510994516.7,中国,授权日期:2018.06.22

26. 张乃强(第一发明人),东方,徐鸿,朱忠亮,李梦源,岳国强,倪永中,毛雪平。发明专利授权:一种电站汽水系统全面腐蚀监测系统及方法,专利号:ZL201510765064.5,中国,授权日期:2018.07.31

27. 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李梦源,朱忠亮,东方,吕法彬,倪永中,毛雪平。发明专利授权:同实现高温氧化和应力腐蚀开裂试验的装置及方法,专利号:ZL201510736983.X,中国,授权日期:2018.04.10

28. 张乃强(第一发明人),东方,高丹,邓博,朱忠亮,孙艳宇,徐鸿,胡三高。发明专利授权:一种基于燃料电池与风能的分布式能源系统,专利号:ZL201510817771.4,中国,授权日期:2018.04.10

29. 张乃强(第一发明人),徐鸿,李宝让,袁晓娜,白杨。实用新型专利授权:一种高压加还原剂成套装置及火力发电机组给水处理系统,专利号:ZL201110299982.5,中国,授权日期:2011.09.28




江苏省双创人才特聘专家 2016-2017

华北电力大学青年骨干教师人才支持计划 2014-2017





办公地点: F806

办公电话 010-61772351




1995.9~1999.6 太原理工大学 热能工程攻读本科

2000.9~2003.6 太原理工大学 热能工程攻读硕士

2003.9~2006.6 浙江大学 工程热物理攻读博士


1999.7~2000.8 山西省劳动实业有限公司 技术员

2006.6~2008.6 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 博士后

2008.6~至今 华北电力大学








863课题燃煤烟气中多种重金属污染物的联合控制技术与示范 子课题





1) Yongsheng Zhang, Tao Wang, Wei-ping Pan, et. al. Advances in ultra-Low emission control technologies for coal-fired power plants, Elsevier, 2019. (专著)

2) 陈海平,张永生,张学镭,李惊涛,于刚,李志宏,热力发电厂,“十三五”普通高等教育本科规划教材,2018,中国电力出版社(教材)

3) Yongsheng Zhang, Yongzheng Gu, Jiawei Wang, et. al. mercury removal system for coal-fired power plant,Patent No:US10,142,963 B2, Date of Patent: Dec.4, 2018(美国专利)

4) Yongsheng Zhang*, Dongqian Mei, Tao Wang, et. al. In-situ capture of mercury in coal-fired power plants using high surface energy fly ash. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(13): 7913-7920, 2019.

5) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, et. al. Effect of Modified Fly Ash Injection on As, Se and Pb Emissions in Coal-Fired Power Plant, Chemical Engineering Journal, 380: 122561, 2020.

6) 王家伟, 张永生*, 张翼, . 喷射点位及温度对超低排放电厂活性炭吸附脱汞的影响. 中国电机工程学报. 2019, 39 (11), 3303-3312.

7) Shumin Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yongzheng Gu, et. al. Coupling of bromide and on-line mechanical modified fly ash for mercury removal at a 1000MW coal-fired power plant, Fuel, 247: 179-186, 2019.

8) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhao Liu, et. al.Coeffect of Air Pollution Control Devices on Trace Element Emissions in an Ultralow Emission Coal-Fired Power Plant, Energy and Fuels, 33(1): 248-256, 2019.

9) Yue Peng, Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, et. al.The effect of moisture on particulate matter measurements in an ultra-low emission power plant, Fuel, 238: 430-439, 2019.

10) Longchun Zhong, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, et. al.. Optimized methods for preparing activated carbon from rock asphalt using orthogonal experimental design. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136 (5):1989-1999, 2019.

11) Shuang Bian, Jiawen Wu, Yongsheng Zhang*, et. al.Increasing Recovery Ratios with Improved BCR Method for Mercury Analysis in FGD Gypsum, Energy and Fuels, 32(8): 8340−8347, 2018.

12) Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, et. al. Full-scale Demonstration of Enzyme-treated Coal Combustion for Improved Energy Efficiency and Reduced Air Pollution, Energy and Fuels, 32(6): 6592−6602, 2018.

13) Jie Cheng, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, Hong Xu, Pauline Norris, Wei-Ping Pan. Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) during Coal Combustion at Different Heating Rates, Fuel, 225: 554-562, 2018.

14) Yongsheng Zhang*, Panfeng Shang, Jiawei Wang, et. al. Trace Element (Hg, As, Cr, Cd, Pb) Distribution and Speciation in Coal-Fired Power Plants, Fuel, 208: 647-654, 2017.

15) Jiawei Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhao Liu, et. al.Effect of Coordinated Air Pollution Control Devices in Coal-Fired Power Plants on Arsenic Emissions, Energy and Fuels, 31(7): 7309−7316, 2017.

16) Jie Cheng, Yongsheng Zhang*, Tao Wang, et. al.Thermogravimetric-Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy-Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry Study of Volatile Organic Compounds from Coal Pyrolysis, Energy and Fuels, 31(7): 7042−7051, 2017.

17) Yongsheng Zhang*, Zhensen Zhang, Zhao Liu, et. al. Study on the mercury captured by mechanochemical and bromide surface modification of coal fly ash, Fuel, 200: 427-434, 2017.

18) Yongsheng Zhang*, You Zhang, Tao Wang, et. al. Oxidation of elemental mercury with non-thermal plasma coupled with a wet process, Fuel, 197: 320-325, 2017.

19) Yongsheng Zhang*, LilinZhao, Ruitao Guo, et. al. Influences of NO on mercury adsorption characteristics for HBr modified fly ash, International Journal of Coal Geology, 170: 77-83, 2017.

20) Zifeng Sui,Yongsheng Zhang*, Yue Peng, et. al. Fine Particulate Matter Emission and Size Distribution Characteristics in an Ultra-Low Emission Power Plant, Fuel, 185: 863-871, 2016.

21) Zifeng Sui,Yongsheng Zhang*, Jiabin Yao, et. al. The influence of NaCl and Na2CO3 on fine particulate emission and size distribution during coal combustion, Fuel, 184: 718-724, 2016.

22) Shumin Wang, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yongzheng Gu, et. al. Using modified fly ash for mercury emissions control for coal-fired power plant applications in China, Fuel, 181: 1230-1237, 2016.

23) Yongsheng Zhang*, Minglei Shi, Jiawei Wang, et. al. Occurrence of uranium in Chinese coals and its emissions from coal-fired power plants, Fuel, 166: 404-409, 2016.

24) Yongzheng Gu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Jianwei Lin, et. al. Homogeneous Mercury Oxidation with Bromine Species Released from HBr-Modified Fly Ash, Fuel, 169: 58-67, 2016.

25) Longchun Zhong, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yong Ji, et. al. Synthesis of activated carbon from coal pitch for mercury removal in coal-fired power plants, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 123 (1):851-860, 2016.

26) Yongsheng Zhang*, Lilin Zhao, Ruitao Guo, et. al.Mercury adsorption characteristics of HBr modified fly ash in an entrained-flow reactor, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 33(1):156-162, 2015

27) Yongzheng Gu, Yongsheng Zhang*, Lvrong Lin, et. al. Evaluation of elemental mercury adsorption by fly ash modified with ammonium bromide, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (3):1663-1672, 2015.

28) Yongsheng Zhang*, Hailong Zhang, Long Tian, et. al. Temperature and emissions characteristics of a micro-mixing injection hydrogen-rich syngas flame diluted with N2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (36): 12550-12559, 2015

29) Zifeng Sui, Yongsheng Zhang*, Wenhan Li, et. al. Partitioning effect of mercury content and speciation in gypsum slurry as a function of time, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (3):1611-1618, 2015.







照片 技术职务:副教授






2002/9~2006/7 清华大学热能工程系,学士

2006/9~2008/7 清华大学热能工程系流体机械及工程研究所,硕士

2008/10~2013/1 英国华威大学,博士


2013/1~2014/1 英国曼彻斯特大学材料学院,博士后

2014/2~至今 华北电力大学(北京)能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授


1. 《水动力学研究与进展》编委会委员,2015~至今;

2. Journal of Hydrodynamics SCI收录期刊)编委会委员,2015~至今;

3. Advances in Mech. EngineeringSCI收录期刊)特刊客座编辑,2017年,特刊名称:Fundamentals of cavitation and bubble dynamics with engineering applications

4. IET Renewable Power Generation SCI收录期刊)副编辑,2017~至今;

5. Advances in Mech. EngineeringSCI收录期刊)特刊客座编辑,2018年,特刊名称:Theoretical and Experimental Advances of Complex Fluid Flow in Mechanical Engineering

6. Journal of HydrodynamicsSCI收录期刊)客座编辑,2019年,特刊名称:Vortex identification methods with applications2019年第2期)









1. Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuning_Zhang

2. ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-1449-2011

3. ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6589-7803






照片 技术职务






1988/9~1992/7 河北工学院(现河北工业大学)热能工程专业,获工学学士学位

1999/9~2002/3 河北工业大学热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位

2002/3~2005/3 天津大学热能工程专业,获工学博士学位


1992/7~1999/8 唐山市热力总公司,助工、工程师,期间任锅炉供热分公司工程处副处长(1994-1998)

2005/4~2007/3 清华大学供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业博士后

2007/3~2007/6 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师

2007/7~2014/2 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,副教授、教研室主任(2011-2016)

2014/3~ 华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,教授

2009/4~2010/4 美国卡内基.梅隆大学机械系访问学者

2016/11~2017/11 美国莱斯大学机械系访问学者


《Journal of Energy》(Hindawi)等国外期刊编委




1. 2019-2021 融合分子动力学方法的过冷水合盐振动诱发形核相变释能机制研究,北京市自然科学基金项目,主持

2. 2015-2017 聚光式光伏/光热一体化三联供系统开发与应用研究-高制冷系数吸收式制冷设备的研发,北京市科技计划项目子任务,负责

3. 2015-2017 无机水合盐相变材料稳定过冷蓄能与触发凝固释能机理及方法研究,北京市自然科学基金项目,主持

4. 2015-2015 建筑群声环境模拟评估北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司,主持。


1.Guobing Zhou, Maochuan Zhu, Yutong Xiang. Effect of percussion vibration on solidification of supercooled salt hydrate PCM in thermal storage unit. Renewable Energy, 2018, 126:537-544.

2.Guobing Zhou, Yutong Xiang. Experimental investigations on stable supercooling performance of sodium acetate trihydrate PCM for thermal storage. Solar Energy, 2017, 155: 1261-1272.

3.Guobing Zhou, Yuwei Han. Numerical simulation on thermal characteristics of supercooled salt hydrate phase change materials: multiphase model. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125:145-152.

4.Gaofeng Lu, Guobing Zhou*. Numerical simulation on performances of plane and curved winglet type vortex generator pairs with punched holes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 102: 679-690.

5.Gaofeng Lu, Guobing Zhou*. Numerical simulation on performances of plane and curved winglet-pair vortex generators in a rectangular channel and field synergy analysis. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 109: 323-333.

6.Guobing Zhou, Mengmeng Pang. Experimental investigations on thermal performance of phase change material - Trombe wall system enhanced by delta winglet vortex generators. Energy, 2015, 93(pt1): 758-769.

7.Yutong Xiang, Guobing Zhou*. Thermal performance of a window-based cooling unit using phase change materials combined with night ventilation. Energy and Buildings, 2015, 108: 267-278.

8.Guobing Zhou, Mengmeng Pang. Experimental investigations on the performance of a collector–storage wall system using phase change materials. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 105: 178-188.

9.Guobing Zhou, Jing He. Thermal performance of a radiant floor heating system with differentheat storage materials and heating pipes. Applied Energy, 2015, 138: 648-660.

10.Guobing Zhou, Zhizheng Feng. Experimental investigations of heat transfer enhancement by plane and curved winglet type vortex generators with punched holes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014, 78: 26-35.

11. 周国兵,自然能源•相变蓄能•建筑节能.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2013.8。






照片 技术职务:教授






















1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51876058、基于全内反射的纳米结构表面池沸腾现象观测与传热机理研究、2019/01-2022/12、主持

2. 国家自然科学基金多相反应过程中的尺度机制及调控重大研究计划培育项目,91634115、气液固三相接触线尺度结构和传递的模型与机制研究、2017/01-2019/12、主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51676069、复合介质能量输运及蓄热性能的微尺度调控、2017/01-2020/12、参与

4. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2015CB251500、燃煤发电系统能源高效清洁利用的基础研究、2015/01-2019/12、参加

5. 国家自然科学基金项目,50906024、边壁区纳米颗粒性态对悬浮液流动与传热的影响、2010/01-2012/12、主持

6. 北京市自然科学基金项目,3102026、纳米颗粒及多孔层影响池沸腾临界热流密度机理研究、2010/01-2012/12、主持

7. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2009CB219800、大型燃煤发电机组过程节能的基础研究、2009/01-2013/12、参加

8. 国家自然科学基金项目,50876029、振荡流热管内振荡相变传热机理及其与脉动外场之间耦合机制的研究、2009/01-2011/12、参加

9. 国家自然科学基金项目,50806021、微纳米多孔绝热材料的耦合传热特性研究、2009/01-2011/12、参加

10. 国家自然科学基金项目,50606011、振荡流热管自激与外场复合强化传热研究、2007/01-2007/12、参加

11. 国家自然科学基金项目,50376066、表面下微尺度热结构测量方法研究、2004/01-2006/12、参加

12. 国家自然科学基金项目,59995550/01-3、微通道和微结构中对流和相变传热传质、1999/01-2003/12、参加


1. Shengsheng Yin, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Influence of temperature on performance of all vanadium redox flow battery: analysis of ionic mass transfer. Ionics 25(2) (2019) 593-606.

2. Shengni Zhou, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Heat transfer characteristics in an evaporating thin film and intrinsic meniscus in a binary fluid sessile droplet. Heat Transf. Eng. 40(5-6) (2019) 450-463.

3. Leping Zhou, Shengni Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Heat transfer characteristics of a binary thin liquid film in a microchannel with constant heat flux boundary condition. Int. J. Therm. Sci. 134 (2018) 612-621.

4. Leping Zhou, Yang Yang, Shengsheng Yin, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Temporal and spatial evolution of the thin film near triple line during droplet evaporation. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 117 (2018) 1147-1157.

5. Leping Zhou, Zhenchen Zheng, Shengni Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. A numerical investigation on the conjugate heat transfer of thin liquid film of water in closed microcavity. Int. J. Therm. Sci. 130 (2018) 1-9.

6. Leping Zhou, Wei Li. Experimental study on boiling heat transfer of a self-rewetting fluid on copper foams with pore-density gradient structures. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 124 (2018) 210-219.

7. Yang Yang, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Fluid flow and thin-film evolution near the triple line during droplet evaporation of self-rewetting fluids. Langmuir 34 (2018) 3853-3863.

8. Peng Zhang, Lu Jin, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Heat transfer around copper nanoparticle with high superheat in water pool - A molecular dynamics simulation. Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog. 8 (2018) 509-516.

9. Shengni Zhou, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Heat transfer characteristics of evaporating thin liquid film in closed microcavity for self-rewetting binary fluid. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 108 (2017) 136-145.

10. Xiaobing Tang, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Enhancing absorption properties of composite nanosphere and nanowire arrays by localized surface plasmon resonance shift. Results Phys. 7 (2017) 87-94.

11. Zhenchen Zheng, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Numerical investigation on conjugate heat transfer of evaporating thin film in a sessile droplet. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 101 (2016) 10-19.

12. Congjie Xiao, Leping Zhou, Zhuo Sun, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Near-wall fluid flow near the pinned contact line during droplet evaporation. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 72 (2016) 210-217.

13. Zhuo Sun, Leping Zhou, Congjie Xiao, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Nanoparticle motion and deposition near the triple line in evaporating sessile water droplet on a superhydrophilic substrate. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 76 (2016) 67-74.

14. Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang, Peixue Jiang, Buxuan Wang. Thermocapillary effect on bubble sweeping and circling during subcooled nucleate pool boiling of water over microwire. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 88 (2015) 276-283.

15. Leping Zhou, Zhaochun Wang, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Boiling characteristics of water and self-rewetting fluids in packed bed of spherical glass beads. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 68 (2015) 537-544.

16. Zhenchen Zheng, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang, Peixue Jiang, Buxuan Wang. Numerical investigation on Marangoni convection of binary fluids in a closed microcavity. Appl. Therm. Eng. 88 (2015) 464-472.

17. Ya Wu, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Optical and thermal radiative properties of plasmonic nanofluids containing core-shell composite nanoparticles for efficient photothermal conversion. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 82 (2015) 545-554.

18. Ya Wu, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Near-field radiative heat transfer between two SiC plates with/without coated metal films. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15(4) (2015) 3017-3024.

19. Zhaochun Wang, Leping Zhou, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Near-wall velocity and temperature measurements in the meniscus region for staggered glass beads. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15(4) (2015) 3043-3047.

20. Leping Zhou, Longting Wei, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Effects of nanoparticle behaviors and interfacial characteristics on subcooled nucleate pool boiling over microwire. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 57 (2014) 310-316.

21. Leping Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Longting Wei, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang. Multi-jet flows and bubble emission during subcooled nucleate boiling of aqueous n-butanol solution on thin wire. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 58 (2014) 1-8.









照片 技术职务:讲师








2015/9~2019/12TU Freiberg(德国),博士




1Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer》、Int. J. Therm. Sci.》、Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer》、 Langmuir》、 Appl. Therm. Eng.》等多个国际期刊通讯审稿人




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,52006064超滑/亲水复合结构表面滴状冷凝强化换热研究2021/01-2023/12主持

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51936004微纳液滴动力学特性及操控液滴强化热质传递的基础研究,2020/01-2024/12参与

3. 德国国家自然科学基金项目DFGGR 1060/18-2聚合物表面湿空气滴状冷凝强化换热的实验和数值研究2017/4-2019/12参与

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11202164轻质夹芯主动冷却防护结构的热力耦合机理及优化设计研究2013/01-2015/12,参与;


1. Shaofei Zheng*, F. Eimann, C. Philipp, T. Fieback and U. Gross*, Experimental and modeling investigations of dropwise condensation out of convective humid air flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 151: 119349, 2020.

2. Shaofei Zheng*, F. Eimann, C. Philipp, T. Fieback and U. Gross*, Dropwise condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas: interactions effect of the droplet array using the distributed point sink method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141: 34-47, 2019.

3. Shaofei Zheng*, F. Eimann, C. Philipp, T. Fieback and U. Gross*, Single droplet condensation in presence of non-condensable gas by a multi-component multi-phase thermal lattice Boltzmann model, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 139: 254-268, 2019.

4. Shaofei Zheng*, F. Eimann, C. Philipp, T. Fieback and U. Gross*, Modeling of heat and mass transfer for dropwise condensation of moist air and the experimental validation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 120: 879-894, 2018.

5. Shaofei Zheng*, F. Eimann, T. Fieback, G. Xie and U. Gross*, Numerical investigation of convective dropwise condensation flow by a hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method, Applied Thermal Engineering, 145: 590-602, 2018.

6. Shaofei Zheng, Y. Song, G. Xie and B. Sunden*, An assessment of turbulence models for predicting conjugate heat transfer for a turbine vane with internal cooling channels, Heat Transfer Research, 46(11):1039-1064, 2015.

7. Shaofei Zheng, T. Ji, G. Xie* and B. Sunden, On the improvement of the poor heat transfer lee-side regions of square cross-section ribbed channels, Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 66(9): 963-989, 2014.

8. F. Eimann, Shaofei Zheng, C. Philipp, A. H. Omranpoor and U. Gross*, Dropwise condensation of humid air - experimental investigation and modelling of the convective heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154: 119734, 2020.

9. F. Eimann*, Shaofei Zheng, C. Philipp, T. Fieback and U. Gross, Convective dropwise condensation out of humid air inside a horizontal channel-experimental investigation of the condensate heat transfer resistance, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127: 448-464, 2018.

10. G. Xie*, Shaofei Zheng and B. Sunden*, Heat transfer and flow characteristics in ribs/deflectors roughened cooling channels with various configuration parameters, Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 67(2): 140-169, 2015.

11. G. Xie*, Shaofei Zheng, W. Zhang and B. Sunden*, A numerical study of flow structure and heat transfer in a square channel with ribs combined downstream half-size or same-size ribs, Applied Thermal Engineering, 61(2): 289-300, 2013.

12. G. Xie, Shaofei Zheng, B. Sunden* and W. Zhang, A numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer enhancement in square ribbed channels with differently positioned deflectors, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 20(3):195-212, 2013.

13. Y. Song, Shaofei Zheng, B. Sunden*, G. Xie and H. Zhou, Numerical investigation of flow structure and heat transfer enhancement in square ribbed channels with differently positioned deflectors, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 20(5):399-411, 2013.

14. D. Lin, L. Zhang, M. Yi, X. Wang, S. Gao, Y. Yang, Shaofei Zheng and X. Wang*, Contact time of double-droplet impacting superhydrophobic surfaces with different macrotextures, Processes, 8(8): 896, 2020.


1博士学位论文德国评分“magna cum lade(优秀)2019

2第十二届International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transefer会议唯一最佳学生论文奖2019

3Elsevier优秀审稿人 2017




照片 技术职务:讲师






2005/10~2010/03 德国斯图加特大学,过程工程,学士

2010/04~2014/03 德国斯图加特大学,过程工程,硕士

2014/10~2018/12 德国斯图加特大学,核能与能源系统研究所,博士


2014/04~2014/09 德国斯图加特大学,核能与能源系统研究所,项目研究员

2019/12~至今 华北电力大学,能源动力与机械工程学院,讲师,硕士生导师





1. 主持国家自然科学基金1

2. 国家重点研发计划1

3. 德国联邦教育部专项项目1

4. 德国科学基金会预备项目1


1. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, “Advanced Flow Pattern for Describing Tangential Flow Oscillation in Thermal-Mixing Pipe Flow at a Horizontal T-Junction”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 136, pp. 328-336 (2019).

2. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, “T-Junction Experiments to Investigate Thermal-Mixing Pipe flow with Combined Measurement Techniques”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 150, pp. 237-249 (2019).

3. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, “T-junction Experiment with High Temperature and High Pressure to Investigate Flow Rate Influence on Mixing Characteristics”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 71, pp. 451-459 (2018).

4. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, “Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Mixing Characteristics at a 90° T-junction with Varied Temperature Differences”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 128, pp. 1359-1371 (2018).

5. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, M. Kammerer, X. Schuler, “Thermocouple Measurements to Investigate the Thermal Fatigue of a Cyclical Thermal Mixing Process on a Dissimilar Weld Seam,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 320, pp. 77-87 (2017).

6. E. Laurien, T. Stürzel, M. Zhou, “Unsteady Void Measurements within Debris Beds using High Speed X-Ray Tomography,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, 312, pp. 277-283 (2017).

7. M. Zhou, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien, Large-Eddy-Simulation of Thermal-Mixing Pipe-Flow close to a Horizontal T-Junction with Flow-Rate Variations in the Branch Pipe, 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019), Juan-les-pins, France, May 12-15, 2019.