











1993~1997 西安交通大学,本科

1997~2002 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


2000~2001 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,访问学者

2002~2004 北京航空航天大学,博士后

2004~2005 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2005~2009 英国利兹大学,研究员(Research Fellow

2009/11~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,百人计划/研究员

2013~2014 英国剑桥大学,高级访问学者

2014~至今 中国科学院国家能源大规模物理储能研发中心,首席科学家

2015~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员、副所长


Journal of Thermal Science》、《Energy Storage》副主编

Energy Science and Technology》编委





1. 百兆瓦级超临界压缩空气储能系统关键科学问题研究. 2016-2021. 中科院基础前沿重点项目

2. 100MW级先进压缩空气储能技术研发与示范. 2018-2023. 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项

3. Investigation on key fundamental scientific problems of advanced compressed air energy storage system. 2017-2020. 英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者奖项目

4. 大规模储能技术研发与示范国际合作计划. 2018-2022.中国科学院国际合作局国际伙伴计划


1. Haisheng Chen, Yujie Xu, Chang Liu, Fengjuan He, Shan Hu (2016) Storing energy in China – an overview. Storing energy, Elsevier Publisher, ISBN: 978-0-12-803440-8, 505-523.

2. Jie Ding, Yujie Xu, Haisheng Chen*, Wenwen Sun, Shan Hu, Shuang Sun (2019) Value and economic estimation model for grid-scale energy storage in monopoly power markets, Applied Energy, 240, 986-1002.

3. Liang Wang, Xipeng Lin, Lei Chai, Long Peng, Dong Yu, Jia Liu, Haisheng Chen* (2019) Unbalanced mass flow rate of packed bed thermal energy storage and its influence on the Joule-Brayton based Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 185, 593-602.

4. Xing Wang, Wen Li, Xuehui Zhang, Yangli Zhu, Wei Qin, Haisheng Chen* (2018) Flow characteristic of a multistage radial turbine for supercritical compressed air energy storage system, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A- Journal of Power and Energy, 232(6), 622-640.

5. Wen Li, Xing Wang, Xuehui Zhang, Xinjing Zhang, Yangli Zhu, Haisheng Chen* (2018) Experimental and numerical investigation of closed radial inflow turbine with labyrinth seals, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 14(10) 102502.

6. Xinjing Zhang, Yujie Xu, Xuezhi Zhou, Yi Zhang, Wen Li, Zhitao Zuo, Huan Guo, Ye Huang, Haisheng Chen* (2018) A near-isothermal expander for isothermal compressed air energy storage system, Applied Energy, 225, 955-964.

7. Yi Zhang, Yujie Xu, Huan Guo, Xinjing Zhang, Cong Guo, Haisheng Chen* (2018) A hybrid energy storage system with optimized operating strategy for mitigating wind power fluctuations, Renewable Energy, 125, 121-132.

8. Xinjing Zhang, Haisheng Chen*, Yujie Xu, Wen Li, Fengjuan He, Huan Guo, Ye Huang (2017) Distributed generation with energy storage systems: A case study, Applied Energy, 204, 1251-1263.

9. Huan Guo, Yujie Xu, Haisheng Chen*, Xuezhi Zhou (2016) Thermodynamic characteristics of a novel supercritical compressed air energy storage system, Energy Conversion and Management, 115, 167-177.

10. Zheng YANG, Haisheng Chen*, Liang Wang, Yong Sheng, Yifei Wang (2016) Comparative study of the influences of different water tank shapes on thermal energy storage capacity and thermal stratification, Renewable Energy, 85: 31-44.






















2001~2005 北京科技大学,本科

2005~2010 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


2010~2013 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理研究员

2014~2017 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2014~2016 德国汉诺威大学叶轮机械研究所,洪堡学者

2018~2019 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,项目研究员

2019~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员



国际期刊Journal of Thermal Science,编委


ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

Aerospace Science and Technology

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology




1. 真实复杂边界下高负荷压缩系统扩稳机制与一体化设计方法,2018-2023,工业与信息化部;

2. 多级压气机气动稳定性分析理论和方法研究,2018-2023,工业与信息化部;

3. Ma3.5 XXX康达喷气压气机XXX研究,2018-2020,军委科技委;

4. 超高频响微等离子体动态压力测量系统,2018-2019,中国科学院;

5. 航空发动机部件性能优化创新交叉团队,2019-2021,中国科学院;

6. 流体机械新型节能与系统智能调控技术子课题,2018-2021,国家重点研发计划重点专项;

7. 中国科学院青促进会项目 2015-2018,中国科学院;

8. 动叶尾迹掠下静叶角区失速与压气机旋转失速的关联性探索研究,2017-2020,国家自然科学基金委面上项目;

9. 高负荷压气机流动失稳检测与调控实验装置,2018-2022,国家自然科学基金;

10. 航空轴流压气机新气动布局基础研究,2018-2022,国家自然科学基金;

11. 高负荷压气机失稳机制及关键设计参数对失速裕度的影响研究,2018-2022,国家自然科学基金;

12. 高负荷压气机气动稳定性诊断与控制研究装置研制,2017-2021,国家自然科学基金委重点项目;

13. 面向E级计算机的大型流体机械并行计算软件系统与示范 2017-2018,中科院仪器研制;

14. 基于非定常升力的压气机转子/静子气动布局理论与实验研究 2016-2020,国家重点研发计划;

15. 多级环境下轴流压气机最先失速级非定常流动失稳机制及在线调控研究,2013-2017,国家自然科学基金委重点项目


1. Juan Du, Yiwen Li, Zhihui Li, Jichao Li, Zinan Wang and Hongwu Zhang, Performance Enhancement of Industrial High Loaded Gas Compressor Using Coanda Jet Flap, Energy, 2019, 172: 618-629.

2. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Chaoqun Nie and Hongwu Zhang, Review of Tip Air Injection to Improve Stall Margin in Axial Compressors, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2019, 106: 15-31.

3. Jichao Li, Shaojuan Geng, Juan Du, Hongwu Zhang and Chaoqun Nie, Circumferentially Propagating Characteristic Dominated by Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow in Axial Flow Compressors, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 85: 529-543.

4. Yijia Zhao, Ming Zhao, Xiaojian Li, Zhengxian Liu and Juan Du, A Modified Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method for Flow Dynamic Analysis, Computers & Fluids, 2019, 182: 28-36.

5. Xiaohua Liu, Jinfang Teng, Jun Yang, Xiaofeng Sun, Dakun Sun, Chen He and Juan Du, Calculation of Stall Margin Enhancement with Micro Tip Injection in an Axial Compressor, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2019, 141(8).

6. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Zhiyuan Li and Feng Lin, Stability Enhancement With Self-Recirculating Injection in Axial Flow Compressor, Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018, 140(7).

7. Zhiyuan Li 1,2, Juan Du 1,2, Xavier Ottavy and Hongwu Zhang, Analysis of the Irreversible Flow Loss in a Linear Compressor Cascade, Entropy, 2018, 20(7), 486.

8. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Mingzhen Li, Feng Lin, Hongwu Zhang and Chaoqun Nie, Influence of Rain Ingestion on the Endwall Treatment in an Axial Flow Compressor, Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018, 140(8).

9. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Fan Li, Qianfeng Zhang and Hongwu Zhang, Stability Enhancement using a New Hybrid Casing Treatment in an Axial Flow Compressor, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 85: 305-619.

10. Yan Jin 1, Juan Du, Zhiyuan Li and Hongwu Zhang, Second-Law Analysis of Irreversible Losses in Gas Turbines, Entropy, 2017, 19(9).

11. Juan Du, Jichao Li, Lipeng Gao, Feng Lin and Jingyi Chen, The Impact of Casing Groove Location on Stall Margin and Tip Clearance Flow in a Low-Speed Axial Compressor, ASME. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2016, 138(12).

12. Juan Du, Lipeng Gao, Jichao Li, Feng Lin and Jingyi Chen, Initial Selection of Groove Location Combination for Multi-Groove Casing Treatments, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30: 697-704.

13. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Xi Nan, Le Liu and Feng Lin, Coupling Stability-enhancing Mechanism with Compact Self-recirculating Injection in an Axial Flow Compressor, Journal of Power and Energy, 2016, 230(7): 696-708.

14. Zhaowu Jiang, Kai Wang, Hongwei Wu, Yanjuan Wang and Juan Du, A Two-dimensional Analytical Model for Prediction of the Radiation Heat Transfer in Open-cell Metal Foams, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 1273-1281.



















1993~1997 华北电力大学(保定),本科

1997~2005 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,硕士


2005~2008 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理研究员

2008~2015 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2015~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所研究员








1. Gao, Lin; Li, Hongqiang; Chen, Bin; Jin, Hongguang; Lin, Rumou; Hong, Hui, Proposal of a natural gas-based polygeneration system for power and methanol production , Energy, 2008, 33(2): 206-212.

2. Gao Lin; Li Sheng; Jin, Hongguang; Lin Hu, Possible Energy Network with polygeneration system and CCS for China , Science China-Technological Sciences, 2010.1, 53(1): 33-39.

3. Zhang Guoqiang; Gao Lin; Jin Hongguang; Zhang Xiaosong, Analysis of Hybrid Configuration of Coal-Based Methanol-Power Polygeneration System, International Journal of Thermodynamics, 2010, 13(3): 87-94.

4. Li, Sheng; Jin, Hongguang; Gao, Lin, Realizing low life cycle energy use and GHG emissions in coal based polygeneration with CO2 capture , Applied Energy, 2017.5.15, 194: 161-171.

5. Li, Sheng; Gao, Lin, Greenhouse gas emissions from synthetic natural gas production, Nature Climate Change, 2016.3, 6(3): 220-221.

6. Wu, Handong; Li, Sheng; Gao, Lin, Exergy Destruction Mechanism of Coal Gasification by Combining the Kinetic Method and the Energy Utilization Diagram , Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Tractions of the ASME, 2017.11, 139(6).

7. Li, Sheng ; Jin, Hongguang; Gao, Lin, Life cycle energy use and GHG emission assessment of coal-based SNG and power cogeneration technology in China , Energy Conversion and Management, 2016.3.15, 112: 91-100.

8. Li, Sheng; Gao, Lin; Zhang, Xiaosong; Lin, Hu; Jin, Hongguang, Evaluation of cost reduction potential for a coal based polygeneration system with CO2 capture, Energy, 2012.9, 45(1): 101-106.

9. Jin, Hongguang; Han, Wei; Hong, Hui; Gao, Lin, Prospect options of CO2 capture technology suitable for China , ENERGY, 2010.11, 35(11): 4499-4506.




照片 技术职务:研究员






1981/9~1985/7 太原理工大学热能工程专业,学士

1990/9~1993/3 北京科技大学工程热物理专业,硕士

1994/3~1997/6 北京科技大学热能工程专业,博士


1998/1~1999/12 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士后

1999/12~2007/3 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员,课题组长

2002/6~2003/5 日本九州大学,访问学者

2007/3~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员,主任







1. 热化学储能中多尺度能质转换与传递的耦合协同,国家自然科学重点基金

2. 催化反应与热质传递的耦合与协同研究,国家自然科学面上基金

3. 高效紧凑式回热器研制,中科院重点部署

4. 低温热能品位提升的高效化学热泵,国家重点研发计划

5. 新型高效紧凑式换热器研制,企业合作


1. Zhao Shunan, Li Xunfeng, Huai Xiulan*, Experimental study on the scattering and absorption coefficients of thermal barrier coatings at elevated temperatures International Journal of Heat and Mass Tranfer, 2018, 121, 900-910.

2. Cui, Xinying; Guo, Jiangfeng; Huai, Xiulan et al, Numerical study on novel airfoil fins for printed circuit heat exchanger using supercritical CO2, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.06.

3. Chen Junlin, Li Xunfeng, Huai Xiulan*, Experimental study on the heat transfer of gas with coagulative particles flowing through a packed granular bed filter, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, vol.141, 906-912.

4. Guo, Jiangfeng; Huai, Xiulan et al, The effects of nonuniform inlet fluid conditions on crossflow heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 120: 807-817.

5. Guo, Jiangfeng; Huai, Xiulan et al, The comparative analysis on thermal storage systems for solar power with direct steam generationRenewable Energy, 2018, 115: 217-225.

6. Xu Min, HuaiXiulan , CaiJun, Agglomeration Behavior of Calcium Hydroxide / Calcium Oxide as Thermochemical Heat Storage Material: A Reactive Molecular Dynamics Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121:3025-303.

7. PengWenping, XuMin, Li Xunfeng, HuaiXiulan, CFD study on thermal transport in open-cell metal foams with and without a washcoat: Effective thermal conductivity and gas-solid interfacial heat transfer, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 161:92-108.

8. PengWenping, XuMin, HuaiXiulan*, Performance evaluation of oscillating flow regenerators filled with particles, wire screens and high porosity open-cell foams,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 2:1612-1625.

9. Y. Wang, H. Zhang, HuaiXiulan*, X. Li, J. Cai, and W. Xi, "Exergy analysis of LBE-helium heat exchanger in the experimental cooling loop based on accelerator driven sub-critical power system", Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, Vol.135, pp. 274-280.

10. Xiaoming Zhou, XiulanHuai, Hulin Huang, MHD Effects on thermocapillary-buoyant convection in an annular two-layer system, Heat Transfer Research, 2017, 48(1), 35-47.(SCI/EI)

11. PengWenping, XuMin, HuaiXiulan*,3D CFD simulations of acetone hydrogenation in randomly packed beds for an isopropanol–acetone–hydrogen chemical heat pump, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 94(1):238-248.

12. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan, The heat transfer mechanism study of three-tank latent heat storage system based on entransy theory, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, Vol. 97, 191-200.

13. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan, Multi-parameter optimization design of parabolic trough solar receiver,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, Vol.98, 73-79.

14. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan, Numerical investigation of helically coiled tube from the viewpoint of field synergy principle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, Vol. 98, 137-143.

15. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan, Performance investigation of parabolic trough solar receiver, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,95, 357-364.

16. W. Xi, Y. Wang, X. Li, HuaiXiulan*, and J. Cai, "Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Hydraulics in Lead Bismuth Eutectic-Helium Experimental Loop of an Accelerator-Driven System", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2016, Vol.48(5), pp. 1154-1161.

17. Xiaoming Zhou, Zhigang Liu, XiulanHuaiEvolution of Free Surface in the Formation of Thermo-Solutocapillary Convection Within an Open CavityMicrogravity Science and Technology , 2016, 28(4): 421-430.(SCI/EI)

18. Yuequn Tao, Jun Cai,XiulanHuaietc, Application of hydrodynamic cavitation into wastewater treatment: A review, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016Vol.391363-1376.

19. Shunan Zhao, Xunfeng Li, Xiaoming Zhou, Keyong Cheng, XiulanHuai*, Investigation of the effects of Ni-based alloy K465 on the normal spectral emissivity during oxidation, Infrared Physics & Technology, 78 (2016) 214-222.(SCI/EI)

20. Shunan Zhao, Xunfeng Li, Xiaoming Zhou, Keyong Cheng, XiulanHuai*, Investigation of the effects of Ni-based alloy DZ125 on the normal spectral emissivity during oxidation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 109 (2016) 663-671.(SCI/EI)

21. WenpingPeng, Min Xu, XiulanHuai*, Zhigang Liu, CFD study on local fluid-to-wall heat transfer in packed beds and field synergy analysis, Journal of Thermal Science 25 (2016) 1-10.

22. Xiaoming Zhou, XiulanHuai, Thermosolutocapillary convection in open rectangular cavity with dynamic free surface,ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2015, 137(8).(SCI/EI)

23. Xu Min, Xin Fang, Li Xunfeng, HuaiXiulan, Liu Hui. Ultrasound promoted catalytic liquid-phase dehydrogenation of isopropanol for Isopropanol–Acetone-Hydrogen chemical heat pump. UltrasonicsSonochemistry, 2015, 23:66-74.(SCI/EI, IF=4.321)

24. PengWenping, Xu Min, HuaiXiulan*, Liu Zhigang, 3D CFD Simulations of Acetone Hydrogenation in Randomly Packed Beds for an Isopropanol-acetone-hydrogen Chemical Heat Pump, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015Accepted.(SCI/EI)

25. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan*, Xu Min, Thermodynamic analysis of an Isopropanol-Acetone-Hydrogen chemical heat pump, International Journal of Energy Research, 2014.(SCI/EI)

26. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan*, Xu Min, Study on Isopropanol–Acetone–Hydrogen chemical heat pump of storage type, Solar Energy, 2014, 110: 684-690.(SCI/EI)

27. Xu Min, HuaiXiulan*, Liu Hui. Role of Keto−Enol Isomerization on Surface Chemistry and Hydrogenation of Acetone on Pt(111): A DFT study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53:5451-5454.(SCI/EI)

28. Xu Min,Xin Fang, Li Xunfeng, HuaiXiulan*, Design of an isopropanol−acetone−hydrogen chemical heat pump with exothermic reactors in series. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014. 71(1):445-449.(SCI/EI)

29. Xin Fang, Xu Min,HuaiXiulan*, Li Xunfeng. Characteristic and kinetic of liquid-phase isopropanol dehydrogenation over Raney nickel catalysts for chemical heat pump, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 70(1):580-585.(SCI/EI)

30. Yan Hou, Yujia Tao, XiulanHuai*, The Effects of Micro-Structured Surfaces on Multi-Nozzle Spray Cooling Heat Transfer characteristics, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,62(2):613-621.(SCI/EI)

31. Yu Zou, Jun Cai, XiulanHuai*, Fang Xin, ZhixiongGuoMolecular dynamics simulation of heat conduction in Si nano-films induced by ultrafast laser heating, Thin Solid Films2014.(in press, SCI/EI)

32. GuoJiangfeng,HuaiXiulan*, Thermodynamic analysis of lead–bismuth eutectic turbulent flow in a straight tubeEnergy, 2013, 57: 600-606.(SCI/EI)

33. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan*, Li Xunfeng, CaiJunWang Yongwei. Multi-objective optimization of heat exchanger based on entransy dissipation theory in an irreversible Brayton cycle systemEnergy, 2013, 65: 158-166.(SCI/EI)

34. Xin Fang, Xu Min, Huai Xiulan*, Li Xunfeng. Study on Isopropanol-Acetone -Hydrogen chemical heat pump: Liquid phase dehydrogenation of isopropanol using a reactive distillation column, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 58(1-2):369-373.(SCI/EI)

35. Xu Min, Xin Fang, Li Xunfeng, HuaiXiulan*, GuoJiangfeng, Liu Hui. Equilibrium model and performances of an Isopropanol-Acetone-Hydrogen chemical heat pump with a reactive distillation column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(11):4040-4048.(SCI/EI)

36. Li Xunfeng, Cai Jun, Xin Fang, HuaiXiulan*, GuoJiangfeng. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of endothermal catalytic reaction in catalyst porous media. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 50(1): 1194-1200.(SCI/EI)

37. Bin Liu, Jun Cai, XiulanHuai, Li Fengchao. Cavitation Bubble Collapse Near a Heated Wall and Its Effect on the Heat Transfer. Journal of Heat Transfer - Transactions of the ASME, 2013.(in press, SCI/EI)

38. GuoJiangfeng, HuaiXiulan*. Optimization design of heat exchanger in an irreversible regenerative Brayton cycle system. Applied Thermal Engineering. 58 (2013) 77-84.(SCI/EI)

39. Chen Fei, HuaiXiulan*, CaiJun, Li Xunfeng, MengRuixue, Investigation on the applicability of turbulent-Prandtl-number models for liquid lead-bismuth eutectic. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 257:128-133.(SCI/EI)

40. JiangfengGuo, XiulanHuai*, Optimization design of recuperator in a chemical heat pump system based on entransy dissipation theory, Energy, 2012 , 41(1), 335-343.(SCI/EI)

41. Jiangfeng Guo, XiulanHuai*, The application of entransy theory in optimization design of Isopropanol-Acetone-Hydrogen chemical heat pump, Energy, 2012, 43(1), 355-360.(SCI/EI)

42. JiangfengGuo, MingtianXu, Yujia Tao, XiulanHuai*,The effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on entropy generation in curved square microchannel. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 52, 2012,85-91.(SCI/EI)

43. Yan Hou, Yujia Tao, XiulanHuai, ZhixiongGuo, Numerical characterization of multi-nozzle spray cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering,2012,39,163-170.(SCI/EI)

44. Yujia Tao, XiulanHuai*, Lei Wang, ZhixiongGuo, Experimental characterization of heat transfer in non-boiling spray cooling with two nozzles, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31,1790-1797.(SCI/EI)

45. Xunfeng Li, XiulanHuai*, Jun Cai, FengquanZhong, Xuejun Fan, ZhixiongGuo, Convective heat transfer characteristics of China RP-3 aviation kerosene at supercritical pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31, 2360-2366.(SCI/EI)

46. Jun Cai, Xunfeng Li, Yujia Tao, XiulanHuai*, ZhixiongGuo, Advances in Organic Liquid-Gas Chemical Heat Pump, Chemical Engineering Technology, 2011,34(10), 1603-1613.(SCI)

47. JiangfengGuo, XiulanHuai*, Xunfeng Li, MingtianXuPerformance analysis of Isopropanol-Acetone-Hydrogen chemical heat pump Applied Energy, 2011,93:261-267.(SCI/EI)

48. JiangfengGuo, MingtianXu, Jun Cai, XiulanHuai*. Viscous dissipation effect on entropy generation in curved square microchannels. Energy2011, 36 (8): 5416-5423.(SCI/EI)

49. Yu ZouXiulanHuai* Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Homogenous Nucleation of Water and Liquid Nitrogen in Explosive BoilingApplied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30, 859-863.

50. Li X, Zhong FQ, Fan XJ, Huai XL*, Study of turbulent heat transfer of aviation kerosene flows in a curved pipe at supercritical pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30:1845-1851.(SCI/EI)

51. Cai J, Huai XL*, Study on fluid–solid coupling heat transfer in fractal porous medium by lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30: 715-723.(SCI/EI)

52. Zhigang Li, XiulanHuai, Li Wang, The Influence of Longitudinal Rise of Coolant Temperature on the Thermal Strain in a Cylindrical Laser Rod, Optics Letters, 2009, Vol.34, No.2 pp. 598-608.(SCI/EI)

53. Zhigang Li, XiulanHuaiYujiaTaoAnalysis of the Temperature, Thermal Stress and Thermal Strain Fields in an Orthotropic Laser Medium, Applied Optics,2009, Vol.48, No.3, pp. 598-608, Doi:10.1364/AO.48.000598.(SCI/EI)

54. Xiaopeng Huang,XiulanHuai, Shiqiang Liang, Xinwei Wang, Termal Transport in Si/GeNancomposites, Journal of Physics DApplied physics, 42, 2009.(SCI/EI)

55. Zhigang Li, XiulanHuai, Analytical Solutions to the Temperature and Thermal Stress Fields in an Orthotropic Laser Medium, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009.(online, SCI/EI) Top 10 Cited | Most Downloaded.

56. Jun Cai, XiulanHuai, Numerical simulation on enhancement of natural convection heat transfer by acoustic cavitation in a square enclosure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009.(online, SCI/EI)

57. Zou YuHuaiXiulan, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Bubble Nucleation in Explosive Boiling, Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, Vol.26 No.1.(SCI/ CSCD)

58. XiulanHuai, Zhigang Li, Thermal Stress Analysis of a Nd:YVO4 Laser Medium End-pumped by a Gaussian Beam, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92,1.(SCI/EI)

59. XiulanHuai, Zhigang Li et al, Analysis and Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Combustion in a Reciprocating Incinerator, Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63, 3100-3113.(SCI/EI)

60. XiuLanHuai, Z.G. Li, F.P. Zhang et al, Numerical Simulation of Municipal Solid Waste Combustion in a Novel Two-stage Reciprocating Incinerator, Waste Management, 2008, 281, p15-29.(SCI/EI)

61. XiulanHuai, Zhigang Li, Microscopic Explosive Boiling Induced by a Pulsed-Laser Irradiation, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 45, 117-126.(SCI/EI)

62. XiulanHuai, Zhaoyi Dong, Zhigang LiYu ZouMicroscopic Boiling of Liquid Nitrogen Induced by a Pulsed Laser IrradiationExperimental Heat Transfer, 2008 , Vol.21, No. 4, p 237256.(SCI/EI)

63. YonggangLv, XiulanHuaiFeasibility Study on Strengthening Heating Effect of High Power Short Pulse Laser on Biological Tissue by Micro/Nano Metal ParticlesHeat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 44, 1455-1464.(SCI/EI)

64. Z. Li, X. Huai, Y. Tao, Study on the heat transfer characteristics of a laser rod in concentric circular tube, Applied Physics B - lasers and optics, 2007, 2580-3.(SCI/EI)

65. XiulanHuaiWeiwei Wang, Analysis of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Fractal Porous Media, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007(27), 2815-2821.(SCI/EI)

66. Z. Li, X. Huai, Effects of thermal property variations on the liquid flow and heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007, Vol.27, 2803-2814.(SCI/EI)

67. XiulanHuai, Shigeru Koyama et al, Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Flow in Small-channeled Structures, Experimental Heat Transfer,2007, 20(1).(SCI/EI)

68. Y.G. Lv, X.L. Huai, Wei-Wei Wang, Study on Effect of Micro Geometric Structure on Heat Conduction in Porous Media Subject to Pulse Laser, Chemical Engineering Science,20066117, 5717-5725.(SCI/EI)

69. XiulanHuai, Shigeru Koyama et al, An experimental study of flow and heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide in multi-port mini channels under cooling conditions, Chemical Engineering Science, 2005.6,Vol.60, No.12, 3337-3345.(SCI/EI)

70. XiulanHuai et al, An Experimental Study on Flow Boiling of Carbon Dioxide in Mini/Micro Channels, Applied Thermal EngineeringVolume 24,Issue 10, July 2004, Pages 1443-1463.(SCI/EI)













1996/9 2001/7 中国科学技术大学,学士

2001/9 2002/6 加州理工学院,硕士

2002/10~2007/6 加州理工学院,博士


2007/7~2009/8 加州理工学院,博士后(机械工程、材料)

2009/9~2012/6 加州理工学院,研究科学家(材料)

2012//7~2015/6 加州理工学院,客座副教授

2012/7~现在 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员(**)


Science Bulletin副主编

Applied Thermal Engineering副主编





1. “能源有序转化基础科学中心, 10名核心成员之一,国家级, 2019-01--2023-12

2. 燃料热化学转换与源头蓄能, 主持, 国家级, 2016-07--2020-12

3. 聚光太阳能与热化学循环耦合机理研究, 主持, 国家级, 2017-01--2020-12

4. 可再生能源高效利用创新交叉团队, 主持, 部委级, 2014-07--2017-06

5. 太阳能与化石能源互补系统理论与方法, 参与, 国家级, 2013-01--2017-12

7. 中国科学院国际杰出学者, 主持, 部委级, 2016-01--2016-12

8. 中国科学院国际杰出学者, 主持, 部委级, 2017-01--2017-12

9. 中国科学院国际杰出学者, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2018-12

10. 中国科学院国际访问学者, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2018-12


1. W. C. Chueh†, Y. Hao†, W. C. Jung, S. M. Haile, “High Electrochemical Activity of the Oxide Phase in Model Ceria-Pt and Ceria-Ni Composite Anodes”, Nature Materials, 11, 155-161 (2012).(†equally contributing authors)

2. Y. Hao, C. K. Yang, S. M. Haile, “Ceria-Zirconia Solid Solutions (Ce1-xZrxO2-δ, x ≤ 0.2) for Solar Thermochemical Water Splitting: A Thermodynamic Study”, Chemistry of Materials, 26 (20), 6073-6082 (2014).

3. Y. Hao*, C. K. Yang, S. M. Haile, “High-temperature isothermal chemical cycling for solar-driven fuel production”, Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 15, 17084-17092 (2013).

4. J. Jin, Y. Hao*, H. Jin, A universal solar simulator for focused and quasi-collimated beams, Applied Energy, 235, 1266-1276 (2019).

5. W. Li, Y. Hao*, H. Wang, H. Liu, J. Sui, Efficient and low-carbon heat and power cogeneration with photovoltaics and thermochemical storage, Applied Energy, 206, 1523-1531 (2017).

6. W. Li, Y. Hao*, Efficient solar power generation combining photovoltaics and mid-/low-temperature methanol thermochemistry, Applied Energy, 202, 377-385 (2017).

7. H. Wang, Y. Hao*, H Kong, Thermodynamic study on solar thermochemical fuel production with oxygen permeation membrane reactors, International Journal of Energy Research, 39 (13), 1790-1799 (2015).

8. Y. Hao*, D. G. Goodwin, Efficiency and fuel utilization of methane-powered single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 183(1), 157-163 (2008).

9. Y. Hao*, D. G. Goodwin, Numerical study of heterogeneous reactions in an SOFC anode with oxygen addition, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 155(7), B666-B674 (2008).

10. J. Jin, Y, Ling, Y, Hao*, Similarity analysis of parabolic-trough solar collectors, Applied Energy, 204, 958-965 (2017).







照片 技术职务:研究员






1978~1982 东北电力学院,本科

1986~1989 中国科学院工程热物理所,硕士

1992~1995 日本东京工业大学,博士


1982~1991 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理工程师、工程师

1991~1992 东京工业大学资源利用实验室,UNDP资助的研究员

1992~1999 日本东京工业大学资源利用实验室,研究助理、副教授

1999~至今 中国科学院工程热物理所 研究员,博士生导师

2013~至今 中国科学院院士



Applied Energy 专题主编

Energy Conversion & Management 编委

International Journal of Green Energy 编委




1. 国家自然科学基金委资助项目(基础研究)

(1) 新颖能源与环境总能系统的研究,国家自然科学基金委**;

(2) 能源有序转化, 国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目;

(3) 适合西部的多功能能源系统,国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目;

(4) 太阳能与化石能源互补系统理论与方法,国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目;

(5) 太阳能与化石能源互补的多功能系统集成研究,国家自然科学基金委重点基金项目;

(6) 温室气体控制技术与战略研究,国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目

2. 国家科技部资助项目(技术前沿)

(1) 多能源互补的分布式冷热电联供系统基础研究973项目(担任首席科学家);

(2) IGCC电站系统优化集成技术,科技部863计划;

(3) 多联产过程耦合集成优化理论和模型,科技部973计划;

(4) 兆瓦级塔式太阳能热发电系统,科技部863计划;

(5) 太阳能与替代燃料互补的热电循环关键技术研究,科技部863计划;

(6) 北方地区MW级分布式冷热电联供系统集成技术与示范工程,科技部863计划

3. 国际合作项目

(1)“Cooperation Action within CCS China- EU”(COACH),欧盟第六框架-FP6

(2)“Support to regulatory activities for CO2 capture and storage”(STRACO2),欧盟第七框架-FP7

(3)“Feasibility study for the design of an industrial park with very low energy consumption and energy integration between the manufacturing and the residential buildings”,欧盟AsiaProEco项目;

(4)“Thermophysical sciences and innovative technologies for CO2 capture and storage”,中瑞政府间合作项目;

(5)“Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) Initiative”,中英政府间CO2排合作项目

4. 中国科学院资助项目


(2) 光太阳能能质能势理论与方法研究,中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目



1. 分布式冷热电联产系统装置及应用, 中国电力出版社,2010.

2. 冷热电联产系统装置应用实践, 中国电力出版社,2008.




1. M. Ishida and H. G. Jin, A New Advanced Power-Generation System Using Chemical-Looping Combustion, Energy, 19 (4), 415-422, 1994.

2. M. Ishida and H. G. Jin, A Novel Chemical-Looping Combustor without NOx Formation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35(7), 2469-2472, 1996.

3. H. G. Jin and M. Ishida, A novel gas turbine cycle with hydrogen-fueled chemical-looping combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 25, 1209-1215, 2000.

4. H. G. Jin and M. Ishida, A new type of coal gas fueled chemical-looping combustion, Fuel, 83 (17-18), 2411-2427, 2004.

5. H. Hong, H. G. Jin, J. Ji et al., Solar thermal power cycle with integration of methanol decomposition and middle-temperature solar thermal energy, 78 (1), 49-58, 2005.










照片 技术职务:教授






1998~2002 西安交通大学能动学院,本科

2002~2005 安交通大学能动学院,硕士

2005~2008 国科学院研究生院,博士


2008~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助研、副研、研究员

2014~2015 美国亚利桑那大学,访问学者

2015~至今 中国科学院大学,岗位教授


Journal of Thermal Science》编委

Energy and BuildingsGuest Editor




1. 多能互补的分布式能源系统,2018-2020,国家自然科学基金**


1. Taixiu Liu, Zhang Bai, Zhimei Zheng, Qibin Liu*, et.al, 100 kWe power generation pilot plant with a solar thermochemical process: design, modeling, construction, and testing. Applied Energy, 2019, 251: 113217.

2. Juan Fang, Qibin Liu*, Shaopeng Guo, et.al, Spanning solar spectrum: A combined photochemical and thermochemical process for solar energy storage, Applied Energy, 2019, 247: 116-126.

3. Zhang Bai, Qibin Liu*, Liang Gong, et.al, Investigation of a solar-biomass gasification system with the production of methanol and electricity: Thermodynamic, economic and off-design operation, Applied energy, 2019, 243: 91-101.

4. Taixiu Liu, Qibin Liu*, Jing Lei, Jun Sui, A new solar hybrid clean fuel-fired distributed energy system with solar thermochemical conversion, Journal of Cleaner Production,2019 213: 1011-1023.

5. Juan Fang, Qibin Liu*, Taixiu Liu, et.al, Thermodynamic evaluation of a distributed energy system integrating a solar thermochemical process with a double-axis tracking parabolic trough collector, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,145:541-551.

6. Xiaohe Wang, Qibin Liu*, Jing Lei, et.al, Investigation of thermodynamic performances for two-stage recompression supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle with high temperature thermal energy storage system, Energy conversion and management, 2018, 165: 477-487.

7. Zhang Bai, Taixiu Liu, Qibin Liu*, et. al, Performance investigation of a new cooling, heating and power system with methanol decomposition based chemical recuperation process, Applied energy, 2018, 229:1152-1163.

8. Xiaohe Wang, Qibin Liu*, Zhang Bai, et.al, Thermodynamic investigations of the supercritical CO2 system with solar energy and biomass, Applied Energy, 2018, 227: 108-118.

9. Taixiu Liu, Qibin Liu*, Jing Lei, et.al, Solar-clean fuel distributed energy system with solar thermochemistry and chemical recuperation, Applied energy, 2018, 225: 380-391.

10. Shaopeng Guo, Qibin Liu*, Jie Sun, Hongguang Jin, A review on the utilization of hybrid renewable energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 91:1121-1147.







照片 技术职务:研究院






1980/9~1984/9 东北电力学院电厂热能动力专业,本科

1984/9~1987/9 西安交通大学热能工程专业,硕士

1987/9~1990/12 西安交通大学热能工程专业,博士

1990/12~1992/12 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士后


1993/1~1993/8 中国科学院工程热物理所,助理研究员

1993/9~1998/4 中国科学院工程热物理所,副研究员

1995/1~1996/4 中国科学院工程热物理所,第十研究室(循环流化床燃烧)常务副主任

1996/4~2001/1 中国科学院工程热物理所,循环流化床工程中心副主任

1998/5~至今 中国科学院工程热物理所,研究员

2001/1~2005/2 中国科学院工程热物理所,第二研究部(先进燃烧实验室)主任

2001/1~至今 中国科学院工程热物理所,博士生导师

2005/12~2007/7 中国科学院工程热物理所,循环流化床课题组组长

2007/7~至今 中国科学院工程热物理所,循环流化床实验室主任

2008/6~2010/5 中国科学院工程热物理所所长助理

2010/6~至今 中国科学院工程热物理所副所长








1. 中国科学院战略性先导技专项,半焦 /煤清洁高效燃烧技术示范 20122016

2. 目,面向节能环保的新型循环流化床技术联合研究,20142017

3. 中国科学院科技成果转移转化重点专项(弘光专项),循环流化床煤气化技术产业化,20172019

4. 中国科学院战略性先导技专项,高效清洁燃烧关键技术及示范,2018–2023


1. Haibo Wu, Man Zhang, Yunkai Sun,Q inggang Lu. The thermal- hydraulic CFB boiler, Powder Technology, 2013, 235:590-598.

2. Shiyuan Li, Wei Li, Mingxin Xu, Xin Wang, Haoyu Li,Q inggang Lu. The experimental study on nitrogen oxides and SO2 emission for oxy- fuel circulation fluidized bed combustion with high oxygen concentration, Fuel,2015,146:81-87.

3. Shiyuan Li, Mingxin Xu, Lufei Jia, Li Tan, Q inggang Lu. Influence of operating parameters on N2O emission in O2/CO2 combustion with high oxygen concentration in circulating fluidized bed, Applied Energy, 2016, 173:197-209.

4. Mingxin Xu, Shiyuan Li, Yinghai Wu, Lufei Jia,Q inggang Lu. The characteristics of recycled NO reduction over char during oxy- fuel fluidized bed combustion, Applied Energy, 2017, 190:553-562.

5. Guoliang Song, Q inggang Lyu, Feng Xiao, Yunguan Sun. Experimental research of heat transfer uniformity for fluidized bed heat exchangers in a 300MW CFB boiler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130:938-950.

6. Zhu Shujun, Lyu Qinggang, Zhu Jianguo, Wu Huixing, Fan Yanqi. Low NOx emissions from pulverized coal MILD combustion in O2/CO2 preheated by a circulating fluidized bed. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32: 10956-10963.

7. Zhu Shujun, Zhu Jianguo, Lyu Qinggang, Pan Fei, Zhang Yi, Liu Wen. NO emissions under pulverized char combustion in O2/CO2/H2O preheated by a circulating fluidized bed, Fuel, 2019, 252:512-521.










照片 技术职务:研究员






1997~2001 西北工业大学动力与能源学院,本科

2001~2004 西北工业大学动力与能源学院,硕士

2004~2007 西北工业大学动力与能源学院,博士


2007~2009 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士后

2010~2015 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2016~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员







1. 超高负荷低压涡轮内部流动机理及设计方法研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2019-2023

2. 离心组合压气机流动机理及设计基础研究,航空发动机及燃气轮机重大专项基础研究,2018-2021

3. 低压涡轮非定常流动机理及设计方法研究,民用飞机专项科研重大项目,2015-2017

4. 高通流风扇构型及设计技术验证,民用飞机专项科研重大项目,2017-2019


1. Xingen Lu, Han Ge, Junqiang Zhu. Flow and Loss Mechanisms within an Inter-Turbine Duct, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016, 32(3): 734-742.

2. Xingen Lu, Yanfeng Zhang, Junqiang Zhu. Effects of Periodic Wakes on Boundary Layer Development on an Ultra-high-lift Low Pressure Turbine Airfoil, Proc IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2017, 231(1): 25-38.

3. Ge Han, Xingen Lu*, Shengfeng Zhao, Cengwu YangJunqiang Zhu. Parametric Studies of Pipe Diffuser on Performance of a Highly Loaded Centrifugal Compressor, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2014, 136(12)54-63.

4. Yanfeng Zhang, Xingen Lu*, Zhijun Lei, Ge Han, Junqiang Zhu, Shuzhen Hu. Parametric studying of low-profile vortex generators flow control in an aggressive inter-turbine duct, Proc IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2015, 229(8):849-861.

5. Ziliang Li, Xingen Lu*, Yanfeng Zhang, Ge Han, Chengwu Yang and Shengfeng Zhao. Numerical Investigation of a Highly Loaded Centrifugal Compressor Stage with a Tandem Bladed Impeller, Proc IMechE, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2018,232(3):240-253.












照片 技术职务:教授






1978~1982 武汉水运工程学院,本科

1985~1987 上海机械学院,硕士

1990~1994 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


1987~1990 江西工业大学机械系内燃机教研室,讲师

1994~1996 北京航空航天大学,博士后

1998/9~1998/12 希腊雅典技术大学热叶轮机械实验室,访问学者

1999~2000 剑桥大学WHITTLE实验室,访问学者

1996~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员研究员









1. 基于非定常升力的压气机转子/静子气动布局理论与实验研究,2013.01-2017.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目

2. 高负荷压气机流动失稳监测与调控实验装置,2017.1-2018.12,基金委重大仪器研制项目

3. 真实复杂边界下高负荷压缩系统扩稳机制与一体化设计方法,2018.1-2022.12,工信部两机基础研究项目

4. 多级压气机气动稳定性分析理论和方法研究,2018.1-2022.12,工信部两机基础研究项目

5. 航空轴流压气机新气动布局基础研究,2018.1-2022.12,基金委重大研发计划


1. Jichao Li, Juan Du, Mingzhen Li, Feng Lin, Hongwu Zhang and Chaoqun Nie. Influence of Rain Ingestion on the Endwall Treatment in an Axial Flow Compressor[J]. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018, 140(8):081001-1.

2. Du J, Lin F, Chen J, Nie C, Biela C. Flow Structures in the Tip Region for a Transonic Compressor Rotor. ASME. J. Turbomach. 2013;135(3):031012-031012-11. doi:10.1115/1.4006779.

3. Juan Du, Jichao Li, Kai Wang, Feng Lin, Chaoqun Nie. The Self-induced Unsteadiness of Tip Leakage Flow in an Axial Low-Speed Compressor with Single Circumferential Casing Groove[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2013(6):565-572.

4. Juan Du, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen, Scott C Morris, Chaoqun Nie. Numerical study on the Influence Mechanism of Inlet Distortion on the Stall Margin in a Transonic Axial Rotor[J]. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, 2012, 21(3):209-214.

5. Jichao Li, Feng Lin, Chaoqun Nie, Jingyi Chen. Automatic Efficiency Optimization of an Axial Compressor with Adjustable Inlet Guide Vanes[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2012, 21(2):120-126.

6. Chaoqun Nie, Gang Li, Junqiang Zhu, Yi Zhang, Yutong Li. Investigation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Flow Control[J]. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(7):1064-1072.

7. Feng Lin, Jingxuan Zhang, Jingyi Chen, Chaoqun Nie. Flow Structure of Short-Length-Scale Disturbance in an Axial-Flow Compressor[J]. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2008, 24(6):1301-1308.

8. Jingxuan Zhang, Feng Lin, Jingyi Chen Chaoqun Nie. Effects of Rotating Inlet Distortion on Flow Stability of an Axial Compressor[C]// Aiaa/asme/sae/asee Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. 2007.









照片 技术职务:教授






2008 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室,博士


2013~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员/博导,中国科学院大学 教授/博导

2019~至今 华北电力大学吴仲华学院 兼职导师

2013 德国比勒费尔德大学 助理研究员

2011~2013 德国比勒费尔德大学 课题组长

2010~2012 德国比勒费尔德大学 洪堡学者

2008~2010 法国南锡大学 CNRS博士后


Journal of Thermal Science》副主编


Prog. Energ. Combust.Appl. Catal. B40余种国际期刊审稿人

国际燃烧学会Hiroshi Tsuji AwardBernard Lewis Fellowship评审委员会委员




1. 化石燃料燃烧与绿色利用,科技部重点研发计划课题,2017-2022

2. 芳烃燃烧反应动力学研究,科技部中法杰出青年科研人员交流计划2018

3. 航空模型燃料燃烧研究,洪堡研究合作计划,2016-2018

4. 生物航空燃料低温氧化研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,2016-2018

5. 正丙苯及异构体的层流预混火焰研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-2018

6. 热障涂层的化学气相沉积制备研究,中德科技合作项目,2015-2016

7. 煤基燃料燃烧研究,院战略先导专项子课题,2013-2014

8. 均相和异相燃烧反应动力学研究,青年**,2013-2016



1.Tian, D.X., Liu, Y.X., Wang, B.Y., Cao, C.C., Liu, Z.K., Zhai, Y.T., Zhang, Y., Yang, J.Z., Tian, Z.Y.*, Pyrolysis study of iso-propylbenzene with photoionization and molecular beam mass spectrometry, Combust. Flame, accepted.

2. Zhou, L., Yu, D., Wang, Z., Cheng, L.J., Jin, Z.H., Weng, J.J., Yang, J.Z., Tian, Z.Y.*, A detailed kinetic study on oxidation of benzyl alcohol, Combust. Flame, 207 (2019) 10-19.

3. Liu, Y.X., Tian, Z.Y.*, Oxidation chemistry of four C9H12 isomeric transportation fuels Experimental and modeling studies, Combust. Flame, 205 (2019) 165-179.

4. Liu, Y.X., Richter, S., Naumann, C., Braun-Unkhoff, M., Tian, Z.Y.*, Combustion study of a RP-3 surrogate fuel, Combust. Flame 202 (2019) 252-261.

5. Weng, J.J., Tian, Z.Y.*, Zhang, K.W., Ye, L.L., Liu, Y.X., Wu, L.N., Yu, D., Yang, J.Z., Cao, C.C., Zou, J.B., Experimental and kinetic investigation of pyrolysis and oxidation of nitromethane, Combust. Flame, 203 (2019) 247-254.

6. Wu, L.N., Tian, Z.Y.*, Weng, J.J., Yu, D., Liu, Y.X., Tian, D.X., Cao, C.C., Zou, J.B., Zhang, Y., Yang, J.Z., Combustion and oxidation study of pyridine as a representative of fuel-N compounds, Combust. Flame 202 (2019) 394-404.

7. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, Controlled synthesis of α-Fe2O3@Fe3O4 composite catalysts for exhaust gas purification, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37 (2019) 5445-5453.

8. Liu, Y.X., Yu, D., Tian, D.X., Tian, Z.Y.*, An experimental and modeling study of oxidation of 1,2,4-trimethylcyclohexane with JSR, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37 (2019) 437-444.

9. El Kasmi, A., Pan G.F., Wu, L.N., Tian, Z.Y.*, An efficient and innovative catalytic reactor for VOCs emission control, Sci. Bull. 64 (2019) 625-633.

10. Kouotou, P.M.*, El Kasmi, A., Wu, L.N., Waqas, M., Tian, Z.Y.*, Particle size-band gap energy-catalytic properties relationship of PSE-CVD-derived Fe3O4 thin films, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng. 93 (2018) 427-435.

11. Yu, D., Tian, Z.Y.*, Wang, Z., Liu, Y.X., Zhou, L., Experimental and theoretical study on acetone pyrolysis in a jet-stirred reactor, Fuel, 234 (2018) 1380-1387.

12. Weng, J.J., Tian, Z.Y.*, Zhang, K.W., Ye, L.L., Liu, Y.X., Wu, L.N., Yu, D., Xie, M.F., Cao, C.C., Zou, J.B., Experimental and kinetic investigation of pyrolysis and oxidation of nitromethane, Combust. Flame, 203, 247-254.

13. Waqas, M., El Kasmi, A., Wang, Y., Kouotou, P.M., Tian, Z.Y.*, CVD synthesis of Cu-doped cobalt spinel thin film catalysts for kinetic study of propene oxidation, Coll. Surf. A, 556 (2018) 195-200.

14. Wu, L.N.,Tian, Z.Y.*, Qin, W., DFT study on the of CO catalytic oxidation mechanism on the defective Cu2O (111) surface, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122 (2018) 16733-16740.

15. Wang, B.Y., Liu, Y.X., Weng, J.J., Tian, Z.Y.*, An experimental and modeling study of low temperature oxidation of iso-propylbenzene, Energy & Fuels, 32 (2018) 8781-8788

16. Liu, Y.X., Wang, B.Y., Weng, J.J., Yu, D., Richter, S., Kick, T., Naumann, C., Braun-Unkhoff, M., Tian, Z.Y.*, A wide-range experimental and modeling study of oxidation and combustion of n-propylbenzene, Combustion and Flame, 191 (2018) 53-65.

17. Wang, B.Y., Yu, D., Pan, G.F., Liu, Y.X., Weng, J.J., Tian, Z.Y.*, An experimental and modeling study on the low temperature oxidation of surrogate for JP-8 part I: neat 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, Combust. Flame, 192 (2018) 507-516.

18. Wang, B.Y., Liu, Y.X., Weng, J.J., Pan, G.F., Tian, Z.Y.*, An experimental and modeling study on the low temperature oxidation of surrogate for JP-8 part II: comparison between neat 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene and its mixture with n-decane, Combust. Flame, 192 (2018) 517-529.

19. Wu, L.N., Qin, W., Tian, Z.Y.*, Mechanism of CO oxidation on Cu2O (111) surface: A DFT and microkinetic study, Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 50 (2018) 507-514.

20. Yu, D.*, Kong, C.D., Zhuo, J.K., Yao, Q., Li, S.Q., Tian, Z.Y.*, Combustion characteristics of well-dispersed boron submicroparticles and plasma effect, Combustion and Flame, 188 (2018) 94-103.

21. Weng, J.J., Liu, Y.X., Zhu, Y.N., Pan, Y., Tian, Z.Y.*, Online study on the co-pyrolysis of coal and biomass with vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry, Bioresource Technology, 244 (2017) 125-131.

22. Weng, J.J., Liu, Y.X., Wang, B.Y., Xing, L.L., Zhang, L.D., Tian, Z.Y.*, Experimental and kinetic investigation of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene oxidation at low temperature, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36 (2017) 909-917.

23. Wang, B.Y., Liu, Y.X., Weng, J.J., Glarborg, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, New insights in the low-temperature oxidation of acetylene, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36 (2017) 355-363.

24. Fan, S.B., Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Weng, J.J., Pan, G.F., Tian, Z.Y.*, Investigation of the structure stability and catalytic activity of Cu-Co binary oxides, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36 (2017) 4375-4382.

25. Mountapmbeme Kouotou P.*, Tian, Z.Y.*, CVD synthesis of cobalt spinel for bio-butanol combustion, Surf. Coat. Technol. 326 (2017) 11-17.

26. El Kasmi, A., Tian, Z.Y.*, Vieker, H., Beyer, A., Chafik, T., Innovative CVD synthesis of Cu2O catalysts for CO oxidation, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 186 (2016) 10-18.

27. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P.*, Pan, G.F., Weng, J.J., Fan, S.B., Tian, Z.Y.*, Catalytic evaluation of the CVD made Co3O4 thin films towards deep oxidation of light olefins, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 35 (2016) 253-261.

28. Tian, Z.Y.*, Vieker, H., Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Beyer, A., In-situ characterization of Cu-Co oxides for catalytic application, Faraday Discussions, 177 (2015) 249-262.

29. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, Cobalt-iron oxides made by CVD for low temperature catalytic application, Phys. Status Solidi A 212(7) (2015) 1508-1513.

30. Pan, G.F., Fan, S.B., Liang, J., Liu, Y.Y., Tian, Z.Y.*, CVD synthesis of Cu2O films for catalytic combustion of VOCs, RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 42477-42481.

31. Assebban, M., Tian, Z.Y.*, El Kasmi, A., Bahlawane, N., Harti, S., Chafik, T.*, Catalytic complete oxidation of acetylene and propene over clay versus cordierite honeycomb monoliths without and with chemical vapor deposited cobalt oxide, Chem. Eng. J. 262 (2015) 1252-1259.

32. Fan, S.B., Pan, G.F., Liang, J., Tian, Z.Y.*, Tailored synthesis of CoOx thin films for catalytic application, RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 97272-97278.

33. Tian, Z.Y.*, Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., El Kasmi, A., Tchoua Ngamou, P.H., Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Vieker, H., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., Low-temperature deep oxidation of olefins and DME over cobalt ferrite, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35 (2015) 2207-2214.

34. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P.*, Vieker, H., Tian, Z.Y.*, Tchoua Ngamou, P.H., El Kasmi, A., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Structure-activity relation of spinel-type Co-Fe oxides for low-temperature CO oxidation, Catal. Sci. Technol. 4 (2014) 3359-3367.

35. Tian, Z.Y.*, Herrenbrück H.J., Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Vieker, H., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K. (2013): Facile synthesis of copper oxide film from alcohol-assisted CVD, Surf. Coat. Technol. 230, 33-38.

36. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, Vieker, H., Beyer, A., Gölzhäuser, A., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Selective synthesis of α-Fe2O3 thin films and effect of the deposition temperature and lattice oxygen on the catalytic combustion of propene, J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 10495-10504.

37. Tian, Z.Y.*, Montapmbeme Kouotou, P., Bahlawane, N., and Tchoua Ngamou, P.H., Synthesis of the catalytically active Mn3O4 spinel and its thermal properties. J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 6218-6224.

38. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, Vieker, H., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Pulsed-spray evaporation CVD synthesis of hematite thin films for catalytic conversion of CO, Surf. Coat. Technol. 230 (2013) 59-65.

39. Tian, Z.Y.*, Chafik, T., Vannier, V., Assebban, M., Harti, S., Vidal, H., Gatica, J.M., Cifredo, G.A., Bahlawane, N., Montapmbeme Kouotou, P., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Towards biofuels combustion with an easily extruded clay as a natural catalyst. Appl. Energy 107 (2013) 149-156.

40. Tian, Z.Y.*, Bahlawane, N., Vannier, V., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Structure sensitivity of propene oxidation over Co-Mn spinels. Proc. Combus. Inst. 34 (2013) 2261-2268.

41. Mountapmbeme Kouotou, P., Tian, Z.Y.*, Mundloch, U., Bahlawane, N. and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Controlled synthesis of Co3O4 spinel with Co(acac)3 as precursor. RSC Adv. 2 (2012) 10809-10812.

24. Tian, Z.Y.*, Tchoua Ngamou, P.H., Vannier, V., Kohse-Höinghaus, K. and Bahlawane, N., Catalytic oxidation of VOCs over mixed Co-Mn oxides, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 117-118 (2012) 125-134.

43. Tian, Z.Y., Fournet, R., Glaude, P.A., Yuan, T., Zhang, K.W., Qi, F. and Battin-Leclerc, F., An experimental and numerical investigation of premixed furan/oxygen/argon flames, Combust. Flame 158 (2011) 756-773.

44. Tian, Z.Y., Pitz, W.J., Fournet, R., Glaude, P.A. and Battin-Leclerc, F., A detailed kinetic modeling study of toluene oxidation in a premixed laminar flame. Proc. Combust. Inst. 33 (2011) 233-241.

45. Pousse, E., Tian, Z.Y., Glaude, P.A., Fournet, R. and Battin-Leclerc, F., A lean methane premixed laminar flame doped with components of diesel fuel Part III: Indane. Combust. Flame 157 (2010) 1236-1260.(co-first author, feature article)

46. Tian, Z.Y., Li, Y.Y., Zhang, L.D., Glarborg, P. and Qi, F., An experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed NH3/CH4/O2/Ar flames at low pressure. Combust. Flame 156 (2009) 1413-1426.

47. Tian, Z.Y., Bahlawane, N., Qi, F. and Kohse-Höinghaus, K., Catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons over Co3O4 catalyst prepared by CVD. Catal. Commun. 11 (2009) 118-122.

48. Tian, Z.Y., Zhang, L.D., Li, Y.Y., Yuan, T. and Qi, F., An experimental and kinetic modeling study of a premixed nitromethane flame at low pressure. Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) 311-318.

49. Tian, Z.Y., Li, Y.Y., Zhang, T.C., Zhu, A.G. and Qi, F., Identification of combustion intermediates in low-pressure premixed pyridine/oxygen/argon flames. J. Phys. Chem. A 112 (2008) 13549-13555.

50. Tian, Z.Y., Li, Y.Y., Zhang, T.C., Zhu, A.G., Cui, Z.F. and Qi, F., An experimental study of low-pressure premixed pyrrole/oxygen/argon flames with tunable synchrotron photoionization. Combust. Flame 151 (2007) 347-365.




国际燃烧学会杰出青年科学家和工程师奖(Bernard Lewis Fellowship),2010





照片 技术职务:教授






1958/9~1964/1 中国科学技术法学近代力学工程热物理专业,学士

1964/1~1967/9 中国科学院力学研究所工程热物理专业,硕士


1967/9~1980/5 中国科学院力学研究所 副研究员

1980/5~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员

1995~至今 中国科学院 院士

2015/11~2019/11 中国科学院 特聘研究员








1. 工程热物理学科前沿增长点,2013-2016,基金委-中科院学科发展战略研究

2. 中国大百科全书,2015-2017,中国大百科全书出版社


1. 徐建中. 带有激波间断的跨声速叶轮机械中的三元流动理论, 工程热物理学报, 1980, 1[2].

2. 徐建中. 跨声速压气机转子中激波终止处结构的研究, 工程热物理学报, 1983, 4[4].

3. 杜建一, 徐建中. 轴流压气机计及掺混作用通流计算方法的研究, 1990, 11[4].

4. 徐建中, 余文胜. 含流向粘性扩散与传热项的简化Navier-Stokes方程, 1991, 12[2].

5. 徐建中, 赵桂林, 余文胜. 用略微简化Navier-Stokes方程求解层流分离流动的研究, 1993, 14[4].






照片 技术职务:研究院






1998/9~2002/7 西安交通大学,本科

2002/9~2008/12 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


2009/4~2011/11 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理研究员

2011/12~2015/12 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2016/1~2019/4 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,项目研究员

2019/5~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员









1. 国家重点研发计划项目课题10MW级先进压缩空气储能系统的工程示范,执行期2017.07-2021.06,负责人

2. 中国科学院先导项目课题“100MW级先进压缩空气储能技术研发与示范,执行期2018.04-2023.04,负责人

3. 北京科委重大项目课题大规模先进压缩空气储能系统关键部件研制 2016.01-2018.12,负责人


1. Jie Ding, Yujie Xu (并列), Haisheng chen, Wenwen Sun, Shan Hu, Shuang Sun. Value and economic estimation model for grid-scale energy storage in monopoly power markets. Applied Energy. 2019, 240: 986-1002.

2. Yi Zhang, Yujie Xu (并列), Xuezhi Zhou, Huan Guo, Xinjing Zhang, Haisheng Chen. Compressed air energy storage system with variable configuration for accommodating large-amplitude wind power fluctuation. Applied Energy. 2019, 239: 957-968.

3. Xinjing Zhang, Yujie Xu (通讯), Jian Xu Haobai Xue Haisheng Chen. Study of a single valve reciprocating expander. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2016, 89(3): 400-413.

4. Yi Zhang, Yujie Xu, Huan Guo, Xinjing Zhang, Cong Guo, Haisheng Chen. A hybrid energy storage system with optimized operating strategy for mitigating wind power fluctuations. Renewable Energy. 2018, 125: 128-132.

5. Haisheng Chen, Yujie Xu, Chang Liu, Fengjuan He, Shan Hu. Storing Energy in China – An Overview, Storing Energy. Elsevier PublisherISBN: 978-0-12-803440-8, 505-523.



2014年北京市科学技术奖一等奖, 排名第三






照片 技术职务:研究员/教授






2003/9~2007/6 南京大学物理学系,学士

2007/9~2012/12 美国加州大学河滨分校物理系,博士


2013/1~2016/1 加州理工学院机械工程系,博士后

2016/1~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员


作为Energy and Environmental Science20余个SCI期刊的审稿人




1. 中国科学院百人计划青年俊才”, 主持, 部委级, 2016-01--2018-12

2. 百人计划所匹配, 主持, 市地级, 2016-01--2018-12

3. 应用于XXXX的激光光谱测量方法研究, 主持, 部委级, 2016-06--2018-05

4. 国家军委科技委项目基于二维层状材料的微通道表面处理技术研究”, 主持, 国家级, 2017-07--2018-06

5. 国家军委科技委项目高导热自修复热界面技术研究”, 主持, 国家级, 2017-09--2018-06

6. 国家重点研发计划项目超高参数高效二氧化碳燃煤发电基础理论与关键技术研究子课题, 主持, 国家级, 2017-07--2021-06

7. 基于生物分子的HN材料ZN配方设计与计算, 主持, 部委级, 2017-01--2018-12

8. 合肥先进能源装备研究院产业引导基金, 主持, 院级, 2017-01--2018-12

9. 中国科学院工程热物理研究所创新引导基金, 主持, 市地级, 2016-10--2018-03

10. 高导热长寿命热界面材料技术, 主持, 国家级, 2018-11--2020-10

11. 百人计划择优支持, 主持, 部委级, 2019-01--2021-12

12. 低红外发射率材料研制及典型环境验证, 主持, 市地级, 2019-03--2020-03


1. Zhang Hang(#)(*)Guo Yun-BoChen XiaoWang DuanCheng Peng-JunThe distribution of a granular pile under impactActa Physica Sinica2007.4.01564):2030-2036.

2. Standley, Brian(#)Bao, WenzhongZhang, HangBruck, JehoshuaLau, Chun NingBockrath, Marc(*)Graphene-Based Atomic-Scale SwitchesNano Letters2008.10.01810):3345-3349.

3. Zhang, Hang(#)Bekyarova, ElenaHuang, Jhao-WunZhao, ZengBao, WenzhongWang, FenglinHaddon, Robert C.(*)Lau, Chun NingAryl Functionalization as a Route to Band Gap Engineering in Single Layer Graphene DevicesNano Letters2011.10.011110):4047-4051.

4. Zhang, Hang(#)Bao, Wenzhong(#)Zhao, ZengHuang, Jhao-WunStandley, BrianLiu, GangWang, FenglinKratz, PhilipJing, LeiBockrath, Marc(*)Lau, Chun NingVisualizing Electrical Breakdown and ON/OFF States in Electrically Switchable Suspended Graphene Break JunctionsNano Letters2012.4.01124):1772-1775.

5. Sarkar, Santanu(#)Zhang, Hang(#)Huang, Jhao-WunWang, FenglinBekyarova, ElenaLau, Chun Ning(*)Haddon, Robert C.Organometallic Hexahapto Functionalization of Single Layer Graphene as a Route to High Mobility Graphene DevicesAdvanced Materials2013.2.25258):1131-1136.

6. Zhang, Hang(#)(*)Huang, Jhao-Wun(#)Velasco, Jairo, Jr.Myhro, KevinMaldonado, MattDavid Dung TranZhao, ZengWang, FenglinLee, YongjinLiu, GangBao, WenzhongLau, Chun NingTransport in suspended monolayer and bilayer graphene under strain: A new platform for material studiesCarbon2014.4.0169336-341.

7. Zhang, Hang(#)Minnich, Austin J.(*)The best nanoparticle size distribution for minimum thermal conductivityScientific Reports2015.3.115.

8. Zhang, Hang(#)Hua, ChengyunDing, DingMinnich, Austin J.(*)Length Dependent Thermal Conductivity Measurements Yield Phonon Mean Free Path Spectra in NanostructuresScientific Reports2015.3.135.

9. Zhang, Hang(#)Chen, Xiangwen(#)Jho, Young-DahlMinnich, Austin J(*)Temperature-Dependent Mean Free Path Spectra of Thermal Phonons Along the c-Axis of Graphite.Nano Lett2016.3.9163):1643-1649.

10. Ying-Xiang Zhen(#), Ming Yang(#), Hang Zhang(*), Guang-Sheng Fu, Jiang-Long Wang, Shu-Fang Wang, Rui-Ning Wang(*),Ultrahigh power factors in P-type 1T-ZrX2 (X=S, Se) single layers, Science Bulletin,2017.11,(62) 22.







照片 技术职务教授






1980/9~1984/6 西北工业大学航空发动机系,学士

1984/9~1987/6 西北工业大学航空发动机系,硕士

1987/9~1990/6 西北工业大学航空发动机系,博士


1990/7~1994/7 西北工业大学航空发动机系,讲师

1994/7~1997/7 西北工业大学航空发动机系,副教授

1997/7~2004/7 西北工业大学航空发动机系,教授

2002/7~2004/7 加拿大Carleton大学机械与航空工程学院,高级访问学者

2004/7~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,研究员









1. 工信部民机专项,MYFJ-201101××××涡扇发动机技术验证机研制,2011/01-2017/12,17700万元,主持;

2. 工信部两机专项,2017-II-0010-0024,压气机低雷诺数效应模化方法及实验验证,2018/08-2023/075420万元,主持;

3. 中国科学院科研装备仪器研制院级重大项目,YYSB-0912,新概念航空发动机压气机流场测试系统,2018/01-2020/12980万元,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50676095,尾迹扫掠下高负荷涡轮叶片附面层特性实验研究,2007/01-2009/1230万元,已结题,主持

5. 中科院百人计划,2004年,工程热物理


1. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Unsteady Wakes–Secondary Flow Interactions in a High-Lift LPT Cascade, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2019.

2. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Effect of Periodic Wakes and a Contoured Endwall on Secondary Flow in a High-Lift Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade at Low Reynolds Numbers, Computers and Fluids 190 (2019) 1–14.

3. Zhang, Yingjie, Lu, Xingen, Zhang, Yanfeng, Han Ge, Zhu, Junqiang, Parametric Study of Slotted Diffuser Effects on a Highly Loaded Centrifugal Compressor, Proc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0957650918824013.

4. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Effects of Periodic Wakes on the Endwall Secondary Flow in High-lift Low-pressure Turbine Cascades at Low Reynolds Numbers, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2017, 233(1): 095441001773144.

5. Lu Xingen, Zhang Yanfeng*, Zhu Junqiang, Effects of Periodic Wakes on Boundary Layer Development on an Ultra-high-lift Low Pressure Turbine AirfoilProc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2016, 231(1): 25-38.

6. Zhang Yanfeng, Lu Xingen*, Lei Zhijun, Zhu Junqiang, Parametric Studying of Low-Profile Vortex Generators Flow Control in an Aggressive Inter-Turbine DuctProc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2015, 229(8): 849-861.

7. 朱俊强,黄国平,雷志军,航空发动机进排气系统气动热力学,科学出版社,520千字,2015.









照片 技术职务:研究院






1993~1997 哈尔滨工业大学机电学院,硕士

1997~1999 哈尔滨工业大学机电学院,硕士

2001~2004 香港理工大学机械工程系,博士


2004~2006 香港理工大学 高级研究助理

2006~2009 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 助理研究员

2009~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员/百人计划


Renewable Energy》、《Wind Energy Science》副主编



中国工程热物理学会第七届流体机械分会 副主任委员






1. 大型风电叶片仿生流动控制机理与优化研究,2018-2022,国家自然科学基金重点基金

2. 风电叶片空气动力学,2013-2105,国家自然科学基金**

3. 电场选址风资源多尺度耦合数值模拟评估方法研究,2019-2023,科技部重点研发计划课题

4. 大厚度、钝尾缘、低噪声翼型设计应用技术,2012-2015,科技部863课题

5. 基于中国复杂风资源特点的风力发电关键技术研究,2011-2013,科技部国际合作项目

6. 复杂地形条件下大型风电叶片先进设计技术研究及示范,2018-2023,中科院先导专项课题

7. 大型风电叶片气动控制机理研究,2010-2013,中科院百人计划项目(终期评估优秀)

8. 热带气旋作用下风电场三维紊流强度分析研究,2011-2013,国家自然科学基金面上基金


1. Zhang M.M.*, Cheng L., Zhou Y. Control of poststall airfoil aerodynamics based on surface perturbation. AIAA Journal, 2008, 46:2510-2519.

2. Zhang M.M., Cheng L.*, Zhou Y. Asynchronous control of vortex-induced acoustic cavity resonance using imbedded piezo-electric actuators. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America2009, 126:36-45.

3. Yu W., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2012 Effects of smart rotor control using a deformable trailing edge flap on load reduction under normal and extreme turbulence. Energies, 5(9):3608-3626.

4. Zhang M.M.*, Wang G.F., Xu J.Z. 2013 Aerodynamic control of low-Reynolds number airfoil with leading edge protuberances. AIAA Journal, 51(8):1960-1971.

5. Zhang M.M.*, Yu W., Xu J.Z. 2014 Aerodynamic physics of smart load control for wind turbine due to extreme wind shear. Renewable Energy, 70:204-210.

6. Zhang M.M.*, Liu M.T. 2014 Investigation of the wind resource assessment over 2D continuous rolling hills due to tropical cyclone in the coastal region of southeastern China. Energies, 7:913-933.

7. Zhang M.M.*, Wang G.F., Xu J.Z. 2014 Experimental study of flow separation control on a low-Re airfoil using leading-edge protuberance method. Experiments in Fluids, 55(4):1710-1722.

8. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Parametric study of sizing and placement of deformable trailing edge flap on the blade fatigue load reduction. Renewable Energy, 77:217-226.

9. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Smart load control on large-scale wind turbine blades due to extreme coherent gust with direction change (ECD). Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7(2):023110.

10. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2015 Smart load control of the large-scale offshore turbine blades subject to wake effect. Science Bulletin, 60(19): 1680-1687.

11. Zhang M.M.*, Tan B., Xu J.Z. 2016 Smart fatigue load control on the large-scale turbine blades using different sensing signals. Renewable Energy, 87:111-119.

12. Zhao M., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2017 Numerical simulation of flow characteristics behind the aerodynamic performances on an airfoil with leading edge protuberances. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1):193-209.

13. Zhang M.M.*, Yang H.L., Xu J.Z. 2017 Numerical investigation of azimuth dependent smart rotor control on a large-scale offshore wind turbine. Renewable Energy, 105:248-256.

14. Yu Y., Zhang M.M., Li X.S.* 2017 Numerical investigation of v-shaped riblets and an improved model of riblet effects. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 203-210:1989-1996.

15. Zhao M., Zhang M.M.*, Xu J.Z. 2017 Analysis of flow transition effects on the performances of a wind power heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 123:1318-1326.

16. Zhang M.M.*, Li X., Xu J.Z. 2019 Smart control of fatigue loads on a floating wind turbine with a tension-leg-platform. Renewable Energy, 134:745-756.

17. Cheng Y., Zhang M.M.*, Zhang Z.L., Xu J.Z. 2019 A new analytical model for wind turbine wake based on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Applied Energy, 239:96-106.













照片 技术职务:研究员






1996~2000 抚顺石油学院机械工程系,本科

2000~2003 石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,硕士

2003~2007 中国科学院研究生院,博士


2007~2010 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理研究员

2011~2015 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 副研究员,硕士生导师、实验室副主任

2016~2019 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员,博士生导、实验室副主任

2019~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所 研究员,博士生导师、实验室主任









1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,基于对转激波增压的航空轴流压气机气动布局机理研究(51790513),主持,2018-2022

2. 国防科技基础加强项目,某发动机气热耦合机制与控制技术,主持,2019-2023

3. 中国科学院重点部署项目,某发动机关键技术研究,主持,2015-2019

4. 空装预研项目,某压气机技术研究,主持,2018-2019


1. Shubo Ye, Qingjun Zhao*, Xiaoyong Zhou, Guang Xi,Jianzhong Xu. The impact of circumferential casing grooves on rotating instability in a transonic axial compressor[J]. Proceedings of Institute of Mehanical Engineering, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 233(8): 2868-2893.

2. Shubo Ye, Qingjun Zhao*, Weiwei Cui, Guang Xi, Jianzhong Xu. An improved model for tip clearance loss in transonic axial compressors[J]. Proceedings of Institute of Mehanical Engineering, PartA: Journal of Power and Energy,2018,232(4):295-314.

3. Zhiyuan Liu, Weiwei Luo, Qingjun Zhao*, Wei Zhao, Jianzhong Xu. Preliminary design and model assessment of a Supercritical CO2 compressor[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(4): 595.

4. Xiaoyong Zhou, Qingjun Zhao*, Weiwei Cui, Jianzhong Xu. Investigation on axial effect of slot casing treatment in a transonic compressor[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126(5): 53-69.

5. Zhengqian Xu, Qingjun Zhao*, Qizhao Lin, Jianzhong Xu. A hybrid Hermite-WENO/Slope limiter for reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin methods on unstructured grids[J]. Computers and Fluids, 2017,145(2):85-98.

6. Weiwei Cui, Qingjun Zhao*, Xiaorong Xiang, jianzhong Xu. The effect of sweep on flowfields of a highly loaded transonic rotor[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016, l58:71–81.

7. Xiaoyong Zhou, Qingjun Zhao*, Xiaorong Xiang, Weiwei Cui. Investigation of groove casing treatment in a transonic compressor at different speeds with control volume method[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 230(13): 2392-2408.

8. Bin Hu, Qingjun Zhao*, Jianzhong Xu. Predicting lean blowout limit of combustors based on semi-empirical correlation and simulation[J]. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2015, 32(1): 108-120.

9. Zhenqian Xu, Qingjun Zhao*, Qizhao Lin, Jianzhong Xu. Large eddy simulation on the effect of free-stream turbulence on bypass transition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2015, 54: 131-142.

10. Xiaolei Sun, Shihao Yang, Qingjun Zhao*. Shock loss model and blade profile optimization design of a supersonic cascade[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, 229(7): 1325–1329.

11. Binbin Zhang, Qingjun Zhao*, Xiaorong Xiang, Jianzhong Xu. An improved micro-vortex generator in Supersonic Flows[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 47: 210-215.

12. Qingjun Zhao*, Xiaoyong Zhou, Xiaorong Xiang. Multi-objective optimization of groove casing treatment in a transonic compressor[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A:Journal of Power and Energy, 2014,228(6):626-637.









照片 技术职务:教授






2001/9~2005/7 西北工业大学动力与能源学院,本科

2005/9~2010/6 西北工业大学动力与能源学院,博士

2007/9~2010/6 加拿大卡尔顿大学机械与航空学院,联合培养博士


2010/6~2012/7 加拿大国家科学院航空航天研究所燃气轮机实验室,助理研究员

2012/7~2014/7 加拿大国家科学,航空航天研究所燃气轮机实验室,副研究员

2014/7~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所轻型动力实验室,研究员






1. 中组部第六批国家**青年项目入选者,2015年,工程与材料,主持;

2. 工信部民机专项,MJZ-2016-D-38,低压涡轮低雷诺数效应模化技术及高空实验验证,2017.01~2019.121940万,主持;

3. 工信部两机专项,2017-II-0009,压缩系统叶片气动弹性机理及其预测和抑制方法,子课题四:颤振机理与抑制专题,2018.01~2021.121130万,主持;

4. 工信部民机专项,GTF发动机低压涡轮设计与验证,子课题二:GTF发动机低压涡轮高效叶型、叶冠与封严结构气动设计研究,2018.01-2021.12,300万,主持;

5. ZZH探索重大项目,涡轮后支板与波瓣混合器一体化紧凑设计,2014.9~2017.122015年,430万主持;

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51876202,尾迹扫掠下高负荷低压涡轮端区复杂流动机理及其调控研究,2019.01~2022.1260万,主持;

7. 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所(608所)横向项目,高效涡轮三维特征优化技术应用及验证,2018/01-2019/12654万,主持


1. Zhang, Y. J, Dong, X., Zhang, Y. F. *, Flow control of hub corner stall in a highly loaded axial compressor cascade, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 78 (2019) 108434.

2. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Unsteady Wakes–Secondary Flow Interactions in a High-Lift LPT Cascade, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2019.

3. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Effect of Periodic Wakes and a Contoured Endwall on Secondary Flow in a High-Lift Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade at Low Reynolds Numbers, Computers and Fluids 190 (2019) 1–14.

4. Zhang, Yingjie, Lu, Xingen, Zhang, Yanfeng, Han Ge, Zhu, Junqiang, Parametric Study of Slotted Diffuser Effects on a Highly Loaded Centrifugal Compressor, Proc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0957650918824013.

5. Zhang, Y. F., Hu, S. Z., Mahallati, A., Zhang, X. F. *, and Vlasic, E., Effects of Area Ratio and Mean Rise Angle on the Aerodynamics of Inter-Turbine Ducts, Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018; 140(9):091006-091006-11.

6. Qu Xiao, Zhang Yanfeng*, Lu Xingen, Zhu Junqiang, Effects of Periodic Wakes on the Endwall Secondary Flow in High-lift Low-pressure Turbine Cascades at Low Reynolds Numbers, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2017, 233(1): 095441001773144.

7. Lu Xingen, Zhang Yanfeng*, Zhu Junqiang, Effects of Periodic Wakes on Boundary Layer Development on an Ultra-high-lift Low Pressure Turbine AirfoilProc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2016, 231(1): 25-38.

8. Zhang Yanfeng, Lu Xingen*, Lei Zhijun, Zhu Junqiang, Parametric Studying of Low-Profile Vortex Generators Flow Control in an Aggressive Inter-Turbine DuctProc. IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy, 2015, 229(8): 849-861.

9. Zhang, Y.F., Hu, S.Z., Zhang, X.F.*, and Vlasic, E., Flow Control in an Aggressive Inter-Turbine Duct Using Low Profile Vortex Generators, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,2015, 136(11), 112604-112604-8.















1997~2001 西安交通大学能动学院,本科

2001~2006 中国科学院研究生院,博士


2001~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员




  1. 燃气轮机高效清洁柔和燃烧机理及燃烧室基础研究 2014 -2018 国家973计划青年科学家专题

  2. F级中低热值燃料燃气轮机燃烧室和总体研究 2009 -2014 国家863重大项目课题

  3. 中低热值燃料R0110燃气轮机燃烧室研发 2009 - 2014 国家863重大项目课题

  4. 合成气低氧稀释燃烧的机理研究 2009 - 2011 国家自然科学基金青年项目

  5. 低污染合成气燃气轮机改造技术 2006 - 2012 国家863重大项目课题


1. Experimental and numerical studies of pressure effects on syngas combustor emissions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 102: 318-328, 2016.

2. Effect of Air Preheat Temperature on the MILD Combustion of Syngas. Energy Conversion and Management. Vol.86:pp. 356-364, 2014.

3. Experimental and numerical studies of pressure effects on syngas combustor liner temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering. 82: 30-38, 2015.

4. Coal-derived Syngas MILD Combustion in Parallel Jet Forward Flow Combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol.71(1): 161-168, 2014.

5. Effect of Fuel Injection Velocity on Syngas MILD Combustion Characteristics in Axially-staged Combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol.66(1-2): 485-492, 2014.

6. MILD Combustion for Hydrogen and Syngas at Elevated Pressures. Journal of Thermal Science. Vol.23(01): pp. 96-102, 2014.

7. Effect of air/fuel nozzle arrangement on the MILD combustion of syngas. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 87:pp. 200-208, 2015.










1999~2003 中南大学,本科

2003~2008 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,博士


2008~2011 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,助理研究员

2012~2016 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,副研究员

2017~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,正高级工程师

2020~至今 中国科学院工程热物理研究所,循环流化床实验室副主任









  1. 中国科学院弘光专项:循环流化床煤气化技术产业化. 2017.06~2022.06,4000万元,执行负责人;

  2. 横向合作项目:循环流化床加压煤气化技术合作开发. 2016.06~2021.06, 3000万元,负责人;

  3. 横向合作项目:江西高安16×62000Nm3/h循环流化床煤气化项目. 2018.12~2020.12, 1380万元,负责人;

  4. 横向合作项目:新疆宜化3×40000Nm3/h循环流化床煤气化项目. 2018.12~2020.12, 270万元,负责人;

  5. 横向合作项目:多种燃料循环流化床富氧气化特性试验研究及技术包开发. 2017.05~2018.01, 300万元,负责人;

  6. 横向合作项目:多种燃料循环流化床纯氧气化特性试验研究及技术包开发. 2017.05~2018.01, 300万元,负责人;

  7. 中国科学院先导专项:中低阶煤反应调控与高温脱灰分离技术. 2013.01~2015.12, 864万元,负责人;

  8. 中国科学院先导专项:240t/d固体热载体粉煤低温热解技术. 2016.01~2016.12, 565万元,负责人;

  9. 修购专项:多种燃料富氧加压试验平台. 2014.01~2014.12, 870万元,负责人;

  10. 横向合作项目:流化床气化炉合作开发. 2012.12~2019.04, 410万元,负责人


  1. Zhen Chai, Zhiping Zhu, Xiaofang Wang, Kun Wang. Sulfur conversions during coal char gasification with a two-stage air supply in a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed gasifier. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 2019; 42(4): 421-431.

  2. Chaoyang Deng, Weijian Song, Zhen Chai, Shuai Guo, Zhiping Zhu. Characteristics of Tar Thermal Cracking and Catalytic Conversion during Circulating Fluidized Bed Char Gasification. Energy Fuels, 2020, 34, 1, 142-149

  3. Shenxian Xian, Haixia Zhang, Zhen Chai, Zhiping Zhu. Release characteristics of gaseous products during CO2 gasification of char. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2019.

  4. Shenxian xian , Haixia Zhang, Zhen Chai, Denghao Jiang, Zhiping Zhu. The release behavior of sulfur during fluidized bed gasification. Journal of Thermal Science2019.

  5. Shengxian Xian;Yanqi Fan;Haixia Zhang;Zhen Chai;Zhiping Zhu. Effects of temperature and limestone on sulfur release behaviors during fluidized bed gasification. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2020, 93(5): 2074-2083

  6. Jiapeng Liu, Zhiping Zhu, Haibo Jiang, etc. Gasification of Bituminous Coal in a Dual-Bed System at Different Air/Coal ratios . Energy&Fuels, 2015, 29 (2): 496-500.

  7. Dongmei Fan, Zhiping Zhu, Yongjie Na, etc. Thermogravimetric analysis of gasification reactivity of coal chars with steam and CO2 at moderate temperatures [J]. J Therm Anal Calorim, 2013, 113:599-607.

  8. Haibo Jiang, Pengfei Dong, Zhu Zhiping, etc. Pneumatic Jet-control Valve for Dual Circulating Fluidized Beds . Journal of Thermal Science, 2015, 24(6): 574-582.

  9. H.X. Zhang, Z.P Zhu, Q. Dong, etc. Structural properties and gasification reactivity of Shenmu fly ash obtained from a 5t/d circulating fluidized bed gasifier. Procedia Engineering. 2015, 102: 1104-1111.

  10. Wang X, Wang K, Yu K, Lu Q, Zhu Z. Experimental study of pilot-scale CFB gasification: Effect of gasifying agent and coal feeding modes on the gasification performance. Fuel, 2019, 251:603-610.





